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let ciImage = CIImage(cgImage: photo)
let options = [CIDetectorAccuracy: CIDetectorAccuracyHigh]
let faceDetector = CIDetector(ofType: CIDetectorTypeFace, context: nil, options: options)!
let faces = faceDetector.features(in: ciImage)
if let face = faces.first as? CIFaceFeature {
获取 leftEyePosition、rightEyePosition 和 faceAngle 值。 (CIFaceFeature 的所有部分)
使用蒙版的原始尺寸以及到其中一只眼睛中心的 x 和 y 距离创建常量。
根据眼睛的距离,您可以按比例计算 mask 的新宽度。
这应该会给你一个尺寸合适的 mask 。还以相同的方式计算到面具的一只眼睛的中心的新 x 和 y 距离。
使用 faceAngle 值旋转蒙版。
更新,我已经尝试过我的解决方案。这是一个简单的 iOS 单屏应用程序,只需将代码复制到 ViewController.swift 文件中,将您的蒙版作为 png 和一张人脸照片作为 photo.jpg 添加到项目中,它应该可以工作。
如果您想尝试,这里有一个指向您的 png 照片的链接:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
func imageMethod() {
let uiMaskImage = UIImage(named: "QPTF1.png") //converted to png with transperancy before adding to the project
let maskOriginalWidth = CGFloat(exactly: 655.0)!
let maskOriginalHeight = CGFloat(exactly: 364.0)!
let maskOriginalEyeDistance = CGFloat(exactly: 230.0)! //increase or decrease value to change the final size of the mask
let maskOriginalLeftEyePossitionX = CGFloat(exactly: 203.0)! //increase or decrease to fine tune mask possition on x axis
let maskOriginalLeftEyePossitionY = CGFloat(exactly: 200.0)! //increase or decrease to fine tune mask possition on y axis
//This code assumes the image AND face orientation is always matching the same orientation!
//The code needs to be adjusted for other cases using UIImage.Orientation to get the orientation and adjusts the coordinates accordingly.
//CIDetector might also not detect faces which don't have the same orientation as the photo. Try to use CIDetectorImageOrientation to look for other orientations of no face has been detected.
//Also you might want to use other orientation points and scale values (right eye, nose etc.) in case the left eye, and left to right eye distance is not available.
//Also this code is very wordy, pretty sure it can be cut down to half the size and made simpler on many places.
let uiImageFace = UIImage(named: "photo.jpg")
let ciImageFace = CIImage(image: uiImageFace!)
let options = [CIDetectorAccuracy: CIDetectorAccuracyHigh]
let faceDetector = CIDetector(ofType: CIDetectorTypeFace, context: nil, options: options)!
let faces = faceDetector.features(in: ciImageFace!)
if let face = faces.first as? CIFaceFeature {
Getting the distances and angle based on the original photo
let faceAngle = face.faceAngle
let rotationAngle = CGFloat(faceAngle * .pi / 180.0)
//The distance in between the eyes of the original photo.
let originalFaceEyeDistance = CGPointDistance(from: face.leftEyePosition, to: face.rightEyePosition)
Adjusting the mask and its eye coordinates to fit the original photo.
//Setting the scale mask : original.
let eyeDistanceScale = maskOriginalEyeDistance / originalFaceEyeDistance
//The new dimensions of the mask.
let newMaskWidth = maskOriginalWidth/eyeDistanceScale
let newMaskHeight = maskOriginalHeight/eyeDistanceScale
//The new mask coordinates of the left eye in relation to the original photo.
let newMaskLeftEyePossitionX = maskOriginalLeftEyePossitionX / eyeDistanceScale
let newMaskLeftEyePossitionY = maskOriginalLeftEyePossitionY / eyeDistanceScale
Adjusting the size values to fit the desired final size on the screen.
//Using the width of the screen to calculate the new scale.
let screenScale = uiImageFace!.size.width / view.frame.width
//The new final dimensions of the mask
let scaledToScreenMaskWidth = newMaskWidth / screenScale
let scaledToScreenMaskHeight = newMaskHeight / screenScale
//The new final dimensions of the photo.
let scaledToScreenPhotoHeight = uiImageFace!.size.height / screenScale
let scaledToScreenPhotoWidth = uiImageFace!.size.width / screenScale
//The new eye coordinates of the photo.
let scaledToScreenLeftEyeFacePositionX = face.leftEyePosition.x / screenScale
let scaledToScreenLeftEyeFacePositionY = (uiImageFace!.size.height - face.leftEyePosition.y) / screenScale //reversing the y direction
//The new eye to corner distance of the mask
let scaledToScreenMaskLeftEyeX = newMaskLeftEyePossitionX / screenScale
let scaledToScreenMaskLeftEyeY = newMaskLeftEyePossitionY / screenScale
//The final coordinates for the mask
let adjustedMaskLeftEyeX = scaledToScreenLeftEyeFacePositionX - scaledToScreenMaskLeftEyeX
let adjustedMaskLeftEyeY = scaledToScreenLeftEyeFacePositionY - scaledToScreenMaskLeftEyeY
Showing the image on the screen.
let baseImageView = UIImageView(image: uiImageFace!)
//If x and y is not 0, the mask x and y need to be adjusted too.
baseImageView.frame = CGRect(x: CGFloat(exactly: 0.0)!, y: CGFloat(exactly: 0.0)!, width: scaledToScreenPhotoWidth, height: scaledToScreenPhotoHeight)
let maskImageView = UIImageView(image: uiMaskImage!)
maskImageView.frame = CGRect(x: adjustedMaskLeftEyeX, y: adjustedMaskLeftEyeY, width: scaledToScreenMaskWidth, height: scaledToScreenMaskHeight)
maskImageView.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: rotationAngle)
func CGPointDistanceSquared(from: CGPoint, to: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
return (from.x - to.x) * (from.x - to.x) + (from.y - to.y) * (from.y - to.y)
func CGPointDistance(from: CGPoint, to: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
return sqrt(CGPointDistanceSquared(from: from, to: to))
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
func imageMethod() {
struct coords {
let coord: (x: Int, y: Int)
let size: Int
let uiMaskImage = UIImage(named: "QPTF1.png") //converted to png with transperancy before adding to the project
let uiMaskImage2 = UIImage(named: "QPTF1.png")
let ciMaskImage2 = CIImage(image: uiMaskImage2!)
let context = CIContext(options: nil)
let cgMaskImage = context.createCGImage(ciMaskImage2!, from: ciMaskImage2!.extent)
let pixelData = cgMaskImage!.dataProvider!.data
let data: UnsafePointer<UInt8> = CFDataGetBytePtr(pixelData)
let alphaLevel: CGFloat = 0.0 //0.0 - 1.0 set higher to allow images with partially transparent eyes, like sunglasses.
var possibleEyes: [coords] = []
let frame = 10
var detailLevel = 6
let sizeX = Int((uiMaskImage?.size.width)!)
let sizeY = Int((uiMaskImage?.size.height)!)
var points: [(x: Int, y: Int)] = []
var pointA_X = sizeX / 4
var pointA_Y = sizeY / 4
var pointB_X = sizeX / 4
var pointB_Y = sizeY * 3 / 4
var pointC_X = sizeX * 3 / 4
var pointC_Y = sizeY / 4
var pointD_X = sizeX * 3 / 4
var pointD_Y = sizeY * 3 / 4
var nextXsmaller = pointA_X / 2
var nextYsmaller = pointA_Y / 2
points.append((x: pointA_X, y: pointA_Y))
points.append((x: pointB_X, y: pointB_Y))
points.append((x: pointC_X, y: pointC_Y))
points.append((x: pointD_X, y: pointD_Y))
func transparentArea(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> Bool {
let pos = CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
let pixelInfo: Int = ((Int(uiMaskImage2!.size.width) * Int(pos.y)) + Int(pos.x)) * 4
let a = CGFloat(data[pixelInfo+3]) / CGFloat(255.0)
if a <= alphaLevel {
return true
} else {
return false
func createPoints(point: (x: Int, y: Int)) {
pointA_X = point.x - nextXsmaller
pointA_Y = point.y - nextYsmaller
pointB_X = point.x - nextXsmaller
pointB_Y = point.y + nextYsmaller
pointC_X = point.x + nextXsmaller
pointC_Y = point.y - nextYsmaller
pointD_X = point.x + nextXsmaller
pointD_Y = point.y + nextYsmaller
points.append((x: pointA_X, y: pointA_Y))
points.append((x: pointB_X, y: pointB_Y))
points.append((x: pointC_X, y: pointC_Y))
points.append((x: pointD_X, y: pointD_Y))
func checkSides(point: (x: Int, y: Int)) {
var xNeg = (val: 0, end: false)
var xPos = (val: 0, end: false)
var yNeg = (val: 0, end: false)
var yPos = (val: 0, end: false)
if transparentArea(point.x, point.y) {
xNeg.val = point.x
xPos.val = point.x
yNeg.val = point.y
yPos.val = point.y
while true {
if transparentArea(xNeg.val, point.y) {
xNeg.val -= 1
if xNeg.val <= frame {
} else {
xNeg.end = true
if transparentArea(xPos.val, point.y) {
xPos.val += 1
if xPos.val >= sizeX-frame {
} else {
xPos.end = true
if transparentArea(point.x, yNeg.val) {
yNeg.val -= 1
if yNeg.val <= frame {
} else {
yNeg.end = true
if transparentArea(point.x, yPos.val) {
yPos.val += 1
if yPos.val >= sizeY-frame {
} else {
yPos.end = true
if xNeg.end && xPos.end && yNeg.end && yPos.end {
let newEyes = coords(coord: (point.x, point.y), size: (xPos.val - xNeg.val) * (yPos.val - yNeg.val) )
while detailLevel > 0 {
print("Run: \(detailLevel)")
for (index, point) in points.enumerated().reversed() {
//checking if the point is inside of an transparent area
checkSides(point: point)
points.remove(at: index)
if detailLevel > 1 {
createPoints(point: point)
detailLevel -= 1
nextXsmaller = nextXsmaller / 2
nextYsmaller = nextYsmaller / 2
possibleEyes.sort { $0.coord.x > $1.coord.x }
var rightEyes = possibleEyes[0...possibleEyes.count/2]
var leftEyes = possibleEyes[possibleEyes.count/2..<possibleEyes.count]
leftEyes.sort { $0.size > $1.size }
rightEyes.sort { $0.size > $1.size }
leftEyes = leftEyes.dropLast(Int(Double(leftEyes.count) * 0.01))
rightEyes = rightEyes.dropLast(Int(Double(leftEyes.count) * 0.01))
let sumXleft = ( leftEyes.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.coord.x} ) / leftEyes.count
let sumYleft = ( leftEyes.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.coord.y} ) / leftEyes.count
let sumXright = ( rightEyes.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.coord.x} ) / rightEyes.count
let sumYright = ( rightEyes.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.coord.y} ) / rightEyes.count
let maskOriginalWidth = CGFloat(exactly: sizeX)!
let maskOriginalHeight = CGFloat(exactly: sizeY)!
let maskOriginalLeftEyePossitionX = CGFloat(exactly: sumXleft)!
let maskOriginalLeftEyePossitionY = CGFloat(exactly: sumYleft)!
let maskOriginalEyeDistance = CGPointDistance(from: CGPoint(x: sumXright, y: sumYright), to: CGPoint(x: sumXleft, y: sumYleft))
//This code assumes the image AND face orientation is always matching the same orientation!
//The code needs to be adjusted for other cases using UIImage.Orientation to get the orientation and adjusts the coordinates accordingly.
//CIDetector might also not detect faces which don't have the same orientation as the photo. Try to use CIDetectorImageOrientation to look for other orientations of no face has been detected.
//Also you might want to use other orientation points and scale values (right eye, nose etc.) in case the left eye, and left to right eye distance is not available.
//Also this code is very wordy, pretty sure it can be cut down to half the size and made simpler on many places.
let uiImageFace = UIImage(named: "photo3.jpg")
let ciImageFace = CIImage(image: uiImageFace!)
let options = [CIDetectorAccuracy: CIDetectorAccuracyHigh]
let faceDetector = CIDetector(ofType: CIDetectorTypeFace, context: nil, options: options)!
let faces = faceDetector.features(in: ciImageFace!)
if let face = faces.first as? CIFaceFeature {
Getting the distances and angle based on the original photo
let faceAngle = face.faceAngle
let rotationAngle = CGFloat(faceAngle * .pi / 180.0)
//The distance in between the eyes of the original photo.
let originalFaceEyeDistance = CGPointDistance(from: face.leftEyePosition, to: face.rightEyePosition)
Adjusting the mask and its eye coordinates to fit the original photo.
//Setting the scale mask : original.
let eyeDistanceScale = maskOriginalEyeDistance / originalFaceEyeDistance
//The new dimensions of the mask.
let newMaskWidth = maskOriginalWidth/eyeDistanceScale
let newMaskHeight = maskOriginalHeight/eyeDistanceScale
//The new mask coordinates of the left eye in relation to the original photo.
let newMaskLeftEyePossitionX = maskOriginalLeftEyePossitionX / eyeDistanceScale
let newMaskLeftEyePossitionY = maskOriginalLeftEyePossitionY / eyeDistanceScale
Adjusting the size values to fit the desired final size on the screen.
//Using the width of the screen to calculate the new scale.
let screenScale = uiImageFace!.size.width / view.frame.width
//The new final dimensions of the mask
let scaledToScreenMaskWidth = newMaskWidth / screenScale
let scaledToScreenMaskHeight = newMaskHeight / screenScale
//The new final dimensions of the photo.
let scaledToScreenPhotoHeight = uiImageFace!.size.height / screenScale
let scaledToScreenPhotoWidth = uiImageFace!.size.width / screenScale
//The new eye coordinates of the photo.
let scaledToScreenLeftEyeFacePositionX = face.leftEyePosition.x / screenScale
let scaledToScreenLeftEyeFacePositionY = (uiImageFace!.size.height - face.leftEyePosition.y) / screenScale //reversing the y direction
//The new eye to corner distance of the mask
let scaledToScreenMaskLeftEyeX = newMaskLeftEyePossitionX / screenScale
let scaledToScreenMaskLeftEyeY = newMaskLeftEyePossitionY / screenScale
//The final coordinates for the mask
let adjustedMaskLeftEyeX = scaledToScreenLeftEyeFacePositionX - scaledToScreenMaskLeftEyeX
let adjustedMaskLeftEyeY = scaledToScreenLeftEyeFacePositionY - scaledToScreenMaskLeftEyeY
Showing the image on the screen.
let baseImageView = UIImageView(image: uiImageFace!)
//If x and y is not 0, the mask x and y need to be adjusted too.
baseImageView.frame = CGRect(x: CGFloat(exactly: 0.0)!, y: CGFloat(exactly: 0.0)!, width: scaledToScreenPhotoWidth, height: scaledToScreenPhotoHeight)
let maskImageView = UIImageView(image: uiMaskImage!)
maskImageView.frame = CGRect(x: adjustedMaskLeftEyeX, y: adjustedMaskLeftEyeY, width: scaledToScreenMaskWidth, height: scaledToScreenMaskHeight)
maskImageView.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: rotationAngle)
func CGPointDistanceSquared(from: CGPoint, to: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
return (from.x - to.x) * (from.x - to.x) + (from.y - to.y) * (from.y - to.y)
func CGPointDistance(from: CGPoint, to: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
return sqrt(CGPointDistanceSquared(from: from, to: to))
关于Swift - 为包含人脸的照片添加狂欢节面具,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61688322/
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