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objective-c - 处理ARC中的指针对指针所有权问题

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 07:06:10 27 4
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@property (nonatomic, strong) Foo * bar;

@synthesize bar = _bar;

对象B 操作 Foo **,如本例中从 对象A 进行的调用:
Foo * temp =;
[objB doSomething:&temp]; = temp;
  • 是否可以合法地完成此操作或类似的操作?
  • doSomething:方法的正确声明是什么?

  • 此外,假设 对象B 可能在我有机会设置 bar属性之前被释放了(从而获得了 temp指向的实例的所有权)-我将如何告诉ARC移交拥有的引用?换句话说,如果我希望以下示例代码起作用,我将如何处理ARC问题?
    Foo * temp =;    // Give it a reference to some current value
    [objB doSomething:&temp]; // Let it modify the reference = nil; // Basically release whatever we have
    _bar = temp; // Since we're getting back an owning reference, bypass setter
  • 我在想什么?

  • 编辑


    @implementation ObjectA

    @synthesize bar = _bar;

    - (void)someMethod
    ObjectB * objB = [[ObjectB alloc] initWithFoo:&_bar];
    // objB handed off somewhere and eventually it's "doSomething" method is called.


    @implementation ObjectB
    Foo * __autoreleasing * _temp;

    - (id)initWithFoo:(Foo * __autoreleasing *)temp
    id self = [super init];
    if (self)
    _temp = temp;
    return self;

    - (void)doSomething
    *_temp = [[Foo alloc] init];


    这将产生一个编译时错误: passing address of non-local object to __autoreleasing parameter for write-back



    Foo * temp =;
    [objB doSomething:&temp]; = temp;
    • Can this, or something similar, be done legitimately?

    是的,ARC可以使用该代码。 temp被推断为 strong,一些幕后的东西碰巧通过引用 doSomething:传递给它。
    • What is the correct declaration for the doSomething: method?
    - (void) doSomething:(Foo **)byRefFoo
    ARC推断 byRefFoo的类型为 Foo * __autoreleasing *-对自动释放引用的引用。这就是“传递回写”所要求的。
    此代码仅 ,仅有效,因为 temp是本地代码。用实例变量执行此操作是不正确的(如您在EDIT中所发现的)。假设该参数在标准“输出”模式下使用并且 doSomething:返回时已分配了任何更新的值,则它也仅对 有效。这两个都是因为传递回写方式是“最差的解决方案”的一部分。
    代替问题的Foo,我们将使用Breadcrumbs类型;这实际上是一个包装的NSString,它跟踪每个initretainreleaseautoreleasedealloc(以及您几乎会在下面看到的),因此我们可以看到发生了什么。 Breadcrumbs的编写方式并不重要。
    @implementation ByRef
    Breadcrumbs *instance; // __strong inferred
    - (void) indirect:(Breadcrumbs **)byRef                  // __autoreleasing inferred
    *byRef = [Breadcrumbs newWith:@"banana"];
    - (void) indirectWrapper:(Breadcrumbs **)byRef           // __autoreleasing inferred
    NSLog(@"indirect: passed reference %p, contains %p - %@, owners %lu", byRef, *byRef, *byRef, [*byRef ownerCount]);
    [self indirect:byRef];
    NSLog(@"indirect: returned");
    - (void) demo1
    NSLog(@"Strong local passed by autoreleasing reference");
    Breadcrumbs *local; // __strong inferred
    local = [Breadcrumbs newWith:@"apple"];
    NSLog(@"local: addr %p, contains %p - %@, owners %lu", &local, local, local, [local ownerCount]);
    [self indirectWrapper:&local];
    NSLog(@"local: addr %p, contains %p - %@, owners %lu", &local, local, local, [local ownerCount]);

    ByRef *test = [ByRef new];

    NSLog(@"Start demo1");
    [test demo1];
    NSLog(@"Flush demo1");
    NSLog(@"End demo1");
    ark[2041:707] Start demo1
    ark[2041:707] Strong local passed by autoreleasing reference
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: init
    ark[2041:707] local: addr 0x7fff5fbfedc0, contains 0x100176f30 - apple, owners 1
    ark[2041:707] indirect: passed reference 0x7fff5fbfedb8, contains 0x100176f30 - apple, owners 1
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: init
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: autorelease
    ark[2041:707] indirect: returned
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: retain
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: release
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: dealloc
    ark[2041:707] local: addr 0x7fff5fbfedc0, contains 0x100427d10 - banana, owners 2
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: release
    ark[2041:707] Flush demo1
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: release
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: dealloc
    ark[2041:707] End demo1
    [>>>“行来自Breadcrumbs。]只需跟随对象(0x100 ...)和变量(0x7fff ...)的地址,就很清楚了...
    ark[2041:707] Start demo1
    ark[2041:707] Strong local passed by autoreleasing reference
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: init
    ark[2041:707] local: addr 0x7fff5fbfedc0, contains 0x100176f30 - apple, owners 1
    在这里,我们看到[Breadcrumbs newWith:@"apple"]在地址0x100176f30处创建了一个对象。这存储在local中,其地址为0x7fff5fbfedc0,并且该对象具有1个所有者(local)。
    ark[2041:707] indirect: passed reference 0x7fff5fbfedb8, contains 0x100176f30 - apple, owners 1
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: init
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: autorelease
    ark[2041:707] indirect: returned

    Note: ARC does not need to do anything with the previous contents (0x100176f30) of the referenced variable (0x7fff5fbfedb8) as it is autoreleasing and hence not its responsibility. I.e. what "autoreleasing ownership" means is that any reference assigned must have already been effectively autoreleased. You'll see when creating the hidden variable ARC did not actually retain and autorelease its contents - it did not need to do this as it knows there is a strong reference (in local) to the object which it is managing. [In the last example below ARC does have to manage this assignment but it still manages to avoid using the autorelease pool.]

    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: retain
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: release
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: dealloc
    这些操作是由于将隐藏变量的值复制(即写回调用中的“写回”)到local中而导致的。 release / dealloc用于local中的旧强引用,而retain用于隐藏变量(已由indirect:自动释放)引用的对象。

    Note: this writeback is why this only works for the "out" pattern of using pass-by-reference - you can't store the reference passed to indirect: as it is to a hidden local variable which is about to disappear...

    ark[2041:707] local: addr 0x7fff5fbfedc0, contains 0x100427d10 - banana, owners 2
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: release
    ark[2041:707] Flush demo1
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: release
    ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: dealloc
    ark[2041:707] End demo1
  • 将您的实例变量复制到本地
  • 添加一些属性

  • 为了演示第二个,我们在ByRef类中添加了strongIndirect:,它指定它需要对强变量的引用:
    - (void) strongIndirect:(Breadcrumbs * __strong *)byRef
    *byRef = [Breadcrumbs newWith:@"plum"];

    - (void) strongIndirectWrapper:(Breadcrumbs * __strong *)byRef
    NSLog(@"strongIndirect: passed reference %p, contains %p - %@, owners %lu", byRef, *byRef, *byRef, [*byRef ownerCount]);
    [self strongIndirect:byRef];
    NSLog(@"strongIndirect: returned");
    - (void) demo2
    NSLog(@"Strong instance passed by strong reference");
    instance = [Breadcrumbs newWith:@"orange"];
    NSLog(@"instance: addr %p, contains %p - %@, owners %lu", &instance, instance, instance, [instance ownerCount]);
    [self strongIndirectWrapper:&instance];
    NSLog(@"instance: addr %p, contains %p - %@, owners %lu", &instance, instance, instance, [instance ownerCount]);
    1  ark[2041:707] Start demo2
    2 ark[2041:707] Strong instance passed by strong reference
    3 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: init
    4 ark[2041:707] instance: addr 0x100147518, contains 0x100176f30 - orange, owners 1
    5 ark[2041:707] strongIndirect: passed reference 0x100147518, contains 0x100176f30 - orange, owners 1
    6 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d10: init
    7 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: release
    8 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: dealloc
    9 ark[2041:707] strongIndirect: returned
    10 ark[2041:707] instance: addr 0x100147518, contains 0x100427d10 - plum, owners 1
    11 ark[2041:707] Flush demo2
    12 ark[2041:707] End demo2
  • 当我们将强变量(instance)传递给期望引用强变量的方法(strongIndirect:)时,ARC无需使用隐藏变量-上面第4行和第5行中的变量相同(0x100147518 )。
  • 因为ARC知道strongIndirect:中的引用变量很强,所以不需要在strongIndirect:中存储自动发布的引用,然后在调用后写回该代码-ARC只是执行标准的强分配,第6-8行,没有什么要自动发布的之后(在第11和12行之间)。

  • strongIndirect:是否适用于强大的本地人?
    - (void) demo3
    NSLog(@"Strong local passed by strong reference");
    Breadcrumbs *local; // __strong inferred
    local = [Breadcrumbs newWith:@"apple"];
    NSLog(@"local: addr %p, contains %p - %@, owners %lu", &local, local, local, [local ownerCount]);
    [self strongIndirectWrapper:&local];
    NSLog(@"local: addr %p, contains %p - %@, owners %lu", &local, local, local, [local ownerCount]);
    1  ark[2041:707] Start demo3
    2 ark[2041:707] Strong local passed by strong reference
    3 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: init
    4 ark[2041:707] local: addr 0x7fff5fbfedc0, contains 0x100176f30 - apple, owners 1
    5 ark[2041:707] strongIndirect: passed reference 0x7fff5fbfedc0, contains 0x100176f30 - apple, owners 1
    6 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d20: init
    7 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: release
    8 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100176f30: dealloc
    9 ark[2041:707] strongIndirect: returned
    10 ark[2041:707] local: addr 0x7fff5fbfedc0, contains 0x100427d20 - plum, owners 1
    11 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d20: release
    12 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x100427d20: dealloc
    13 ark[2041:707] Flush demo3
    14 ark[2041:707] End demo3
  • 传递堆栈上的本地地址(0x7fff5fbfedc0),第4行和第5行
  • 因为它存储在本地中,所以新对象将由ARC第11和12行清除

  • 为什么不总是将__strong添加到引用参数?
    原因之一是因为并非所有事物都强大! ARC的传递回写功能也适用于弱势本地用户。我们的最终演示:
    - (void) demo4
    NSLog(@"Weak local passed by autoreleasing reference");
    instance = [Breadcrumbs newWith:@"peach"];
    Breadcrumbs __weak *weakLocal = instance;
    NSLog(@"weakLocal: addr %p, contains %p - %@, owners %lu", &weakLocal, weakLocal, weakLocal, [weakLocal ownerCount]);
    [self indirectWrapper:&weakLocal];
    NSLog(@"weakLocal: addr %p, contains %p -, %@, owners %lu", &weakLocal, weakLocal, weakLocal, [weakLocal ownerCount]);
     1 ark[2041:707] Start demo4
    2 ark[2041:707] Weak local passed by autoreleasing reference
    3 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x608000000d10: init
    4 ark[2041:707] weakLocal: addr 0x7ffeefbfde58, contains 0x608000000d10 - peach, owners 4
    5 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x608000000d10: retainWeakReference
    6 ark[2041:707] indirect: passed reference 0x7ffeefbfde40, contains 0x608000000d10 - peach, owners 2
    7 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x604000001060: init
    8 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x604000001060: autorelease
    9 ark[2041:707] indirect: returned
    10 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x608000000d10: release
    11 ark[2041:707] weakLocal: addr 0x7ffeefbfde58, contains 0x604000001060 - banana, owners 4
    12 ark[2041:707] Flush demo4
    13 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x604000001060: release
    14 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x604000001060: dealloc
    15 ark[2041:707] End demo4
    16 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x608000000d10: release
    17 ark[2041:707] >>> 0x608000000d10: dealloc
  • 第3、16和17行与instance相关-创建新值并在最后释放并释放-重要内容始于第4行
  • 第4行显示了已分配给weakLocal的内容,请注意,将`instance'的强引用复制到此弱变量中不需要任何保留。 (注意:显示弱变量的内容确实涉及某些保留和释放操作,为清楚起见已将其省略。)
  • ARC也为弱本地用户(第4行,0x7ffeefbfde40)使用了一个隐藏变量(第6行,0x7ffeefbfde58)。在强本地情况(demo1)中,ARC知道存储在此隐藏变量中的引用将保持有效,并避免使用自动释放池。在这种情况下,这不能保证,但是ARC仍然设法避免使用自动释放池:ARC保留了引用(第5行,retainWeakReferenceretain的特殊版本,用于弱变量),并且在调用完成后与释放(行)保持平衡。 10)。与使用自动释放池相比,这会缩短强引用的寿命。
  • 当池耗尽(第13和14行)时,0x604000001060(第8行)中的自动释放的分配(indirectWrapper)是平衡的。最后,当我们的instance实例消失后,ARC会清理存储在0x608000000d10(ByRef)中的对象。

  • 摘要
  • 如果不添加任何属性,ARC将对通过引用作为参数传递的局部(推断的强)变量(推断的自动释放)做正确的事情。 (“本地”包括当前方法的参数。)
  • 这是由ARC使用传递回写和来实现的,只有遵循“out”参数模式,才起作用。如果您希望存储传递的引用以供以后使用,则需要自己做更多的事情。
  • 如果您希望通过引用传递实例变量,则需要将其复制到本地变量中,或者使用__strong来指定接收参数的类型。
  • 写回传递也适用于__weak当地人。

  • 希望能有所帮助。


    What if my local variable is a __block type? I'm pretty sure this case is the same as an instance variable in that I need to either copy them to locals, or attribute the receiving parameter type with __strong, but I'm curious about someone else's opinion.


    The pass-by-writeback is ill-formed if the argument expression does not have a legal form:

    &var, where var is a scalar variable of automatic storage duration with retainable object pointer type

    __block storage qualifier作为块的一部分被引入到(Objective-)C中,并且规范状态如下:

    The __block storage qualifier is mutually exclusive to the existing local storage qualifiers auto, register, and static. Variables qualified by __block act as if they were in allocated storage and this storage is automatically recovered after last use of said variable.

    但是和当前使用的工具(Xcode 7.2,Clang 7.0.2)在编写时是最新的。__block合格的局部变量受传递回写的支持,并且其处理方式与自动存储持续时间相同-隐藏的__autoreleasing临时变量是用过的。
    可以接受它的原因可以从rationale for the restrictions on pass-by-writeback(强调)中获得:


    The restriction in the form of the argument serves two purposes. First, it makes it impossible to pass the address of an array to the argument, which serves to protect against an otherwise serious risk of mis-inferring an “array” argument as an out-parameter. Second, it makes it much less likely that the user will see confusing aliasing problems due to the implementation, below, where their store to the writeback temporary is not immediately seen in the original argument variable.

    没有技术上的原因为什么传递回写不能支持实例变量,但是由于混叠会引起混淆。 __block变量介于自动变量和分配变量之间,因此,当前的工具编写者可能选择将它们与前者而不是后者分组,以进行传递回写。

    Note: Readers familiar with the implementation of blocks will know that a __block qualified local may be implemented as an optimisation with either automatic or allocated storage duration, depending on usage, and therefore wonder whether this impacts their use for pass-by-writeback. This does not appear to be the case.

    关于objective-c - 处理ARC中的指针对指针所有权问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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