gpt4 book ai didi - 具有定义范围的 .NET ASP.NET MVC 应用程序 Facebook OAuth

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创建.NET的最简单方法是什么? ASP.NET MVC Facebook 申请OAuth有明确的范围吗?

我尝试了很多例子。 OAuthWebSecurity.RegisterClient 不支持添加更多 Facebook 范围。 Facebook application template创建一个 Canvas ,我需要非 Canvas 应用程序。 FacebookScopedClient 不完整,无法使用此修复程序。


我也开放 JavaScript/jQuery 解决方案。



我利用了 DotNetOpenAuth.AspNet.Clients.OAuth2Client 类来完成大部分工作。我只是将其扩展为包括范围和额外的用户数据。

public class FacebookExtendedClient : DotNetOpenAuth.AspNet.Clients.OAuth2Client
protected FacebookClient facebookClient;
protected string fields;
protected string scope;
protected Func<string, object, string> fieldTransformer;
protected bool emailAsUsername;
protected IDictionary<string, string> userData;

private string[] splittedFields;
private string[] splittedScope;

protected const string serviceLoginBaseUrl = "";
protected const string serviceMeBaseUrl = "";
protected const string serviceAccessTokenBaseUrl = "";

/// <summary>
/// Create an instrance of the class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="appId">The App ID of the application used to connect to Facebook service.</param>
/// <param name="appSecret">The App Secret of the application used to connect to Facebook service.</param>
/// <param name="fields">
/// String containing comma separated fields to add to the request.
/// If empty the request will retrieve the default fields based of the specified scope.
/// </param>
/// <param name="fieldTransformer">
/// Function to be applied to the values retrived from facebook.
/// If null provided the method will try to cast values from object to string explicitly,
/// an InvalidCastException will be thrown if the cast will not be possible.
/// </param>
/// <param name="scope">
/// String containing comma separated permissions to add to the request.
/// If empty the request will have the basic scope.
/// </param>
/// <param name="emailAsUsername">Makes the email of the facebook user used as authentication username.</param>
public FacebookExtendedClient(string appId, string appSecret, string fields = "", Func<string, object, string> fieldTransformer = null, string scope = "", bool emailAsUsername = false)
: base("facebook")
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appId))
throw new ArgumentException("The appId argument can not be null or empty.", "appId");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appSecret))
throw new ArgumentException("The appSecret argument can not be null or empty.", "appSecret");

fields = fields.Replace(" ", "");
scope = scope.Replace(" ", "");
this.splittedFields = fields.Split(',');
this.splittedScope = scope.Split(',');

if (emailAsUsername == true && !this.splittedFields.Contains("email") && !this.splittedScope.Contains("email"))
throw new ArgumentException("The scope argument must contain the 'email' permission and the 'email' field to allow emailAsUsername to true.", "scope");

this.facebookClient = new FacebookClient();
this.facebookClient.AppId = appId;
this.facebookClient.AppSecret = appSecret;
this.fields = fields;
this.fieldTransformer = fieldTransformer;
this.scope = scope;
this.emailAsUsername = emailAsUsername;

public FacebookClient FacebookClient
return this.facebookClient;

public IDictionary<string, string> UserData
return this.userData;

protected override Uri GetServiceLoginUrl(Uri returnUrl)
Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters.Add("redirect_uri", returnUrl.AbsoluteUri);

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.scope))
parameters.Add("scope", this.scope);

return this.facebookClient.GetLoginUrl(parameters);

protected override IDictionary<string, string> GetUserData(string accessToken)
// This method makes the AuthenticationResult's UserName property be the facebook username of the logged user,
// but if the facebook username is missing the facebook id will be used.
// If emailAsUsername is true then AuthenticationResult's UserName property is the email retrieved from facebook
// and the facebook username can be retrieved by the key "fb_username" in this.userData

FacebookClient facebookClient = new FacebookClient(accessToken);

var getResult = facebookClient.Get<IDictionary<string, object>>("me", new { fields = this.fields });
Dictionary<string, string> result = new Dictionary<string, string>();

if (this.fieldTransformer != null)
foreach (var pair in getResult)
result.Add(pair.Key, this.fieldTransformer(pair.Key, pair.Value));
foreach (var pair in getResult)
string value = pair.Value.ToString();

if (value == null)
throw new InvalidCastException("Cast not possible for the object associate to the key '" + pair.Key + "'.");

result.Add(pair.Key, value);

if (this.splittedFields.Contains("username"))
result["fb_username"] = result["username"];

if (this.emailAsUsername)
result["username"] = result["email"];

this.userData = result;

return result;

protected override string QueryAccessToken(Uri returnUrl, string authorizationCode)
UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(serviceAccessTokenBaseUrl);
builder.Query = string.Format("client_id={0}&client_secret={1}&redirect_uri={2}&code={3}",
this.facebookClient.AppId, this.facebookClient.AppSecret, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(returnUrl.AbsoluteUri)), authorizationCode);

using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
string str = client.DownloadString(builder.Uri);

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return null;

return HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(str)["access_token"];

您也可以像这样在 OAuthWebSecurity 中注册它(将 RegisterAuth 方法放在 Application_Start 中,就像在 InternetApplication 模板中一样):

public static class AuthConfig
public static void RegisterAuth()

OAuthWebSecurity.RegisterClient(new FacebookExtendedClient(
new Func<string, object, string>(fieldsTransformer),

private static string fieldsTransformer(string key, object value)
switch (key)
case "picture":
var data = (value as IDictionary<string, object>)["data"] as IDictionary<string, object>;
return data["url"].ToString();
case "age_range":
var min = (value as IDictionary<string, object>)["min"];
return min.ToString();
return value.ToString();

正如您在上面的示例中看到的,fieldsTransformer 方法将获取所选每个字段的键和值,在本例中,它将把 facebook 检索到的图片对象转换为图片的 url。这是一个方便的方法,如果为 Func 参数提供 null,则将保存值对象的 JSON 表示形式。


public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
IDictionary<string, string> userData = (OAuthWebSecurity.GetOAuthClientData("facebook").AuthenticationClient as FacebookExtendedClient).UserData;
string email = userData["email"];

// If leave null the fieldTransform of the client you can access to complex properties like this:
JObject picture = JObject.Parse(userData["picture"]);
string url = (picture["data"] as JObject)["url"].ToString();

ViewBag.Email = userData["email"];
ViewBag.PictureUrl = url;
return View();

希望您喜欢这段代码,即使有点晚了! :)

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