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c# - 如何从 Powershell 调用 GetInstance

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 01:25:29 26 4
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我正在对笔记本电脑的控制插件进行逆向工程,并试图弄清楚如何调用模拟“应用程序”正在做什么的方法。它是用 C# 编写的,所以我想我可以使用 PowerShell 来调用它的方法。
我使用 DotPeek 来确定所有内容都被处理到一个 DLL 中,该 DLL 实现了我想要访问的方法。

namespace Vendor.package1.package2.SomePlugin
internal class SomeClass : IInterfaceThatIWant, ...


public RequestObject SetSomething()
... method that I want to use

public ResponseObject GetSomething()

private SomeClass()

public static SomeClass GetInstance()
在 PowerShell 中,我尝试过:
Add-Type -Path "c:\pathtodll\x64\vendor.dll"
Unable to find type [Vendor.package1.package2.SomePlugin.SomeClass].
New-Object Vendor.package1.package2.SomePlugin.SomeClass
New-Object : Cannot find type [Vendor.package1.package2.SomePlugin.SomeClass]: verify that the assembly containing this type is loaded.
Unable to find type [Vendor.package1.package2.SomePlugin.SomeClass].


1.有Add-Type从程序集中返回所有类型Add-Type有一个 -PassThru将返回加载程序集中找到的所有类型的开关,无论访问如何:

# Import assembly out emit types
$VendorTypes = Add-Type -Path "c:\pathtodll\x64\vendor.dll" -PassThru

# Filter the types for the one we need
$SomeClassType = $VendorTypes.Where({$_.FullName -eq 'Vendor.package1.package2.SomePlugin.SomeClass'})

# Invoke public static `GetInstance()` method
$SomeInstance = $SomeClassType::GetInstance()

2.通过 Assembly.GetTypes()发现类型元数据
As you've already found out , [Assembly]::LoadFrom(...)还返回 Assembly对象,我们可以通过它发现它包含的类型:
# Load assembly, hold on to Assembly reference
$VendorAssembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("c:\pathtodll\x64\vendor.dll")

# Get all contained types
$VendorTypes = $VendorAssembly.GetTypes()

# Same steps as above ...

[...] the dll is successfully loaded, I can access the public classes

在这种情况下,您还可以通过以下公共(public)类型之一访问 Assembly:
$VendorAssembly = [Vendor.package1.package2.SomePublicClass].Assembly
3. 从 AppDomain 发现程序集元数据
如果您不调用 Add-Type 怎么办?或 [Assembly]::LoadFrom()直接,但试图发现由 GAC 中的程序集公开或由模块间接加载的非公共(public)类型?
幸运的是,我们可以让运行时告诉我们所有已经通过 [AppDomain] 加载的程序集。类(class):
# Enumerate all loaded assemblies
$AllAssemblies = [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()

# Filter for the vendor assembly in question
$VendorAssembly = $AllAssemblies.Where({ $_.Location -like "C:\pathtodll\x64\vendor.dll" })

# Same steps as above

如果 GetInstance也是非公开的,您可能必须使用反射来访问它:
# Use reflection to obtain a reference to the GetInstance method
$GetInstanceMethod = $SomeClassType.GetMethod("GetInstance", [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Static,NonPublic')

# Static methods need no invocation target, second argument is parameter args for the target method
$SomeInstance = $GetInstanceMethod.Invoke($null, @())
# Use reflection to obtain a reference to the SetSomething method, 
# Notice `Instance` instead of `Static` in the list of binding flags
$SetSomethingMethod = $SomeClassType.GetMethod("SetSomething", [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance,NonPublic')

# Pass the SomeClass instance we created in the previous example as the invocation target:
$RequestObject = $SetSomethingMethod.Invoke($SomeInstance, @())

关于c# - 如何从 Powershell 调用 GetInstance,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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