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如何允许有条件的 promise 触发/不触发并且仍然正确解决?
var CustomerReceived = myAjaxLibCall("Customer", "ID", report.CustomerID);
var VehicleReceived = myAjaxLibCall("Vehicle", "ID", report.VehicleID);
var DealerReceived = myAjaxLibCall("Dealer", "ID", report.DealerID);
Dealer) => {
//do some code here
这工作得很好。然而,AJAX 调用速度很慢并且需要很长时间。当用户在创建新报告后达到这一点时,他们已经填充了每个项目的列表,这意味着在这种情况下我可以这样做
var Customer = customerList.findbyID(report.CustomerID);
var Vehicle = vehicleList.findbyID(report.VehicleID);
var Dealer = dealerList.findbyID(report.DealerID);
//do some code here
然后,事实证明,这些列表中的每一个都可能已填充,也可能未填充,有时只有一两个列表已填充,而其他列表则未填充。因此,理想情况下,我只想在相应的本地列表不存在时才执行每个 ajax 调用。
var CustomerReceived = customerList.length === 0
? myAjaxLibCall("Customer", "ID", report.CustomerID)
: customerList.findbyID(report.CustomerID);
var VehicleReceived = vehicleList.length === 0
? myAjaxLibCall("Vehicle", "ID", report.VehicleID)
: vehicleList.findbyID(report.VehicleID);
var DealerReceived = dealerList.length === 0
? myAjaxLibCall("Dealer", "ID", report.DealerID)
: dealerList.findbyID(report.DealerID);
Dealer) => {
//do some code here
async function someStuff()
var CustomerReceived = customerList.length === 0
? myAjaxLibCall("Customer", "ID", report.CustomerID)
: customerList.findbyID(report.CustomerID);
var VehicleReceived = vehicleList.length === 0
? myAjaxLibCall("Vehicle", "ID", report.VehicleID)
: vehicleList.findbyID(report.VehicleID);
var DealerReceived = dealerList.length === 0
? myAjaxLibCall("Dealer", "ID", report.DealerID)
: dealerList.findbyID(report.DealerID);
const Customer = await CustomerReceived;
const Vehicle = await VehicleReceived;
const Dealer = await DealerReceived;
//do some code here
根据 MDN:
<小时/>if the value of the expression following the await operator is not a Promise, it's converted to a resolved Promise.
如果不想使用async关键字,可以使用Promise.all()但你需要将你的 promise /函数存储到一个数组中
var CustomerReceived = customerList.length === 0
? myAjaxLibCall("Customer", "ID", report.CustomerID)
: customerList.findbyID(report.CustomerID);
var VehicleReceived = vehicleList.length === 0
? myAjaxLibCall("Vehicle", "ID", report.VehicleID)
: vehicleList.findbyID(report.VehicleID);
var DealerReceived = dealerList.length === 0
? myAjaxLibCall("Dealer", "ID", report.DealerID)
: dealerList.findbyID(report.DealerID);
Promise.all([ CustomerReceived, VehicleReceived, DealerReceived ])
.then(([ Customer, Vehicle, Dealer ]) => {
//do some code here
仍然根据 MDN:
If all of the passed-in promises fulfill, or are not promises, the promise returned by Promise.all is fulfilled asynchronously. In all cases, the returned promise is fulfilled with an array containing all the values of the iterable passed as argument (also non-promise values).
关于javascript - 如何混合 promise 和非 promise 的功能?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46832907/
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如果使用非空数组调用 Promise.all 或 Promise.race,它们将返回一个待处理的 Promise: console.log(Promise.all([1])); // prints
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我一直在玩 promise,通常能想出如何处理好它们,但在这种情况下,我不知道如何删除一个 promise-wrapping level。 代码如下: let promise2 = promise1.
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以下简单的 promise 是发誓的,我不允许打破它。 my $my_promise = start { loop {} # or sleep x; 'promise re
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我不知道 promise.all 解决方案中的 promise.all 是否是一个好的实践。我不确定。 我需要从一组用户获取信息,然后通过此信息响应,我需要发送消息通知。 let userList =
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今年早些时候,我在 Pharo Smalltalk 参与了一个 promise 项目。这个想法是为了实现以下行为: ([ 30 seconds wait. 4 ]promiseValue )then:
大家好,提前感谢您的帮助。 下面是我正在尝试做的事情 function1(){ throw some error(); } function2() { // dosomething suc
我有以下未解析的代码。f2 解决了,所以我不会添加该代码,它是 f1 我有问题。 我调用函数,它到达最里面如果,它调用函数“find”,它执行函数 findId,完美返回 Id,然后执行 editId