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c# - Visual Studio 17.8,我没有看到 .NET 8.0 作为 Blazor Server 项目模板的选项

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 07:49:50 27 4
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我已安装 Visual Studio 17.8,但没有看到 .NET 8.0 作为 Blazor Server 的选项。我确实将其视为 Blazor Web App 的一个选项。我无法理解这种行为,安装了它,卸载了它,修复了它。但 Blazor Server 项目模板上仍然没有 .NET 8。




.NET 8 中没有 Blazor Server 模板

引自Github issue

There is no Blazor Server template in .NET 8.0. It's been subsumed/unified into the Blazor Web template. You should be able to get the same Blazor Server experience if you select Blazor Web + Server components.

release notes中也提到了

As part of unifying the various Blazor hosting models into a single model in .NET 8, we’re also consolidating the number of Blazor project templates. In this preview release we’ve removed the Blazor Server template and the “ASP.NET Core hosted” option from the Blazor WebAssembly template. Both of these scenarios will be represented by options when using the new Blazor Web App template.

关于c# - Visual Studio 17.8,我没有看到 .NET 8.0 作为 Blazor Server 项目模板的选项,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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