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dart - Google 的 Dart 编程语言的作用是什么?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 01:44:53 27 4
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我很难理解 Google 编程语言 Dart 的主要用途是什么。它的作用是什么?我为什么要使用它?


您可以在 this article 上查看技术方面的信息。引用:

The Dart programming language is presented here in its early stages.The following design goals will guide the continued evolution andrefinement of this open source project:

  • Create a structured yet flexible programming language for the web.
  • Make Dart feel familiar and natural to programmers and thus easy tolearn.
  • Ensure that all Dart language constructs allow high performanceand fast application startup.
  • Make Dart appropriate for the full rangeof devices on the web—including phones, tablets, laptops, and servers.
  • Provide tools that make Dart run fast across all major modernbrowsers.

These design goals address the following problems currentlyfacing web developers:

  • Small scripts often evolve into large web applications with noapparent structure—they’re hard to debug and difficult to maintain. Inaddition, these monolithic apps can’t be split up so that differentteams can work on them independently. It’s difficult to be productivewhen a web application gets large.
  • Scripting languages are popularbecause their lightweight nature makes it easy to write code quickly.Generally, the contracts with other parts of an application areconveyed in comments rather than in the language structure itself. Asa result, it’s difficult for someone other than the author to read andmaintain a particular piece of code.
  • With existing languages, thedeveloper is forced to make a choice between static and dynamiclanguages. Traditional static languages require heavyweight toolchainsand a coding style that can feel inflexible and overly constrained.
  • Developers have not been able to create homogeneous systems thatencompass both client and server, except for a few cases such asNode.js and Google Web Toolkit (GWT).
  • Different languages and formatsentail context switches that are cumbersome and add complexity to thecoding process.

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