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import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";
import "dart:async";
void main() {
test("Protect async", () {
// given
var controller = new StreamController();
// when
controller.add("This is correct!");
// then
controller.stream.listen(protectAsync1((event) {
expect(event, equals("This is correct!"));
ERROR: Protect async
Callback called (1) after test case Protect async has already been marked as pass.
Unhandled exception:
Exception: Some tests failed.
#0 SimpleConfiguration.onDone (package:unittest/src/simple_configuration.dart:213:9)
#1 _completeTests (package:unittest/unittest.dart:779:17)
#2 _runTest (package:unittest/unittest.dart:734:19)
#3 _nextTestCase (package:unittest/unittest.dart:641:11)
#4 _asyncRunCallback (dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart:18)
#5 _asyncRunCallback (dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart:21)
#6 _createTimer.<anonymous closure> (dart:async-patch/timer_patch.dart:11)
#7 _Timer._createTimerHandler._handleTimeout (timer_impl.dart:151)
#8 _Timer._createTimerHandler._handleTimeout (timer_impl.dart:159)
#9 _Timer._createTimerHandler._handleTimeout (timer_impl.dart:159)
#10 _Timer._createTimerHandler.<anonymous closure> (timer_impl.dart:166)
#11 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:93)
在these docs中被描述为
Wraps the callback in a new function and returns that function. The new function will be able to handle exceptions by directing them to the correct test. This is thus similar to expectAsync0. Use it to wrap any callbacks that might optionally be called but may never be called during the test. callback should take 0 positional arguments (named arguments are not supported). id can be used to identify the callback in error messages (for example if it is called after the test case is complete).
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