- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
框架中是否有一组常量用于所有 standard content types ?
///<summary>Used to denote the encoding necessary for files containing JavaScript source code. The alternative MIME type for this file type is text/javascript.</summary>
public const string ApplicationXJavascript = "application/x-javascript";
///<summary>24bit Linear PCM audio at 8-48kHz, 1-N channels; Defined in RFC 3190</summary>
public const string AudioL24 = "audio/L24";
///<summary>Adobe Flash files for example with the extension .swf</summary>
public const string ApplicationXShockwaveFlash = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
///<summary>Arbitrary binary data.[5] Generally speaking this type identifies files that are not associated with a specific application. Contrary to past assumptions by software packages such as Apache this is not a type that should be applied to unknown files. In such a case, a server or application should not indicate a content type, as it may be incorrect, but rather, should omit the type in order to allow the recipient to guess the type.[6]</summary>
public const string ApplicationOctetStream = "application/octet-stream";
///<summary>Atom feeds</summary>
public const string ApplicationAtomXml = "application/atom+xml";
///<summary>Cascading Style Sheets; Defined in RFC 2318</summary>
public const string TextCss = "text/css";
///<summary>commands; subtype resident in Gecko browsers like Firefox 3.5</summary>
public const string TextCmd = "text/cmd";
///<summary>Comma-separated values; Defined in RFC 4180</summary>
public const string TextCsv = "text/csv";
///<summary>deb (file format), a software package format used by the Debian project</summary>
public const string ApplicationXDeb = "application/x-deb";
///<summary>Defined in RFC 1847</summary>
public const string MultipartEncrypted = "multipart/encrypted";
///<summary>Defined in RFC 1847</summary>
public const string MultipartSigned = "multipart/signed";
///<summary>Defined in RFC 2616</summary>
public const string MessageHttp = "message/http";
///<summary>Defined in RFC 4735</summary>
public const string ModelExample = "model/example";
///<summary>device-independent document in DVI format</summary>
public const string ApplicationXDvi = "application/x-dvi";
///<summary>DTD files; Defined by RFC 3023</summary>
public const string ApplicationXmlDtd = "application/xml-dtd";
///<summary>ECMAScript/JavaScript; Defined in RFC 4329 (equivalent to application/ecmascript but with looser processing rules) It is not accepted in IE 8 or earlier - text/javascript is accepted but it is defined as obsolete in RFC 4329. The "type" attribute of the <script> tag in HTML5 is optional and in practice omitting the media type of JavaScript programs is the most interoperable solution since all browsers have always assumed the correct default even before HTML5.</summary>
public const string ApplicationJavascript = "application/javascript";
///<summary>ECMAScript/JavaScript; Defined in RFC 4329 (equivalent to application/javascript but with stricter processing rules)</summary>
public const string ApplicationEcmascript = "application/ecmascript";
///<summary>EDI EDIFACT data; Defined in RFC 1767</summary>
public const string ApplicationEdifact = "application/EDIFACT";
///<summary>EDI X12 data; Defined in RFC 1767</summary>
public const string ApplicationEdiX12 = "application/EDI-X12";
///<summary>Email; Defined in RFC 2045 and RFC 2046</summary>
public const string MessagePartial = "message/partial";
///<summary>Email; EML files, MIME files, MHT files, MHTML files; Defined in RFC 2045 and RFC 2046</summary>
public const string MessageRfc822 = "message/rfc822";
///<summary>Extensible Markup Language; Defined in RFC 3023</summary>
public const string TextXml = "text/xml";
///<summary>Extensible Markup Language; Defined in RFC 3023</summary>
public const string ApplicationXml = "application/xml";
///<summary>Flash video (FLV files)</summary>
public const string VideoXFlv = "video/x-flv";
///<summary>GIF image; Defined in RFC 2045 and RFC 2046</summary>
public const string ImageGif = "image/gif";
///<summary>GoogleWebToolkit data</summary>
public const string TextXGwtRpc = "text/x-gwt-rpc";
public const string ApplicationXGzip = "application/x-gzip";
///<summary>HTML; Defined in RFC 2854</summary>
public const string TextHtml = "text/html";
///<summary>ICO image; Registered[9]</summary>
public const string ImageVndMicrosoftIcon = "image/vnd.microsoft.icon";
///<summary>IGS files, IGES files; Defined in RFC 2077</summary>
public const string ModelIges = "model/iges";
///<summary>IMDN Instant Message Disposition Notification; Defined in RFC 5438</summary>
public const string MessageImdnXml = "message/imdn+xml";
///<summary>JavaScript Object Notation JSON; Defined in RFC 4627</summary>
public const string ApplicationJson = "application/json";
///<summary>JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch; Defined in RFC 6902</summary>
public const string ApplicationJsonPatch = "application/json-patch+json";
///<summary>JavaScript - Defined in and obsoleted by RFC 4329 in order to discourage its usage in favor of application/javascript. However,text/javascript is allowed in HTML 4 and 5 and, unlike application/javascript, has cross-browser support. The "type" attribute of the <script> tag in HTML5 is optional and there is no need to use it at all since all browsers have always assumed the correct default (even in HTML 4 where it was required by the specification).</summary>
public const string TextJavascript = "text/javascript";
///<summary>JPEG JFIF image; Associated with Internet Explorer; Listed in ms775147(v=vs.85) - Progressive JPEG, initiated before global browser support for progressive JPEGs (Microsoft and Firefox).</summary>
public const string ImagePjpeg = "image/pjpeg";
///<summary>JPEG JFIF image; Defined in RFC 2045 and RFC 2046</summary>
public const string ImageJpeg = "image/jpeg";
///<summary>jQuery template data</summary>
public const string TextXJqueryTmpl = "text/x-jquery-tmpl";
///<summary>KML files (e.g. for Google Earth)</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndGoogleEarthKmlXml = "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml";
///<summary>LaTeX files</summary>
public const string ApplicationXLatex = "application/x-latex";
///<summary>Matroska open media format</summary>
public const string VideoXMatroska = "video/x-matroska";
///<summary>Microsoft Excel 2007 files</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndOpenxmlformatsOfficedocumentSpreadsheetmlSheet = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
///<summary>Microsoft Excel files</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndMsExcel = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
///<summary>Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 files</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndOpenxmlformatsOfficedocumentPresentationmlPresentation = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation";
///<summary>Microsoft Powerpoint files</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndMsPowerpoint = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint";
///<summary>Microsoft Word 2007 files</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndOpenxmlformatsOfficedocumentWordprocessingmlDocument = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document";
///<summary>Microsoft Word files[15]</summary>
public const string ApplicationMsword = "application/msword";
///<summary>MIME Email; Defined in RFC 2045 and RFC 2046</summary>
public const string MultipartAlternative = "multipart/alternative";
///<summary>MIME Email; Defined in RFC 2045 and RFC 2046</summary>
public const string MultipartMixed = "multipart/mixed";
///<summary>MIME Email; Defined in RFC 2387 and used by MHTML (HTML mail)</summary>
public const string MultipartRelated = "multipart/related";
///<summary>MIME Webform; Defined in RFC 2388</summary>
public const string MultipartFormData = "multipart/form-data";
/// <summary>Body contains a URL-encoded query string as per RFC 1867</summary>
public const string ApplicationWwwFormUrlEncoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
///<summary>Mozilla XUL files</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndMozillaXulXml = "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml";
///<summary>MP3 or other MPEG audio; Defined in RFC 3003</summary>
public const string AudioMpeg = "audio/mpeg";
///<summary>MP4 audio</summary>
public const string AudioMp4 = "audio/mp4";
///<summary>MP4 video; Defined in RFC 4337</summary>
public const string VideoMp4 = "video/mp4";
///<summary>MPEG-1 video with multiplexed audio; Defined in RFC 2045 and RFC 2046</summary>
public const string VideoMpeg = "video/mpeg";
///<summary>MSH files, MESH files; Defined in RFC 2077, SILO files</summary>
public const string ModelMesh = "model/mesh";
///<summary>mulaw audio at 8 kHz, 1 channel; Defined in RFC 2046</summary>
public const string AudioBasic = "audio/basic";
///<summary>Ogg Theora or other video (with audio); Defined in RFC 5334</summary>
public const string VideoOgg = "video/ogg";
///<summary>Ogg Vorbis, Speex, Flac and other audio; Defined in RFC 5334</summary>
public const string AudioOgg = "audio/ogg";
///<summary>Ogg, a multimedia bitstream container format; Defined in RFC 5334</summary>
public const string ApplicationOgg = "application/ogg";
public const string ApplicationXopXml = "application/xop+xml";
///<summary>OpenDocument Graphics; Registered[14]</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndOasisOpendocumentGraphics = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics";
///<summary>OpenDocument Presentation; Registered[13]</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndOasisOpendocumentPresentation = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation";
///<summary>OpenDocument Spreadsheet; Registered[12]</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndOasisOpendocumentSpreadsheet = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet";
///<summary>OpenDocument Text; Registered[11]</summary>
public const string ApplicationVndOasisOpendocumentText = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text";
///<summary>p12 files</summary>
public const string ApplicationXPkcs12 = "application/x-pkcs12";
///<summary>p7b and spc files</summary>
public const string ApplicationXPkcs7Certificates = "application/x-pkcs7-certificates";
///<summary>p7c files</summary>
public const string ApplicationXPkcs7Mime = "application/x-pkcs7-mime";
///<summary>p7r files</summary>
public const string ApplicationXPkcs7Certreqresp = "application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp";
///<summary>p7s files</summary>
public const string ApplicationXPkcs7Signature = "application/x-pkcs7-signature";
///<summary>Portable Document Format, PDF has been in use for document exchange on the Internet since 1993; Defined in RFC 3778</summary>
public const string ApplicationPdf = "application/pdf";
///<summary>Portable Network Graphics; Registered,[8] Defined in RFC 2083</summary>
public const string ImagePng = "image/png";
///<summary>PostScript; Defined in RFC 2046</summary>
public const string ApplicationPostscript = "application/postscript";
///<summary>QuickTime video; Registered[10]</summary>
public const string VideoQuicktime = "video/quicktime";
///<summary>RAR archive files</summary>
public const string ApplicationXRarCompressed = "application/x-rar-compressed";
///<summary>RealAudio; Documented in RealPlayer Customer Support Answer 2559</summary>
public const string AudioVndRnRealaudio = "audio/vnd.rn-realaudio";
///<summary>Resource Description Framework; Defined by RFC 3870</summary>
public const string ApplicationRdfXml = "application/rdf+xml";
///<summary>RSS feeds</summary>
public const string ApplicationRssXml = "application/rss+xml";
///<summary>SOAP; Defined by RFC 3902</summary>
public const string ApplicationSoapXml = "application/soap+xml";
///<summary>StuffIt archive files</summary>
public const string ApplicationXStuffit = "application/x-stuffit";
///<summary>SVG vector image; Defined in SVG Tiny 1.2 Specification Appendix M</summary>
public const string ImageSvgXml = "image/svg+xml";
///<summary>Tag Image File Format (only for Baseline TIFF); Defined in RFC 3302</summary>
public const string ImageTiff = "image/tiff";
///<summary>Tarball files</summary>
public const string ApplicationXTar = "application/x-tar";
///<summary>Textual data; Defined in RFC 2046 and RFC 3676</summary>
public const string TextPlain = "text/plain";
///<summary>TrueType Font No registered MIME type, but this is the most commonly used</summary>
public const string ApplicationXFontTtf = "application/x-font-ttf";
///<summary>vCard (contact information); Defined in RFC 6350</summary>
public const string TextVcard = "text/vcard";
///<summary>Vorbis encoded audio; Defined in RFC 5215</summary>
public const string AudioVorbis = "audio/vorbis";
///<summary>WAV audio; Defined in RFC 2361</summary>
public const string AudioVndWave = "audio/vnd.wave";
///<summary>Web Open Font Format; (candidate recommendation; use application/x-font-woff until standard is official)</summary>
public const string ApplicationFontWoff = "application/font-woff";
///<summary>WebM Matroska-based open media format</summary>
public const string VideoWebm = "video/webm";
///<summary>WebM open media format</summary>
public const string AudioWebm = "audio/webm";
///<summary>Windows Media Audio Redirector; Documented in Microsoft help page</summary>
public const string AudioXMsWax = "audio/x-ms-wax";
///<summary>Windows Media Audio; Documented in Microsoft KB 288102</summary>
public const string AudioXMsWma = "audio/x-ms-wma";
///<summary>Windows Media Video; Documented in Microsoft KB 288102</summary>
public const string VideoXMsWmv = "video/x-ms-wmv";
///<summary>WRL files, VRML files; Defined in RFC 2077</summary>
public const string ModelVrml = "model/vrml";
///<summary>X3D ISO standard for representing 3D computer graphics, X3D XML files</summary>
public const string ModelX3DXml = "model/x3d+xml";
///<summary>X3D ISO standard for representing 3D computer graphics, X3DB binary files</summary>
public const string ModelX3DBinary = "model/x3d+binary";
///<summary>X3D ISO standard for representing 3D computer graphics, X3DV VRML files</summary>
public const string ModelX3DVrml = "model/x3d+vrml";
///<summary>XHTML; Defined by RFC 3236</summary>
public const string ApplicationXhtmlXml = "application/xhtml+xml";
///<summary>ZIP archive files; Registered[7]</summary>
public const string ApplicationZip = "application/zip";
关于asp.net-mvc - ASP MVC - 默认内容类型有常量吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10362140/
我试图对 ASP.Net MVC 有一个高层次的理解,我开始意识到它看起来很像原始的 ASP 脚本。过去,我们将“模型”/业务逻辑代码组织到 VBScript 类或 VB COM 组件中。 当然,现在
我已经搜索了一段时间,但似乎找不到答案。 我想在我的旋转木马中显示一个计数器,左边是当前项目(工作),左边是项目总数。 我的代码:
. 最佳答案 Scott Gu 称这些为代码块。这就是我的看法。 http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/04/06/new-lt-gt-syntax
我有一个使用 Visual Studio 2010/.net 4/VB 制作的网站。 我真的很喜欢我发现的 FAQ 系统的布局,因为它很简单,但它是经典的 asp。所以,显然,我不能包括我的母版页布局
好吧,对于你们许多人来说,这个问题可能有一个非常明显的答案,但它让我难住了。 我有一个 asp.net Web 表单,上面有两个控件(嗯,不止这两个,但我们将重点关注这些) - 第一个是 asp:dr
当我将 ASP.NET 复选框控件设置为 asp.net 更新面板的异步回发触发器时,EventName 属性是什么? 最佳答案 我相信它是 CheckedChanged。 关于asp.net - a
我有一个用经典 asp 编写的(巨大的)网站。现在我必须切换到 vb.net (razor)。有没有办法将这两个结合起来直到切换完成? 有没有办法让应用程序与经典的 asp 和 vb.net 一起工作
I am creating a products page, where the user selects an option in a radiobuttonlist for example, an
我最近将一个经典的 ASP 应用程序转换为 ASP.NET 3.5,但我觉得我的经典 ASP 版本要快一些(我不知道可能买家会后悔)。 所以你们能帮我解决这个问题吗,让我知道哪个更快,asp、asp.
从本周开始,我被要求开始学习如何使用 ASP 开发网站。我通过 XNA 对 C# 有一定的经验,所以这部分对我来说并不是什么麻烦。 我一直在关注Music Store Tutorial这需要我设置一个
关闭。这个问题需要多问focused 。目前不接受答案。 想要改进此问题吗?更新问题,使其仅关注一个问题 editing this post . 已关闭 8 年前。 Improve this ques
我想将一些表单变量发布到经典 ASP 页面中。我不想改变经典的 ASP 页面,因为需要完成大量的工作,以及消耗它们的页面数量。 经典的 ASP 页面需要将表单变量 Username 和 Userpas
已结束。此问题正在寻求书籍、工具、软件库等的推荐。它不满足Stack Overflow guidelines 。目前不接受答案。 我们不允许提出寻求书籍、工具、软件库等推荐的问题。您可以编辑问题,以便
关闭。这个问题需要多问focused 。目前不接受答案。 想要改进此问题吗?更新问题,使其仅关注一个问题 editing this post . 已关闭 9 年前。 Improve this ques
我有一个遗留的 ASP 应用程序——在不久的某个时候——需要迁移到 ASP.Net 2.0(以与也在 2.0 中的其他应用程序兼容)。 对于这类事情是否有最佳实践,即作为第一步将当前 html、vbs
我目前在一家公司工作,该公司使用 ASP.NET Webforms 和旧 ASP 页面的组合进行 Web 开发。这对于他们当前的项目来说效果很好,但我想说服/建议他们切换到 ASP.NET MVC,因
我有一个经典的 asp 应用程序。我想将该页面的竞赛表格发布到 Asp.Net 表格。原因是我想在进入数据库之前使用我在 Asp.Net 页面中内置的大量逻辑进行验证,而我对 asp 不太了解。更不用
我知道在 ASP.NET MVC 中,您可以拥有移动 View 并执行类似 Index.mobile.cshtml 的操作。和 _Layout.mobile.cshtml并且服务器知道将这些 View
我需要从一些服务器端 c#.net 代码中调用经典 asp 页面上的 VBscript 函数 - 有谁知道一种干净的方法来做到这一点?在 .net 中重写函数不是一种选择。 我会再解释一下这个问题..