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Country/Region 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 GDP per Capita
Albania 3.9 4.5 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.9 5.2 6.2 7.5 7.6 6.4 6.7 7.3 7.6 7.2 7.2 7.5 7.6 7.2 6.3 4.4 2.8 2.3 2.3 1.9 1.9 1.4 1.7 3.0 3.1 3.3 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.1 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.5 3.8 . 5,626
Austria 48.7 50.5 54.0 51.3 50.2 54.3 51.8 54.5 57.2 55.7 52.8 51.0 51.1 52.9 54.3 53.2 54.2 52.1 52.5 56.4 60.6 55.7 56.0 56.2 59.4 63.1 62.4 62.9 61.4 61.7 65.9 67.4 72.6 73.7 74.6 72.5 70.0 70.6 63.5 69.3 56,259
Belarus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 124.5 119.4 98.8 82.9 70.2 61.4 62.7 61.8 59.3 57.6 58.7 57.8 59.2 60.7 63.0 62.1 66.2 64.0 64.5 62.3 65.3 6,575
Belgium 116.8 126.7 132.7 130.6 115.6 124.5 123.5 129.0 132.3 125.7 115.5 109.3 100.6 102.6 101.9 102.6 102.8 104.6 105.9 107.9 113.3 112.3 109.8 115.5 115.2 121.3 118.5 120.9 117.4 118.6 119.1 111.9 119.5 116.5 112.6 109.6 105.6 111.0 100.7 106.4 51,237
Bosnia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.7 21.2 15.6 13.1 3.0 3.2 4.1 8.3 10.5 10.2 13.5 13.3 14.0 14.3 15.0 15.6 17.2 18.2 19.9 19.4 19.9 6,140
Bulgaria 62.8 64.8 66.6 67.7 72.2 72.1 74.8 77.9 81.1 83.8 79.9 81.5 80.2 78.3 81.1 82.1 83.1 82.1 81.4 74.8 56.4 54.1 55.1 52.5 53.2 53.8 50.9 48.7 42.8 42.1 44.8 42.0 46.3 45.4 45.9 47.3 50.4 49.0 42.2 43.8 9,811
Croatia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.6 15.7 15.2 15.8 15.0 15.8 15.6 17.3 18.4 18.3 17.7 18.6 19.6 21.0 20.4 20.8 20.8 22.1 21.0 19.8 19.0 15,533
Cyprus 1.8 2.2 2.3 1.8 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 3.1 3.6 3.6 3.8 3.8 4.4 4.7 4.9 5.3 5.2 5.5 5.7 5.8 6.0 6.3 6.2 6.3 7.0 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.3 7.6 7.5 7.2 30,521
Czech Republic 151.0 150.0 147.1 146.3 152.6 157.4 166.9 163.0 172.5 165.8 166.5 169.3 170.5 173.1 173.1 173.1 174.2 170.8 163.5 155.1 140.9 131.4 126.7 120.2 123.7 125.6 124.0 117.6 110.9 121.9 121.4 117.2 120.7 121.8 119.6 120.7 122.0 117.3 110.1 114.5 26,114
Denmark 55.0 57.1 56.0 49.8 52.5 58.1 59.7 59.2 62.7 62.5 52.5 54.6 51.3 52.9 60.5 61.1 59.3 55.5 49.8 50.4 60.5 54.8 57.1 61.0 58.0 71.2 61.6 57.7 54.6 50.6 52.2 51.9 57.1 51.6 48.3 56.0 51.4 48.4 46.7 47.0 66,196
Estonia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36.1 32.1 23.5 18.0 17.8 16.1 17.0 16.5 16.0 14.9 14.6 15.1 14.6 16.6 16.7 16.9 15.5 19.3 17.7 14.7 18.5 25,260
Finland 39.8 43.7 48.0 44.5 44.4 50.5 50.2 54.7 54.4 55.2 46.0 44.5 43.2 44.4 48.6 49.5 53.8 53.1 52.9 54.4 55.9 53.7 54.8 61.4 56.0 62.2 60.1 56.8 56.1 55.1 60.3 63.0 70.8 67.2 55.2 66.8 65.0 57.0 55.0 62.9 54,869
France 431.9 448.6 484.8 464.6 430.6 469.3 455.3 474.7 481.8 461.4 414.1 396.7 381.0 369.5 360.3 347.8 342.3 340.5 355.9 352.3 379.6 368.0 348.9 344.4 353.8 368.6 361.7 385.3 377.7 376.9 383.8 375.9 385.2 385.4 388.4 379.6 373.1 370.2 351.4 357.8 46,493
Germany 978.6 1003.2 1053.1 1028.5 975.5 1032.2 1017.2 1055.9 1103.6 1055.6 1022.3 982.3 983.9 1006.1 1014.6 1016.3 1007.2 1001.2 976.8 949.7 924.8 886.5 879.9 868.5 867.8 896.5 865.8 858.9 826.9 825.0 843.3 830.7 839.8 840.8 809.0 820.9 796.3 800.1 747.1 761.6 53,276
ggplot(europe.gdp, aes(europe.gdp$`GDP per capita`, europe.gdp$CO2.per.capita, size = europe.gdp$CO2.per.capita, color = europe.gdp$`Country/Region`)) +geom_point() +scale_x_log10() +theme_bw() +labs(title = 'Year: {frame_time}', x = 'GDP per capita', y = 'CO2 emissions/ tonnes per capita') +transition_time('Year: {frame_time}) +ease_aes('linear')
no non-missing arguments to min; returning Infno non-missing arguments to max; returning -InfError in seq.default(range[1], range[2], length.out = nframes) :
'from' must be a finite number
这意味着不是按年份列出 CO2 列,而是有一个国家/地区列、一个 CO2 列和一个 GDP 列。国家和 GDP 将每年重复一次。我们可以使用 dplyr 和 tidyr 包来做到这一点:
df <- europe.gdp %>%
group_by(`Country/Region`) %>%
gather(key = "Year", value = "CO2",
-`Country/Region`, -`GDP per Capita`, -CO2.per.capita) %>%
df$GDP <- rep(europe.gdp$`GDP per Capita`, 40)
df$Year <- as.numeric(df$Year)
ggplot(data = df,
aes(x = GDP,
y = CO2,
size = CO2,
color = `Country/Region`)) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_log10() +
theme_bw() +
labs(title = 'Year: {frame_time}',
x = 'GDP per capita',
y = 'CO2 emissions/ tonnes per capita') +
transition_time(Year) + ease_aes('linear')
europe.gdp <- structure(list(`Country/Region` = c("Albania", "Austria", "Belarus",
"Belgium", "Bosnia", "Bulgaria", "Croatia", "Cyprus", "Czech Republic",
"Denmark", "Estonia", "Finland", "France", "Germany"), `1971` = c(3.9,
48.7, 0, 116.8, 0, 62.8, 0, 1.8, 151, 55, 0, 39.8, 431.9, 978.6
), `1972` = c(4.5, 50.5, 0, 126.7, 0, 64.8, 0, 2.2, 150, 57.1,
0, 43.7, 448.6, 1003.2), `1973` = c(3.9, 54, 0, 132.7, 0, 66.6,
0, 2.3, 147.1, 56, 0, 48, 484.8, 1053.1), `1974` = c(4.2, 51.3,
0, 130.6, 0, 67.7, 0, 1.8, 146.3, 49.8, 0, 44.5, 464.6, 1028.5
), `1975` = c(4.5, 50.2, 0, 115.6, 0, 72.2, 0, 1.7, 152.6, 52.5,
0, 44.4, 430.6, 975.5), `1976` = c(4.9, 54.3, 0, 124.5, 0, 72.1,
0, 2, 157.4, 58.1, 0, 50.5, 469.3, 1032.2), `1977` = c(5.2, 51.8,
0, 123.5, 0, 74.8, 0, 2.1, 166.9, 59.7, 0, 50.2, 455.3, 1017.2
), `1978` = c(6.2, 54.5, 0, 129, 0, 77.9, 0, 2.3, 163, 59.2,
0, 54.7, 474.7, 1055.9), `1979` = c(7.5, 57.2, 0, 132.3, 0, 81.1,
0, 2.5, 172.5, 62.7, 0, 54.4, 481.8, 1103.6), `1980` = c(7.6,
55.7, 0, 125.7, 0, 83.8, 0, 2.6, 165.8, 62.5, 0, 55.2, 461.4,
1055.6), `1981` = c(6.4, 52.8, 0, 115.5, 0, 79.9, 0, 2.5, 166.5,
52.5, 0, 46, 414.1, 1022.3), `1982` = c(6.7, 51, 0, 109.3, 0,
81.5, 0, 2.6, 169.3, 54.6, 0, 44.5, 396.7, 982.3), `1983` = c(7.3,
51.1, 0, 100.6, 0, 80.2, 0, 2.7, 170.5, 51.3, 0, 43.2, 381, 983.9
), `1984` = c(7.6, 52.9, 0, 102.6, 0, 78.3, 0, 2.8, 173.1, 52.9,
0, 44.4, 369.5, 1006.1), `1985` = c(7.2, 54.3, 0, 101.9, 0, 81.1,
0, 2.8, 173.1, 60.5, 0, 48.6, 360.3, 1014.6), `1986` = c(7.2,
53.2, 0, 102.6, 0, 82.1, 0, 3.1, 173.1, 61.1, 0, 49.5, 347.8,
1016.3), `1987` = c(7.5, 54.2, 0, 102.8, 0, 83.1, 0, 3.6, 174.2,
59.3, 0, 53.8, 342.3, 1007.2), `1988` = c(7.6, 52.1, 0, 104.6,
0, 82.1, 0, 3.6, 170.8, 55.5, 0, 53.1, 340.5, 1001.2), `1989` = c(7.2,
52.5, 0, 105.9, 0, 81.4, 0, 3.8, 163.5, 49.8, 0, 52.9, 355.9,
976.8), `1990` = c(6.3, 56.4, 124.5, 107.9, 23.7, 74.8, 21.6,
3.8, 155.1, 50.4, 36.1, 54.4, 352.3, 949.7), `1991` = c(4.4,
60.6, 119.4, 113.3, 21.2, 56.4, 15.7, 4.4, 140.9, 60.5, 32.1,
55.9, 379.6, 924.8), `1992` = c(2.8, 55.7, 98.8, 112.3, 15.6,
54.1, 15.2, 4.7, 131.4, 54.8, 23.5, 53.7, 368, 886.5), `1993` = c(2.3,
56, 82.9, 109.8, 13.1, 55.1, 15.8, 4.9, 126.7, 57.1, 18, 54.8,
348.9, 879.9), `1994` = c(2.3, 56.2, 70.2, 115.5, 3, 52.5, 15,
5.3, 120.2, 61, 17.8, 61.4, 344.4, 868.5), `1995` = c(1.9, 59.4,
61.4, 115.2, 3.2, 53.2, 15.8, 5.2, 123.7, 58, 16.1, 56, 353.8,
867.8), `1996` = c(1.9, 63.1, 62.7, 121.3, 4.1, 53.8, 15.6, 5.5,
125.6, 71.2, 17, 62.2, 368.6, 896.5), `1997` = c(1.4, 62.4, 61.8,
118.5, 8.3, 50.9, 17.3, 5.7, 124, 61.6, 16.5, 60.1, 361.7, 865.8
), `1998` = c(1.7, 62.9, 59.3, 120.9, 10.5, 48.7, 18.4, 5.8,
117.6, 57.7, 16, 56.8, 385.3, 858.9), `1999` = c(3, 61.4, 57.6,
117.4, 10.2, 42.8, 18.3, 6, 110.9, 54.6, 14.9, 56.1, 377.7, 826.9
), `2000` = c(3.1, 61.7, 58.7, 118.6, 13.5, 42.1, 17.7, 6.3,
121.9, 50.6, 14.6, 55.1, 376.9, 825), `2001` = c(3.3, 65.9, 57.8,
119.1, 13.3, 44.8, 18.6, 6.2, 121.4, 52.2, 15.1, 60.3, 383.8,
843.3), `2002` = c(3.8, 67.4, 59.2, 111.9, 14, 42, 19.6, 6.3,
117.2, 51.9, 14.6, 63, 375.9, 830.7), `2003` = c(4, 72.6, 60.7,
119.5, 14.3, 46.3, 21, 7, 120.7, 57.1, 16.6, 70.8, 385.2, 839.8
), `2004` = c(4.3, 73.7, 63, 116.5, 15, 45.4, 20.4, 6.9, 121.8,
51.6, 16.7, 67.2, 385.4, 840.8), `2005` = c(4.1, 74.6, 62.1,
112.6, 15.6, 45.9, 20.8, 7, 119.6, 48.3, 16.9, 55.2, 388.4, 809
), `2006` = c(4, 72.5, 66.2, 109.6, 17.2, 47.3, 20.8, 7.1, 120.7,
56, 15.5, 66.8, 379.6, 820.9), `2007` = c(4, 70, 64, 105.6, 18.2,
50.4, 22.1, 7.3, 122, 51.4, 19.3, 65, 373.1, 796.3), `2008` = c(3.9,
70.6, 64.5, 111, 19.9, 49, 21, 7.6, 117.3, 48.4, 17.7, 57, 370.2,
800.1), `2009` = c(3.5, 63.5, 62.3, 100.7, 19.4, 42.2, 19.8,
7.5, 110.1, 46.7, 14.7, 55, 351.4, 747.1), `2010` = c(3.8, 69.3,
65.3, 106.4, 19.9, 43.8, 19, 7.2, 114.5, 47, 18.5, 62.9, 357.8,
761.6), `GDP per Capita` = c(5626, 56259, 6575, 51237, 6140,
9811, 15533, 30521, 26114, 66196, 25260, 54869, 46493, 53276),
CO2.per.capita = c(186.9, 2358.2, 1482.4, 4586.8, 293.2,
2495, 389.5, 176.5, 5690, 2218.2, 388.2, 2171.1, 15679.1,
37054)), row.names = c(NA, -14L), class = "data.frame")
关于r - ggplot2 错误消息 : Error in seq. default(range[1], range[2], length.out = nframes): 'from' 必须是有限数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59811513/
我是 F# 的新手,目前想知道如何将序列的字节序列转换为序列的浮点序列 seq -> seq 所以我有以下字节序列 let colourList = seq[ seq[10uy;20uy;30uy];
我想在一个序列中聚合兼容的元素,即转换 Seq[T]成Seq[Seq[T]]其中每个子序列中的元素彼此兼容,同时保留原始 seq 顺序,例如从 case class X(i: Int, n: Int)
以下函数files返回seq> 。如何让它返回seq相反? type R = { .... } let files = seqOfStrs |> Seq.choose(fun s -> mat
我正在尝试转换如下所示的数据: val inputData = Seq(("STUDY1", "Follow-up", 1), ("STUDY1", "Off Study", 2),
稍微简化一下,我的问题来自字符串列表 input我想用函数解析 parse返回 Either[String,Int] . 然后list.map(parse)返回 Either 的列表s。程序的下一步是
如标题中所述,我不明白为什么这些函数无法编译并要求 Seq。 def f1[V a + b } error: type mismatch; found : Seq[Int] required:
我有一个类型为 Flow[T, Seq[Seq[String]], NotUsed] 的流。 我想以示例流的方式将其展平 ev1: Seq(Seq("a", "b"), Seq("n", "m") e
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我试图返回一个带有直到循环的可变序列,但我有一个不可变的序列作为 (0 until nbGenomes) 的返回: def generateRandomGenome(nbGenomes:Int):
将 Seq(Seq) 分配到多个类型化数组而不先将 Seq 分配给标量的正确语法是什么? Seq 是否会以某种方式变平?这失败了: class A { has Int $.r } my A (@ra1
我正在尝试训练 序列到序列 一个简单的正弦波模型。目标是获得Nin数据点和预测 Nout下一个数据点。任务看起来很简单,模型对大频率的预测很好 freq (y = sin(freq * x))。例如,
我正在努力重构一些使用 Seq 的 Node.js 代码,以及文档和 this answer ,我知道我使用 this() 转到下一个 .seq(),但是如何将变量传递给下一个 .seq( )的功能?
我有一个像这样的字符串序列(文件中的行) [20150101] error a details 1 details 2 [20150101] error b details [20150101] er
给定两个序列 a 和 b,声明如下: var a = @[1, 2, 3] b = @[4, 5, 6] a = b 会创建一个新的 seq 将所有内容从 b 复制到 a 还是重用 a?我有特
type Suit = Spades | Clubs | Hearts | Diamonds type Rank = Ace | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | S
慢慢地掌握列表匹配和尾递归的窍门,我需要一个函数将列表“缝合”在一起,去掉中间值(更容易显示而不是解释): 合并 [[1;2;3];[3;4;5];[5;6;7]]//-> [1;2;3;4;5;6;
为什么这段代码不起作用? type Test() = static member func (a: seq) = 5. let a = [[4.]] Test.func(a) 它给出以下错误: T