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audio - 为循环 wav 样本添加抗锯齿/带宽限制(非傅立叶变换)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 02:32:13 29 4
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如何使用 C++ 代码构建抗锯齿插值?我有一个简单的 4096 或 1024 缓冲区。当然,当我以高频播放时,我会遇到混叠问题。为避免这种情况,信号必须受到高频带宽的限制。粗略地说,高频的“锯齿”波应该看起来像一个正弦波。这就是我想要得到的,这样我的声音就不会像你在车里的旧 FM/AM radio 中移动旋钮一样脏。



在 AudioKit 源中找到解决方案。一个缓冲区将被分成 10 个缓冲区/ Octave 。因此,当您播放声音时,您不会播放原始波形,而是播放为特定 Octave 音程准备的样本。

导入您的项目 WaveStack.hpp

namespace AudioKitCore

// WaveStack represents a series of progressively lower-resolution sampled versions of a
// waveform. Client code supplies the initial waveform, at a resolution of 1024 samples,
// equivalent to 43.6 Hz at 44.1K samples/sec (about 23.44 cents below F1, midi note 29),
// and then calls initStack() to create the filtered higher-octave versions.
// This provides a basis for anti-aliased oscillators; see class WaveStackOscillator.

struct WaveStack
// Highest-resolution rep uses 2^maxBits samples
static constexpr int maxBits = 10; // 1024

// maxBits also defines the number of octave levels; highest level has just 2 samples
float *pData[maxBits];


// Fill pWaveData with 1024 samples, then call this
void initStack(float *pWaveData, int maxHarmonic=512);

void init();
void deinit();

float interp(int octave, float phase);


#include "WaveStack.hpp"
#include "kiss_fftr.h"

namespace AudioKitCore

int length = 1 << maxBits; // length of level-0 data
pData[0] = new float[2 * length]; // 2x is enough for all levels
for (int i=1; i<maxBits; i++)
pData[i] = pData[i - 1] + length;
length >>= 1;

delete[] pData[0];

void WaveStack::initStack(float *pWaveData, int maxHarmonic)
// setup
int fftLength = 1 << maxBits;
float *buf = new float[fftLength];
kiss_fftr_cfg fwd = kiss_fftr_alloc(fftLength, 0, 0, 0);
kiss_fftr_cfg inv = kiss_fftr_alloc(fftLength, 1, 0, 0);

// copy supplied wave data for octave 0
for (int i=0; i < fftLength; i++) pData[0][i] = pWaveData[i];

// perform initial forward FFT to get spectrum
kiss_fft_cpx spectrum[fftLength / 2 + 1];
kiss_fftr(fwd, pData[0], spectrum);

float scaleFactor = 1.0f / (fftLength / 2);

for (int octave = (maxHarmonic==512) ? 1 : 0; octave < maxBits; octave++)
// zero all harmonic coefficients above new Nyquist limit
int maxHarm = 1 << (maxBits - octave - 1);
if (maxHarm > maxHarmonic) maxHarm = maxHarmonic;
for (int h=maxHarm; h <= fftLength/2; h++)
spectrum[h].r = 0.0f;
spectrum[h].i = 0.0f;

// perform inverse FFT to get filtered waveform
kiss_fftri(inv, spectrum, buf);

// resample filtered waveform
int skip = 1 << octave;
float *pOut = pData[octave];
for (int i=0; i < fftLength; i += skip) *pOut++ = scaleFactor * buf[i];

// teardown
delete[] buf;

void WaveStack::init()

void WaveStack::deinit()

float WaveStack::interp(int octave, float phase)
while (phase < 0) phase += 1.0;
while (phase >= 1.0) phase -= 1.0f;

int nTableSize = 1 << (maxBits - octave);
float readIndex = phase * nTableSize;
int ri = int(readIndex);
float f = readIndex - ri;
int rj = ri + 1; if (rj >= nTableSize) rj -= nTableSize;

float *pWaveTable = pData[octave];
float si = pWaveTable[ri];
float sj = pWaveTable[rj];
return (float)((1.0 - f) * si + f * sj);


//wave and outputWave should be float[1024];
void getSample(int octave, float* wave, float* outputWave){

uint_fast32_t impulseCount = 1024;

if (octave == 0){
impulseCount = 737;
}else if (octave == 1){
impulseCount = 369;
else if (octave == 2){
impulseCount = 185;
else if (octave == 3){
impulseCount = 93;
else if (octave == 4){
impulseCount = 47;
else if (octave == 5){
impulseCount = 24;
else if (octave == 6){
impulseCount = 12;
else if (octave == 7){
impulseCount = 6;
else if (octave == 8){
impulseCount = 3;
else if (octave == 9){
impulseCount = 2;

//Get sample for octave
stack->initStack(wave, impulseCount);

for (int i = 0; i < 1024;i++){
float phase = (1.0/float(1024))*i;

//get interpolated wave and apply volume compensation
outputWave[i] = stack->interp(0, phase) / 2.0;


然后...当 10 个缓冲区准备就绪时。您可以在播放声音时使用它们。使用此代码,您可以获得缓冲区/ Octave 音阶的索引,具体取决于您的频率
uint_fast8_t getBufferIndex(const float& frequency){

if (frequency >= 0 && frequency < 40){
return 0;
else if (frequency >= 40 && frequency < 80){
return 1;
}else if (frequency >= 80 && frequency < 160){
return 2;
}else if (frequency >= 160 && frequency < 320){
return 3;
}else if (frequency >= 320 && frequency < 640){
return 4;
}else if (frequency >= 640 && frequency < 1280){
return 5;
}else if (frequency >= 1280 && frequency < 2560){
return 6;
}else if (frequency >= 2560 && frequency < 5120){
return 7;
}else if (frequency >= 5120 && frequency < 10240){
return 8;
}else if (frequency >= 10240){
return 9;
return 0;

所以如果我知道我的音符频率是 440hz。然后对于这个笔记,我以这种方式得到波:
float notInterpolatedSound[1024];
float interpolatedSound[1024];

uint_fast8_t octaveIndex = getBufferIndex(440.0);
getSample(octaveIndex, notInterpolatedSound, interpolatedSound);


ps. the code above is a low pass filter. I also tried to do sinc interpolation. But sinc worked for me very expensive and not exactly. Although maybe I did it wrong.

关于audio - 为循环 wav 样本添加抗锯齿/带宽限制(非傅立叶变换),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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