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azure - 应用程序设置键值对从 Staging env 交换到 azure 中的 Production

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 04:18:50 24 4
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交换时,应用程序设置键值对从 Azure 中的暂存环境交换到生产环境。我需要用于登台的应用程序设置值应在登台环境中,而用于生产的应用程序设置值应在生产中。我该如何实现这一目标? ,我们可以通过编码来做到这一点吗?

否则怎么办,从代码而不是 URL 进行插槽识别。



To configure an app setting or connection string to stick to a slot (not swapped), access the Application Settings blade for a specific slot, then select the Slot Setting box for the configuration elements that should stick the slot. Marking a configuration element as slot specific has the effect of establishing that element as not swappable across all the deployment slots associated with the app.


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