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app-store - Apple : Enterprise Account, 但部署到 App Store?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 09:20:16 25 4
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我被要求为一家拥有 Apple 企业帐户的公司构建一个应用程序。该应用程序必须转到 iTunes。

在创建分发配置文件时,我可以选择“ 内部”或“ Ad Hoc ”没有“ App Store ”选项

这家公司如何分发到App Store?


enter image description here


根据 this Enterprise FAQ page on Apple ,您不能使用企业帐户在 App Store 上分发。该公司还必须获得一个“常规”iOS 开发者帐户:

I am enrolled in the iOS Developer Enterprise Program. Can I distribute my applications on the App Store?

The ability to distribute applications on the App Store is available to developers who enroll in the iOS Developer Program as an Individual or a Company. The iOS Developer Enterprise Program only allows you to distribute your applications to employees or members of your organization through Ad Hoc distribution. If your company is enrolled in the Enterprise Program but would also like to distribute your application(s) to customers via the App Store, you will need to enroll in the iOS Developer Program as an Individual or as a Company.

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