gpt4 book ai didi - 如何直接从 Visual Studio 2008 部署 Web 应用程序?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 04:24:46 25 4
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我以前使用,我可以使用Visual Studio 2008将网站直接“发布”到网络主机。我现在使用专用服务器(准确地说,Amazon EC2 Windows),我应该如何设置 Web 服务器以便可以直接从 VS 2008 部署网站?我尝试设置 FTP 服务器,但无法正常工作。



这里是来自官方 Amazon EC2 开发者站点的教程(“将 ASP.NET 应用程序像典型的远程服务器一样部署到 Amazon EC2。本教程向您展示如何操作”)

If you need to deploy an ASP.NET application directly from Microsoft Visual Studio, you can use the Copy Web Site Wizard available in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and later.

The Copy Web Site Wizard allows you to deploy applications using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or Microsoft Office FrontPage Server Extensions. To use FTP, you must install the FTP component of IIS as well as permit ports 20 and 21 through the firewall using the ec2-authorize command.


With Amazon EC2, you can deploy ASP.NET applications on dedicated Windows instances running in Amazon’s data centers. To deploy the application, you need to create an instance based on an AMI template. After creating the instance, you access the administrator password, then configure a firewall rule and Remote Desktop to the server. To provide persistent storage, you create an EBS volume, and then set up IIS and the ASP.NET application. You can deploy ASP.NET applications to the server with tools like Visual Studio or through FTP.

来自:Deploying ASP.NET Applications on Amazon EC2 (来自

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