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我正在使用YouTube API
我想使用youtube video info JSON对象获取youtube video信息
// Video with cipher signature
$video_id = "zDrNLZ1uJ2w";
// get_video_info url formation
// although for cipher signature we have to get the details from the video's webapge not from get_video_info object
$info_url = "http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?el=detailpage&asv=3&video_id=".$video_id;
// youtube webpage url formation
$yt_url = 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v='.$video_id.'&gl=US&persist_gl=1&hl=en&persist_hl=1';;
// get the contents from the url
$raw_data = file_get_contents($info_url);
// parse the data received and save it as an array
$output = array();
// check the status of the get_video_info object
// check for the cipher signature
$cipher = (isset($output['use_cipher_signature']) && $output['use_cipher_signature']=='True') ? true : false;
// If cipher is true then we have to decode it
if($cipher == true){
// if cipher is true then we have to change the plan and get the details from the video's youtube wbe page
$yt_html = file_get_contents($yt_url);
// parse for the script containing the configuration
preg_match('/ytplayer.config = {(.*?)};/',$yt_html,$match);
$yt_object = @json_decode('{'.$match[1].'}') ;
/// check if we are able to parse data
echo 'Sorry! Unable to parse Data';
// parse available formats
$formats = $yt_object->args->url_encoded_fmt_stream_map;
// get the player id from assets section
$player_id = strbtwn($yt_object->assets->js,'html5player-','.js');
$player_id = explode("/", $player_id);
$player_id = $player_id[0];
echo 'Player ID: '.$player_id.'<br /><hr />';
// get the algo dictionary
// first check if the file exists
$algos = json_decode(file_get_contents('algo.json'),true);
// API call to fetch the algo dictionary
$algos_dict = file_get_contents("http://api.gitnol.com/getAlgo.php?playerID=".$player_id);
// saving the algo dictonary in local env for easy access
// Note: Developers should save the dictionary in their local env.
// Only make the API call for the new player ids which is not present in the algo dictionary.
// Repeated violation will results in IP ban.
file_put_contents('algo.json', $algos_dict);
$algos = json_decode($algos_dict,true);
/// check if the algo exist for the given player id
if(!array_key_exists($player_id, $algos)){
// if the algo dictionary is old then fetch a new one
$algos_dict = file_get_contents("http://api.gitnol.com/getAlgo.php?playerID=".$player_id);
file_put_contents('algo.json', $algos_dict);
$algos = json_decode($algos_dict,true);
$algo = $algos[$player_id][1];
$algo = $algos[$player_id][1];
echo 'Algo Used: '.$algo.'<br /><hr />';
// download links formation
$dlinks = array();
$links = explode(',',$formats);
echo 'Download links <br /><br />';
foreach ($links as $link) {
// parse link array one by one and decrypt the signature
$dlinks[$linkarr['itag']] = $linkarr['url'] . "&signature=" . decrypt($linkarr['s'],$algo);
echo $linkarr['itag'].'<br />';
echo $dlinks[$linkarr['itag']].'<br /><br />';
echo '<hr />';
echo 'Video Is not cipher not needed to decode';
echo 'Unable to get Video Info';
// string helper function
function strbtwn($content,$start,$end){
$r = explode($start, $content);
if (isset($r[1])){
$r = explode($end, $r[1]);
return $r[0];
return '';
// signature decoding
// parse the python string operation into php string operation
function decrypt($sig, $algo){
$funcarr = explode(' + ', $algo);
$decrypt = '';
foreach($funcarr as $singfunc){
$singfunc = substr($singfunc,2,-1);
$operators = explode(':', $singfunc);
if (sizeof($operators) == 1) {
$decrypt .= $sig[$operators[0]];
if (sizeof($operators) == 2) {
if($operators[0] == ''){
$decrypt .= substr($sig, 0 ,$operators[1]);
if($operators[1] == ''){
$decrypt .= substr($sig, $operators[0]);
if($operators[0] >= 0 && $operators[1] >= 0){
$decrypt .= substr($sig, $operators[0], $operators[1] - $operators[0]);
if (sizeof($operators) == 3) {
if($operators[0] == '' && $operators[1] == ''){
$decrypt .= strrev($sig);
if($operators[0] >=0 && $operators[1] == '' && $operators[0] != ''){
$decrypt .= strrev(substr($sig, 0, $operators[0] + 1));
if($operators[0] >=0 && $operators[1] >= 0 && $operators[0] != '' && $operators[1] != ''){
$decrypt .= strrev(substr($sig, $operators[1] + 1, $operators[0] - $operators[1]));
return $decrypt;
根据您的代码,$ cipher被设置为false,因为在file_get_contents($ info_url)的$ raw_data中找不到'use_cipher_signature'。
关于json - youtube视频信息json对象给出错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29791623/
03-25 05:52:15.329 8029-8042/com.mgh.radio W/MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (703, 0) 03-25 05:52:15
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本文实例为大家分享了ios获取本地音频文件的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 获取本地音频文件地址: ?
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