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java - 创建 PShape 时,处理库中出现 NullPointerException

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//using Papplet instead of STDraw to visually represent my grid, created by Mahmed Ibrahim
import java.awt.Color;

import processing.core.*;

import processing.core.PApplet;

public class C4Grid extends PApplet {
PShape s;
PShape[][] circleSpaces;
boolean[][] circleSpacesFilled;
boolean[][] circleHasYelowPiece;
boolean[][] circleHasRedPiece;
final float SPACES_BETWEEN_ROWS = 110;
final float SPACES_BETWEEN_COLUMNS = 130;

public C4Grid(){}

public void setup() {
System.out.println("it got to here where it breaks");

size(1000, 1000, P2D);

// Making the shape of the grid using vertices
// so I'm manually drawing my polygon.
s = createShape();
s.fill(34, 56, 100);
s.tint(34, 56, 100);
s.vertex(400, 400);
s.vertex(400, -440);
s.vertex(360, -440);
s.vertex(360, -400);
s.vertex(-360, -400);
s.vertex(-360, -440);
s.vertex(-400, -440);
s.vertex(-400, 420);
s.vertex(-420, 420);
s.vertex(-420, 440);
s.vertex(-360, 440);
s.vertex(-360, 420);
s.vertex(-380, 420);
s.vertex(-380, 400);
s.vertex(380, 400);
s.vertex(380, 420);
s.vertex(360, 420);
s.vertex(360, 440);
s.vertex(420, 440);
s.vertex(420, 420);
s.vertex(400, 420);
s.vertex(400, 420);
s.vertex(400, -440);
s.vertex(400, 400);
System.out.println("it got to here where it breaks");

// using a 2D array to create a grid of circles
// which will represent the spaces on the grid
circleHasYelowPiece = new boolean[7][6];
circleHasRedPiece = new boolean[7][6];
circleSpacesFilled = new boolean[7][6];
circleSpaces = new PShape[7][6];
for (int row = 0; row < 7; row++) {
for (int column = 0; column < 6; column++) {
circleSpaces[row][column] = createShape(ELLIPSE, -380 + (row) * SPACES_BETWEEN_ROWS,
-370 + (column) * SPACES_BETWEEN_COLUMNS, 100, 100);
circleSpacesFilled[row][column] = false;
circleHasRedPiece[row][column] = false;
circleHasYelowPiece[row][column] = false;


public void draw() {
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
for (int row = 0; row < 7; row++) {
for (int column = 0; column < 6; column++) {

public boolean piecePlaced(int column, Color pieceColor) {
column = column - 1; // the choice are form 1-7 but in an array its 0-6;
boolean moveDone = false;
int i = 5;
Color red = new Color(255, 0, 0);
while (i >= 0) {
if (circleSpacesFilled[column][i] == false) {
circleSpacesFilled[column][i] = true;
if (pieceColor.equals(red)) {
circleHasRedPiece[column][i] = true;
circleSpaces[column][i].fill(255, 0, 0);
circleSpaces[column][i].tint(255, 0, 0);
} else {
circleHasYelowPiece[column][i] = true;
circleSpaces[column][i].fill(255, 255, 0);
circleSpaces[column][i].tint(255, 255, 0);
return true;

return false;


当我运行它时,我得到这个NullPointerException。请注意,异常来自处理的库内 - 它不是由我自己的代码直接引起的!

enter image description here

可疑的 3 行是:

  1. currentGame = new C4Game(player1Is,player2Is,player1Color,player2Color);
  2. theGrid = new C4Grid(); theGrid.setup();
  3. s= createShape(); 靠近 setup() 顶部

currentGametheGrids 均为非空(我已经检查过无数次)。

即使我单独测试每一行,与 PShape 类相关的任何内容都会出现错误。我摆脱了每个 PShape 对象并且它起作用了,但是有没有办法修复它,以便我可以使用 PShape 作为我的代码的一部分?



When not using the PDE, size() can only be used inside settings(). Remove the size() method from setup(), and add the following:

public void settings() {
size(1000, 1000, "processing.opengl.PGraphics2D");

错误说明了一切。当您将Processing用作库时,您无法从setup()函数调用size()函数。请从 settings() 函数调用它。


关于java - 创建 PShape 时,处理库中出现 NullPointerException,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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