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r - 监视 R 中的内存使用情况

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 07:51:17 28 4
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是否可以监视 R 正在使用或已用于调用函数的内存量?例如,我有一个任意函数,例如: <- function(){
A <- matrix(rnorm(1e6), 1e3);
mysvd <- svd(A);
return(tail(mysvd$d, 1));

system.time(x <-




R 提供内存分析支持,见 Section 3.3 of the Writing R Extensions manual :

3.3 Profiling R code for memory use

Measuring memory use in R code is useful either when the code takes more memory than is conveniently available or when memory allocation and copying of objects is responsible for slow code. There are three ways to profile memory use over time in R code. All three require R to have been compiled with `--enable-memory-profiling', which is not the default, but is currently used for the Mac OS X and Windows binary distributions. All can be misleading, for different reasons.

In understanding the memory profiles it is useful to know a little more about R's memory allocation. Looking at the results of `gc()' shows a division of memory into `Vcells' used to store the contents of vectors and `Ncells' used to store everything else, including all the administrative overhead for vectors such as type and length information. In fact the vector contents are divided into two pools. Memory for small vectors (by default 128 bytes or less) is obtained in large chunks and then parcelled out by R; memory for larger vectors is obtained directly from the operating system.


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