- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
我正在尝试在MikeOS操作系统中设计和实现系统调用。该调用可通过 MikeOS 中的命令行界面 (CLI) 进行访问。我正在尝试进行系统调用 INFO,它将显示所请求文件(如果存在)的信息(未格式化)。显示的信息包括
我应该在其中添加 INFO 的系统调用。我不知道该怎么做或从哪里开始。我在 SERIAL 中添加了但找不到任何调用 INFO 的好例子或如何这样做
; ==================================================================
; MikeOS -- The Mike Operating System kernel
; Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 MikeOS Developers -- see doc/LICENSE.TXT
; ==================================================================
call os_clear_screen
mov si, version_msg
call os_print_string
mov si, help_text
call os_print_string
get_cmd: ; Main processing loop
mov di, input ; Clear input buffer each time
mov al, 0
mov cx, 256
rep stosb
mov di, command ; And single command buffer
mov cx, 32
rep stosb
mov si, prompt ; Main loop; prompt for input
call os_print_string
mov ax, input ; Get command string from user
call os_input_string
call os_print_newline
mov ax, input ; Remove trailing spaces
call os_string_chomp
mov si, input ; If just enter pressed, prompt again
cmp byte [si], 0
je get_cmd
mov si, input ; Separate out the individual command
mov al, ' '
call os_string_tokenize
mov word [param_list], di ; Store location of full parameters
mov si, input ; Store copy of command for later modifications
mov di, command
call os_string_copy
; First, let's check to see if it's an internal command...
mov ax, input
call os_string_uppercase
mov si, input
mov di, exit_string ; 'EXIT' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near exit
mov di, help_string ; 'HELP' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near print_help
mov di, cls_string ; 'CLS' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near clear_screen
mov di, dir_string ; 'DIR' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near list_directory
mov di, ver_string ; 'VER' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near print_ver
mov di, time_string ; 'TIME' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near print_time
mov di, date_string ; 'DATE' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near print_date
mov di, cat_string ; 'CAT' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near cat_file
mov di, del_string ; 'DEL' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near del_file
mov di, copy_string ; 'COPY' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near copy_file
mov di, ren_string ; 'REN' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near ren_file
mov di, size_string ; 'SIZE' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near size_file
mov di, serial_string ; 'SERIAL' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near serial_file
; If the user hasn't entered any of the above commands, then we
; need to check for an executable file -- .BIN or .BAS, and the
; user may not have provided the extension
mov ax, command
call os_string_uppercase
call os_string_length
; If the user has entered, say, MEGACOOL.BIN, we want to find that .BIN
; bit, so we get the length of the command, go four characters back to
; the full stop, and start searching from there
mov si, command
add si, ax
sub si, 4
mov di, bin_extension ; Is there a .BIN extension?
call os_string_compare
jc bin_file
mov di, bas_extension ; Or is there a .BAS extension?
call os_string_compare
jc bas_file
jmp no_extension
mov ax, command
mov bx, 0
mov cx, 32768
call os_load_file
jc total_fail
mov si, command
mov di, kern_file_string
mov cx, 6
call os_string_strincmp
jc no_kernel_allowed
mov ax, 0 ; Clear all registers
mov bx, 0
mov cx, 0
mov dx, 0
mov word si, [param_list]
mov di, 0
call 32768 ; Call the external program
jmp get_cmd ; When program has finished, start again
mov ax, command
mov bx, 0
mov cx, 32768
call os_load_file
jc total_fail
mov ax, 32768
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_run_basic
jmp get_cmd
mov ax, command
call os_string_length
mov si, command
add si, ax
mov byte [si], '.'
mov byte [si+1], 'B'
mov byte [si+2], 'I'
mov byte [si+3], 'N'
mov byte [si+4], 0
mov ax, command
mov bx, 0
mov cx, 32768
call os_load_file
jc try_bas_ext
jmp execute_bin
mov ax, command
call os_string_length
mov si, command
add si, ax
sub si, 4
mov byte [si], '.'
mov byte [si+1], 'B'
mov byte [si+2], 'A'
mov byte [si+3], 'S'
mov byte [si+4], 0
jmp bas_file
mov si, invalid_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, kern_warn_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov si, help_text
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
call os_clear_screen
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov bx, tmp_string
call os_get_time_string
mov si, bx
call os_print_string
call os_print_newline
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov bx, tmp_string
call os_get_date_string
mov si, bx
call os_print_string
call os_print_newline
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov si, version_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov si, kern_warn_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov cx, 0 ; Counter
mov ax, dirlist ; Get list of files on disk
call os_get_file_list
mov si, dirlist
mov ah, 0Eh ; BIOS teletype function
lodsb ; Start printing filenames
cmp al, 0 ; Quit if end of string
je .done
cmp al, ',' ; If comma in list string, don't print it
jne .nonewline
call os_print_newline ; But print a newline instead
jmp .repeat
int 10h
jmp .repeat
call os_print_newline
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_string_parse
cmp ax, 0 ; Was a filename provided?
jne .filename_provided
mov si, nofilename_msg ; If not, show error message
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
call os_file_exists ; Check if file exists
jc .not_found
mov cx, 32768 ; Load file into second 32K
call os_load_file
mov word [file_size], bx
cmp bx, 0 ; Nothing in the file?
je get_cmd
mov si, 32768
mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h teletype function
lodsb ; Get byte from loaded file
cmp al, 0Ah ; Move to start of line if we get a newline char
jne .not_newline
call os_get_cursor_pos
mov dl, 0
call os_move_cursor
int 10h ; Display it
dec bx ; Count down file size
cmp bx, 0 ; End of file?
jne .loop
jmp get_cmd
mov si, notfound_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_string_parse
cmp ax, 0 ; Was a filename provided?
jne .filename_provided
mov si, nofilename_msg ; If not, show error message
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
call os_remove_file
jc .failure
mov si, .success_msg
call os_print_string
mov si, ax
call os_print_string
call os_print_newline
jmp get_cmd
mov si, .failure_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
.success_msg db 'Deleted file: ', 0
.failure_msg db 'Could not delete file - does not exist or write protected', 13, 10, 0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_string_parse
cmp ax, 0 ; Was a filename provided?
jne .filename_provided
mov si, nofilename_msg ; If not, show error message
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
call os_get_file_size
jc .failure
mov si, .size_msg
call os_print_string
mov ax, bx
call os_int_to_string
mov si, ax
call os_print_string
call os_print_newline
jmp get_cmd
mov si, notfound_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
.size_msg db 'Size (in bytes) is: ', 0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_string_parse
mov word [.tmp], bx
cmp bx, 0 ; Were two filenames provided?
jne .filename_provided
mov si, nofilename_msg ; If not, show error message
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov dx, ax ; Store first filename temporarily
mov ax, bx
call os_file_exists
jnc .already_exists
mov ax, dx
mov cx, 32768
call os_load_file
jc .load_fail
mov cx, bx
mov bx, 32768
mov word ax, [.tmp]
call os_write_file
jc .write_fail
mov si, .success_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, notfound_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, writefail_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, exists_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
.tmp dw 0
.success_msg db 'File copied successfully', 13, 10, 0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_string_parse
cmp bx, 0 ; Were two filenames provided?
jne .filename_provided
mov si, nofilename_msg ; If not, show error message
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov cx, ax ; Store first filename temporarily
mov ax, bx ; Get destination
call os_file_exists ; Check to see if it exists
jnc .already_exists
mov ax, cx ; Get first filename back
call os_rename_file
jc .failure
mov si, .success_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, exists_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, .failure_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
.success_msg db 'File renamed successfully', 13, 10, 0
.failure_msg db 'Operation failed - file not found or invalid filename', 13, 10, 0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ah, 2 ; Read disc sectors funtion
mov al, 1 ; numbers of sectors to read
mov ch, 0 ; track/cylinder number
mov cl, 1 ; sector number
mov dh, 0 ; head number
mov dl, 0 ; drive number (0=A, 80h = driv 0, 81h = drive 1)
mov bx, disk_buffer ; pointer to buffer
int 13h ; execute function; AH = status, AL = # of sectors read
jc .serial_error ; CF = 0 if successful; 1 is error
mov si, .serial_msg
call os_print_string
mov ax, [disk_buffer + 29h] ; print the first 2 bytes of the serial number
call os_print_4hex
mov si, .separator
call os_print_string
mov ax, [disk_buffer + 27h] ; print the second 2 bytes of serial number
call os_print_4hex
call os_print_newline
jmp .end
mov si, .error_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
.separator db '_', 0
.serial_msg db 'The serial number is: ', 0
.error_msg db 'Error reading disk.', 13, 10, 0
.disk_buffer times 512 db 0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
input times 256 db 0
command times 32 db 0
dirlist times 1024 db 0
tmp_string times 15 db 0
file_size dw 0
param_list dw 0
bin_extension db '.BIN', 0
bas_extension db '.BAS', 0
prompt db '> ', 0
help_text db 'Commands: DIR, COPY, REN, DEL, CAT, SIZE, CLS, HELP, TIME, DATE, VER, EXIT, SERIAL', 13, 10, 0
invalid_msg db 'No such command or program', 13, 10, 0
nofilename_msg db 'No filename or not enough filenames', 13, 10, 0
notfound_msg db 'File not found', 13, 10, 0
writefail_msg db 'Could not write file. Write protected or invalid filename?', 13, 10, 0
exists_msg db 'Target file already exists!', 13, 10, 0
version_msg db 'MikeOS ', MIKEOS_VER, 13, 10, 0
exit_string db 'EXIT', 0
help_string db 'HELP', 0
cls_string db 'CLS', 0
dir_string db 'DIR', 0
time_string db 'TIME', 0
date_string db 'DATE', 0
ver_string db 'VER', 0
cat_string db 'CAT', 0
del_string db 'DEL', 0
ren_string db 'REN', 0
copy_string db 'COPY', 0
size_string db 'SIZE', 0
serial_string db 'SERIAL', 0
kern_file_string db 'KERNEL', 0
kern_warn_msg db 'Cannot execute kernel file!', 13, 10, 0
; ==================================================================
您可以通过查看 Mike 如何执行 os_get_file_size API 调用来轻松完成此任务。
对于您的任务,您不仅返回 BX
AL = Attribute byte.
CX = Creation Time.
DX = Creation Date
SI = Last Access Date
DI = Last Write Time
BX = File size in bytes
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; os_get_file_size -- Get file size information for specified file
; IN: AX = filename; OUT: BX = file size in bytes (up to 64K)
; or carry set if file not found
call os_string_uppercase
call int_filename_convert
push ax
call disk_read_root_dir
jc .failure
pop ax
mov di, disk_buffer
call disk_get_root_entry
jc .failure
mov word bx, [di+28] <<<<< FileSize
mov word [.tmp], bx
mov word bx, [.tmp]
.tmp dw 0
这是存储所有这些信息的地方。现在您知道 Mike 是从哪里得到 mov 单词 bx, [di+28]
byte [di+11], 0 ; Attributes AL
byte [di+12], 0 ; Reserved
byte [di+13], 0 ; Reserved
byte [di+14], 0C6h ; Creation time \CX
byte [di+15], 07Eh ; Creation time /
byte [di+16], 0 ; Creation date \DX
byte [di+17], 0 ; Creation date /
byte [di+18], 0 ; Last access date \SI
byte [di+19], 0 ; Last access date /
byte [di+20], 0 ; Ignore in FAT12
byte [di+21], 0 ; Ignore in FAT12
byte [di+22], 0C6h ; Last write time \DI
byte [di+23], 07Eh ; Last write time /
byte [di+24], 0 ; Last write date
byte [di+25], 0 ; Last write date
byte [di+26], 0 ; First logical cluster
byte [di+27], 0 ; First logical cluster
byte [di+28], 0 ; File size \BX
byte [di+29], 0 ; File size /
byte [di+30], 0 ; File size
byte [di+31], 0 ; File size
如果您想从命令行显示所有这些信息,那么就像您编写的 SERIAL
关于assembly - 系统调用所请求文件的 INFO(如果存在),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57030830/
我有这个代码: System.err.print("number of terms = "); System.out.println(allTerms.size()); System.err
我有以下问题:在操作系统是 Linux 的情况下和在操作系统是 MacOs 的情况下,我必须执行不同的操作。 所以我创建了以下 Ant 脚本目标: /u
我正在调用 system("bash ../tools/bashScript\"This is an argument!\"&"),然后我正在调用 close(socketFD) 直接在 system
使用最初生成的随机元素来约束随机数组的连续元素是否有效。 例如:我想生成一组 10 个 addr、size 对来模拟典型的内存分配例程并具有如下类: class abc; rand bit[5:0
我正在创建一个必须使用system(const char*)函数来完成一些“繁重工作”的应用程序,并且我需要能够为用户提供粗略的进度百分比。例如,如果操作系统正在为您移动文件,它会为您提供一个进度条,
我即将编写一些项目经理、开发人员和业务分析师会使用的标准/指南和模板。目标是更好地理解正在开发或已经开发的解决方案。 其中一部分是提供有关记录解决方案的标准/指南。例如。记录解决/满足业务案例/用户需
在开发使用压缩磁盘索引或磁盘文件的应用程序时,其中部分索引或文件被重复访问(为了论证,让我们说一些类似于 Zipfian 分布的东西),我想知道什么时候足够/更好地依赖操作系统级缓存(例如,Debia
我们编写了一个 powershell 脚本,用于处理来自内部系统的图像并将其发送到另一个系统。现在,业务的另一部分希望加入其中,对数据进行自己的处理,并将其推送到另一个系统。打听了一下,公司周围有几个
关闭。这个问题不符合Stack Overflow guidelines .它目前不接受答案。 要求我们推荐或查找工具、库或最喜欢的场外资源的问题对于 Stack Overflow 来说是偏离主题的,
所以我在其他程序中没有收到此错误,但我在这个程序中收到了它。 这个程序是一个我没有收到错误的示例。 #include int main() { system("pause"); } // en
我在 c# System.URI.FormatExption 中遇到问题 为了清楚起见,我使用的是 Segseuil 的 Matlab 方法,并且它返回一个图片路径 result。我想为其他用户保存此
我正在尝试像这样设置文本框的背景色: txtCompanyName.BackColor = Drawing.Color.WhiteSmoke; 它不喜欢它,因为它要我在前面添加系统,例如: txtCo
请帮助我解决 System.StackOverflowException我想用 .aspx 将记录写入数据库我使用 4 层架构来实现这一切都正常但是当我编译页面然后它显示要插入数据的字段时,当我将数据
我使用了一些通常由系统调用的API。 因此,我将 android:sharedUserId="android.uid.system" 添加到 manifest.xml, 并使用来自 GIT 的 And
我正在尝试创建一个小型应用程序,它需要对/system 文件夹进行读/写访问(它正在尝试删除一个文件,并创建一个新文件来代替它)。我可以使用 adb 毫无问题地重新挂载该文件夹,如果我这样做,我的应用
我想从没有 su 的系统 priv-app 将/system 重新挂载为 RW。如何以编程方式执行此操作?只会用 Runtime.getruntime().exec() 执行一个 shell 命令吗
我正在尝试制作一个带有登录系统的程序我对此很陌生,但我已经连续工作 8 个小时试图解决这个问题。这是我得到的错误代码 + ServerVersion 'con.ServerVersion' threw
当我“构建并运行”Code::Blocks 中的程序时,它运行得非常好!但是当我从“/bin”文件夹手动运行它时,当它试图用 system() 调用“temp.bat”时,它会重置。这是为什么?它没有
我想使用 system/pipe 命令来执行具有特殊字符的命令。下面是示例代码。通过系统/管道执行命令后,它通过改变特殊字符来改变命令。我很惊讶地看到系统命令正在更改作为命令传递的文本。 run(ch