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我正在使用 vba,我有两张表,其中一张名为“Do Not Call”,A 列中有大约 800,000 行数据。我想使用此数据来检查第二张表中名为“Sheet1”的 I 列。如果它找到匹配项,我希望它删除“Sheet1”中的整行。我已经定制了从类似问题中找到的代码:Excel formula to Cross reference 2 sheets, remove duplicates from one sheet并运行它但没有任何反应。我没有收到任何错误,但它不起作用。
Option Explicit
Sub CleanDupes()
Dim wsA As Worksheet
Dim wsB As Worksheet
Dim keyColA As String
Dim keyColB As String
Dim rngA As Range
Dim rngB As Range
Dim intRowCounterA As Integer
Dim intRowCounterB As Integer
Dim strValueA As String
keyColA = "A"
keyColB = "I"
intRowCounterA = 1
intRowCounterB = 1
Set wsA = Worksheets("Do Not Call")
Set wsB = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Do While Not IsEmpty(wsA.Range(keyColA & intRowCounterA).Value)
Set rngA = wsA.Range(keyColA & intRowCounterA)
strValueA = rngA.Value
If Not dict.Exists(strValueA) Then
dict.Add strValueA, 1
End If
intRowCounterA = intRowCounterA + 1
intRowCounterB = 1
Do While Not IsEmpty(wsB.Range(keyColB & intRowCounterB).Value)
Set rngB = wsB.Range(keyColB & intRowCounterB)
If dict.Exists(rngB.Value) Then
intRowCounterB = intRowCounterB - 1
End If
intRowCounterB = intRowCounterB + 1
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub CleanDupes()
Dim targetArray, searchArray
Dim targetRange As Range
Dim x As Long
'Update these 4 lines if your target and search ranges change
Dim TargetSheetName As String: TargetSheetName = "Sheet1"
Dim TargetSheetColumn As String: TargetSheetColumn = "I"
Dim SearchSheetName As String: SearchSheetName = "Do Not Call"
Dim SearchSheetColumn As String: SearchSheetColumn = "A"
'Load target array
With Sheets(TargetSheetName)
Set targetRange = .Range(.Range(TargetSheetColumn & "1"), _
.Range(TargetSheetColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
targetArray = targetRange
End With
'Load Search Array
With Sheets(SearchSheetName)
searchArray = .Range(.Range(SearchSheetColumn & "1"), _
.Range(SearchSheetColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
End With
Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Populate dictionary from search array
If IsArray(searchArray) Then
For x = 1 To UBound(searchArray)
If Not dict.exists(searchArray(x, 1)) Then
dict.Add searchArray(x, 1), 1
End If
If Not dict.exists(searchArray) Then
dict.Add searchArray, 1
End If
End If
'Delete rows with values found in dictionary
If IsArray(targetArray) Then
'Step backwards to avoid deleting the wrong rows.
For x = UBound(targetArray) To 1 Step -1
If dict.exists(targetArray(x, 1)) Then
End If
If dict.exists(targetArray) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
'Checks to see if the particular cell is empty.
Do While Not IsEmpty(wsA.Range(keyColA & intRowCounterA).Value)
'Stores the cell to a range for no good reason.
Set rngA = wsA.Range(keyColA & intRowCounterA)
'Converts the value of the cell to a string because strValueA is a string.
strValueA = rngA.Value
'Checks to see if the string is in the dictionary.
If Not dict.Exists(strValueA) Then
'Adds the string to the dictionary.
dict.Add strValueA, 1
End If
'checks the value, not the value converted to a string.
If dict.Exists(rngB.Value) Then
这会失败,因为脚本字典不认为 double 等于字符串,即使将 double 转换为字符串时它们是相同的。
If dict.Exists(cstr(rngB.Value)) Then
或者您可以将 Dim strValueA As String
更改为 Dim strValueA
关于vba - 如何快速删除两个Excel工作表之间的重复项vba,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13665305/
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