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r - 避免依赖于更新的 slider 值的计算的双重执行

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 02:39:11 25 4
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背景:在 Shiny 应用程序中,我有 (i) 数据输入文本区域和 (ii) slider 。 slider 的值和端点由数据更新,因为 slider 范围应适合数据的比例。随后的耗时计算同时使用文本区域中的数据和 slider 中的值。

问题:当数据改变时,耗时的计算会执行两次,首先使用 slider 的前一个值(而不是 slider 的更新值) ),然后第二次使用 slider 的更新值。我的目的是让它只执行一次,使用 slider 的更新值而不是 slider 的先前值。

一个最小的示例:下面的 R 代码通过尽可能小的设置演示了问题。只需复制并粘贴到 RStudio 中,然后单击“运行应用程序”。您将在屏幕底部看到输出:几秒钟后显示 4025,几秒钟后显示 50。单击“重新加载”再次观看。初始输出(即 4025)无关紧要。仅预期最终输出(即 50)。

其他细微差别: slider 处于去抖延迟状态,因此其运动不会立即触发耗时的计算。用户应该能够暂时移动 slider ,而不会立即触发计算。这对于应用程序很重要,但与双重执行问题无关。数据 textAreaInput 使用 actionButton,因此输入文本不会立即触发计算。同样,这对于应用程序很重要,但与双重执行问题无关。


library(magrittr) # for pipe operator, %>%, used with debounce().
debounceDelay = 2000 # milliseconds

ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Data affect Slider, both affect Subsequent Long Computation"),
# Data input:
textAreaInput( inputId="dataText" ,
label="Type data, then click Submit:" ,
value="10 20 30 40" ,
width="200px" ,
height="100px" ) ,
actionButton( inputId="dataSubmit" ,
label="Submit Data" ) ,
# Slider input, to be updated by data:
sliderInput( inputId = "slider1" ,
label = HTML("Constant to Add to Mean of Data
(after debounce delay):") ,
min=3000 , max=5000 , value=4000 ,
round=FALSE , step=1 , ticks=FALSE )
) , # end sidebarPanel
) # end sidebarLayout
) # end ui fluidPage

server <- function(input, output, session) {

# Parse data values out of data text:
theData = reactive({
input$dataSubmit # establish dependency on dataSubmit button
yText = isolate(input$dataText) # remove dependency on dataText
y = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(yText,"\\s+")[[1]]))
if ( any( | length(y) < 2 ) {
y=c(-12.3, 45.6, 78.9) # arbitrary replacement values
updateTextAreaInput( session ,
inputId="dataText" ,
value=paste(as.character(y),collapse=" ") )
return( y )
# Computation on data for using in slider update:
upUI <- reactive({
low = min( theData() )
val = median( theData() )
high = max( theData() )
return( list( low=low , val=val , high=high ) )
# Update slider based on data values:
updateSliderInput( session , inputId="slider1" ,
min=upUI()$low ,
max=upUI()$high ,
value=upUI()$val )

# Debounce the slider value so it doesn't instantly trigger a cascade of long
# computations
sliderValue <- reactive({
return( input$slider1 )
}) %>% debounce(debounceDelay)

# Compute output:
output$theOutput <- renderText({
Sys.sleep(3) # simulate lengthy computation time
return( paste( "Time-consuming computation...
Mean of data plus slider value: " ,
mean(theData()) + sliderValue() ) )
}) # end of renderText

} # end server

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

针对 @ismirsehregal 回复的初始版本的修订:

使用 eventReactive( input$runComp , { ...long城计算... } ) 的建议来保护长计算,我修改了我的初始脚本。不再需要对 slider 值进行反跳,因为 slider 不会触发长计算。据我所知,也没有必要有 req(theData(), sliderValue())。我还在计算部分添加了一个 if(){}else{} 来检查无效的文本数据输入。这个修改后的脚本构成了该问题的一种解决方案。


ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Data affect Slider, both affect Subsequent Long Computation"),
# Data input:
textAreaInput( inputId="dataText" ,
label=HTML( "<b>Type data here.</b> <small>(Must be at least two numeric values separated by whitespace.)</small>" ) ,
value="10 20 30 40" ,
width="200px" ,
height="100px" ) ,
# Slider input, to be updated by data:
sliderInput( inputId = "slider1" ,
label = HTML("<b>Select constant to add to mean of data.</b> <small>(Slider settings will change if data change.)</small>") ,
min=NA , max=NA , value=NA ,
round=FALSE , step=1 , ticks=FALSE ),
HTML("<p>Click the button to start the time-consuming computation:") ,
actionButton( inputId="runComp" ,
label="Start Computation" )
) , # end sidebarPanel
) # end sidebarLayout
) # end ui fluidPage

server <- function(input, output, session) {

theDataDefault = c(-1, 1)

# Parse data values out of data text:
theData = reactive({
yText = input$dataText
y = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(yText,"\\s+")[[1]]))
return( y )
# Computation on data for using in slider update:
upUI <- reactive({
if ( any( | length(theData()) < 2 ) {
y = theDataDefault
} else {
y = theData()
low = min( y )
val = mean( range( y ) )
high = max( y )
return( list( low=low , val=val , high=high ) )
# Update slider based on data values:
updateSliderInput( session , inputId="slider1" ,
min=upUI()$low ,
max=upUI()$high ,
value=upUI()$val )

# Compute output:
textOut <- eventReactive( input$runComp, {
if ( any( | length(theData()) < 2 ) {
return( "ERROR: Data must be at least two numeric values (no letters) separated by whitespace (no commas, etc.)." )
} else {
Sys.sleep(3) # simulate lengthy computation time
return( paste( "Time-consuming computation...
Mean of data plus slider value: " ,
mean( theData()) + input$slider1 ) )

output$theOutput <- renderText({

} # end server

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)



现在 slider 的初始值为NA,因此您可以通过req()阻止初始显示。此外,我在 renderText 中隔离了 theData() 以避免它被触发两次(仅监听 slider 的变化)。

library(magrittr) # for pipe operator, %>%, used with debounce().
debounceDelay = 2000 # milliseconds

ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Data affect Slider, both affect Subsequent Long Computation"),
# Data input:
textAreaInput( inputId="dataText" ,
label="Adapt slider data:" ,
value="10 20 30 40" ,
width="200px" ,
height="100px" ) ,
# Slider input, to be updated by data:
sliderInput( inputId = "slider1" ,
label = HTML("Constant to Add to Mean of Data
(after debounce delay):") ,
min=NA , max=NA , value=NA ,
round=FALSE , step=1 , ticks=FALSE ),
actionButton( inputId="runComp" ,
label="Start Computation" )
) , # end sidebarPanel
) # end sidebarLayout
) # end ui fluidPage

server <- function(input, output, session) {

# Parse data values out of data text:
theData = reactive({
yText = input$dataText
y = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(yText,"\\s+")[[1]]))
if ( any( | length(y) < 2 ) {
y=c(-12.3, 45.6, 78.9) # arbitrary replacement values
updateTextAreaInput( session ,
inputId="dataText" ,
value=paste(as.character(y),collapse=" ") )
return( y )
# Computation on data for using in slider update:
upUI <- reactive({
low = min( theData() )
val = median( theData() )
high = max( theData() )
return( list( low=low , val=val , high=high ) )
# Update slider based on data values:
updateSliderInput( session , inputId="slider1" ,
min=upUI()$low ,
max=upUI()$high ,
value=upUI()$val )

# Debounce the slider value so it doesn't instantly trigger a cascade of long
# computations
sliderValue <- reactive({
return( input$slider1 )
}) %>% debounce(debounceDelay)

# Compute output:
textOut <- eventReactive(input$runComp, {
req(theData(), sliderValue())
Sys.sleep(3) # simulate lengthy computation time
print(paste(Sys.time(), "Time-consuming computation..."))
return( paste( "Time-consuming computation...
Mean of data plus slider value: " ,
mean(theData()) + sliderValue() ) )

output$theOutput <- renderText({
}) # end of renderText

} # end server

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

编辑:这是一个(基于时间的)解决方案,可解决 @JohnK.Kruschke 所描述的预期行为。我个人更喜欢上述解决方案(如果主机 PC 因外部环境而变慢,这可能会失败,但在我的测试过程中它有效)。

library(magrittr) # for pipe operator, %>%, used with debounce().
debounceDelay = 2000 # milliseconds

ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Data affect Slider, both affect Subsequent Long Computation"),
# Data input:
inputId = "dataText" ,
label = "Type data, then click Submit:" ,
value = "10 20 30 40" ,
width = "200px" ,
height = "100px"
) ,
p(actionButton(inputId = "dataSubmit" ,
label = "Submit Data")) ,
# Slider input, to be updated by data:
inputId = "slider1" ,
label = HTML("Constant to Add to Mean of Data
(after debounce delay):") ,
min=3000 , max=5000 , value=4000 ,
round = FALSE ,
step = 1 ,
ticks = FALSE
) ,
# end sidebarPanel
) # end sidebarLayout
) # end ui fluidPage

server <- function(input, output, session) {
sliderUpdates <- reactiveValues(latestProgrammatic = Sys.time(), timeDiff = 0)

# Parse data values out of data text:
theData = reactive({
input$dataSubmit# establish dependency on dataSubmit button
yText = isolate(input$dataText) # remove dependency on dataText
y = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(yText, "\\s+")[[1]]))
if (any( | length(y) < 2) {
y = c(-12.3, 45.6, 78.9) # arbitrary replacement values
updateTextAreaInput(session ,
inputId = "dataText" ,
value = paste(as.character(y), collapse = " "))
# Computation on data for using in slider update:
upUI <- reactive({
low = min(theData())
val = median(theData())
high = max(theData())
low = low ,
val = val ,
high = high
# Update slider based on data values:
observeEvent(upUI(), {
sliderUpdates$latestProgrammatic <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Programmatic slider update was triggered:" , sliderUpdates$latestProgrammatic))
session ,
inputId = "slider1" ,
min = upUI()$low ,
max = upUI()$high ,
value = upUI()$val

# Debounce the slider value so it doesn't instantly trigger a cascade of long
# computations
sliderValue <- reactive({
latestUnkown <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Slider was updated:" , latestUnkown))
sliderUpdates$timeDiff <- latestUnkown - sliderUpdates$latestProgrammatic

}) %>% debounce(debounceDelay)

# Compute output:
output$theOutput <- renderText({
req(theData(), sliderValue(), req(isolate(sliderUpdates$timeDiff)))

print(paste("Elapsed time since the last programmatic slider update:", isolate(sliderUpdates$timeDiff)))
if(isolate(sliderUpdates$timeDiff) > 0.2){
Sys.sleep(3) # simulate lengthy computation time
"Time-consuming computation...
Mean of data plus slider value: " ,
mean(theData()) + sliderValue()
} else {

}) # end of renderText

} # end server

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

关于r - 避免依赖于更新的 slider 值的计算的双重执行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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