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conv-neural-network - CNN : input stride vs. 输出步幅

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 01:58:38 25 4
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输出步幅这实际上是一个标称值。经过多次卷积、最大池化操作后,我们得到了 CNN 中的特征图。假设我们的输入图像是 224 * 224 ,最终的特征图是 7*7

然后我们说我们的输出步长是:224/7 = 32(下采样后图像发生的情况的近似值。)

这个 tensorflow script描述一下这个输出步幅是什么,以及如何在FCN中使用,即密集预测的情况。

one uses inputs with spatial dimensions that are multiples of 32 plus 1, e.g., [321, 321]. In this case the feature maps at the ResNet output will have spatial shape [(height - 1) / output_stride + 1, (width - 1) / output_stride + 1] and corners exactly aligned with the input image corners, which greatly facilitates alignment of the features to the image. Using as input [225, 225] images results in [8, 8] feature maps at the output of the last ResNet block.

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