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dart - Dart 中的错误与异常

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 09:08:27 28 4
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为什么 Dart 中有错误和异常而不是错误或异常?


我可以抛出错误,我可以抛出异常。分析器不会像在 Java 中那样检查它们中的任何一个(异常与运行时异常)


来自 this post ,引用 Bob Nystrom 的话:

Error and its subclasses are for programmatic errors. If one of those occurs, your code is bad and you should fix your code.

Non-Error exception classes are for runtime errors. Sometimes you can prevent them from being thrown, but often you cannot.

Except in a few special circumstances, idiomatic Dart should throw Errors, but never catch them. They exists specifically to not be caught so that they take down the app and alert the programmer to the location of the bug.

换句话说,您应该期待(并检查)异常(您应该处理它们)。如果您收到错误消息,那么您需要检查您是如何使用引发错误的 API - 您可能使用错误。

如果您正在编写 API,那么您应该使用相同的模式。错误是向下游开发人员发送的关于他们如何使用您的 API 的消息。

关于dart - Dart 中的错误与异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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