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Javascript:从具有相同标签名称的两个 XML 节点检索数据的可靠方法是什么?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 01:22:49 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


问题:一些<UNIT>节点有几个<NAMES>子节点,而其他节点则没有。如何从具有相同名称标签 <NAMES> 的兄弟节点检索数据如果我不知道它们在节点树中的位置?有没有简单的方法来获取它们的相对位置?

例如,如何检索 <NAMES> 中包含的“加利福尼亚”属性标签(我只成功检索了前 2 个属性):
California Republic
The Golden State
The Eureka State
Golden West

注意:XML 节点的格式不一致,并且不允许我更改 XML。

/*retrieve specific XML nodes*/
function testResults() {
const { value } = myInputId;
const foundState = [...xmlDoc.querySelectorAll('STATE')]
.find(possibleMatch => possibleMatch.textContent === value);
const unit = foundState.parentElement;
var u_state = unit.querySelector('STATE') ? unit.querySelector('STATE').textContent: "Not Found";
var u_gdp = unit.querySelector('GDP') ? unit.querySelector('GDP').textContent: "Not Found";
var u_pop = unit.querySelector('POPULATION') ? unit.querySelector('POPULATION').textContent: "Not Found";
var u_code = unit.querySelector('CODE') ? unit.querySelector('CODE').textContent: "Not Found";

/*retrieve alternate names attributes from 1st "NAMES" node*/
var u_name1 = unit.querySelector('NAMES') ? unit.querySelector('NAMES').getAttribute('name'): "Not Found";
var u_other1 = unit.querySelector('NAMES') ? unit.querySelector('NAMES').getAttribute('other'): "Not Found";

/*retrieve alternate names attributes from 2nd "NAMES" node*/
var u_name2 = unit.querySelector('NAMES') ? unit.querySelector('NAMES').getAttribute('name'): "Not Found";
var u_other2 = unit.querySelector('NAMES') ? unit.querySelector('NAMES').getAttribute('other'): "Not Found";

/*retrieve alternate names attributes from 3rd "NAMES" node*/
var u_name3 = unit.querySelector('NAMES') ? unit.querySelector('NAMES').getAttribute('name'): "Not Found";
var u_other3 = unit.querySelector('NAMES') ? unit.querySelector('NAMES').getAttribute('other'): "Not Found";

/*show retrieved XML data*/
document.getElementById("u_state").innerHTML = u_state ;
document.getElementById("u_gdp").innerHTML = u_gdp ;
document.getElementById("u_pop").innerHTML = u_pop;
document.getElementById("u_code").innerHTML = u_code;
document.getElementById("u_name1").innerHTML = u_name1;
document.getElementById("u_other1").innerHTML = u_other1;
document.getElementById("u_name2").innerHTML = u_name2;
document.getElementById("u_other2").innerHTML = u_other2;
document.getElementById("u_name3").innerHTML = u_name3;
document.getElementById("u_other3").innerHTML = u_other3;

/*simulate xmlDoc*/
var parser, xmlDoc, x, i;
var text = `<STATE_DATA>
<NAMES name='California Republic' other='The Golden State' />
<NAMES name='California' other='CA' />
<NAMES name='The Eureka State' other='Golden West' />
<NAMES name='Republic of Texas' other='The Lone Star State' />
<NAMES name='Texas' other='TX' />
parser = new DOMParser();
xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml");

/*submit input on ENTER*/
var n = document.getElementById("myInputId");
n.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
<input list="myInput" id="myInputId" value="">
<button id="myButton" onClick="testResults()">submit</button>

<datalist id="myInput">
<option id="CA">California</option>
<option id="TX">Texas</option>

<!--display XML data here-->
<p>state: <span id="u_state"></span></p>
<p>gdp: <span id="u_gdp"></span></p>
<p>pop: <span id="u_pop"></span></p>
<p>code: <span id="u_code"></span></p>
<p>name1: <span id="u_name1"></span></p>
<p>other1: <span id="u_other1"></span></p>
<p>name2: <span id="u_name2"></span></p>
<p>other2: <span id="u_other2"></span></p>
<p>name3: <span id="u_name3"></span></p>
<p>other3: <span id="u_other3"></span></p>

正如您在代码片段中看到的,这是 XML:

<NAMES name='California Republic' other='The Golden State' />
<NAMES name='California' other='CA' />
<NAMES name='The Eureka State' other='Golden West' />
<NAMES name='Republic of Texas' other='The Lone Star State' />
<NAMES name='Texas' other='TX' />


只需迭代所有属于所找到的 UNIT 子级的 NAMES 即可。不要为此使用 querySelector,因为 querySelector 只会返回第一个匹配项,而不是下一个匹配项;请改用 querySelectorAll

const [name1, name2, name3] = unit.querySelectorAll('NAMES');
var u_name1 = name1 ? name1.getAttribute('name') : 'Not Found';
var u_other1 = name1 ? name1.getAttribute('other') : 'Not Found';
var u_name2 = name2 ? name2.getAttribute('name') : 'Not Found';
var u_other2 = name2 ? name2.getAttribute('other') : 'Not Found';
var u_name3 = name3 ? name3.getAttribute('name') : 'Not Found';
var u_other3 = name3 ? name3.getAttribute('other') : 'Not Found';

/*retrieve specific XML nodes*/
function testResults() {
const {
} = myInputId;
const foundState = [...xmlDoc.querySelectorAll('STATE')]
.find(possibleMatch => possibleMatch.textContent === value);
const unit = foundState.parentElement;
var u_state = unit.querySelector('STATE') ? unit.querySelector('STATE').textContent : "Not Found";
var u_gdp = unit.querySelector('GDP') ? unit.querySelector('GDP').textContent : "Not Found";
var u_pop = unit.querySelector('POPULATION') ? unit.querySelector('POPULATION').textContent : "Not Found";
var u_code = unit.querySelector('CODE') ? unit.querySelector('CODE').textContent : "Not Found";

const [name1, name2, name3] = unit.querySelectorAll('NAMES');
var u_name1 = name1 ? name1.getAttribute('name') : 'Not Found';
var u_other1 = name1 ? name1.getAttribute('other') : 'Not Found';
var u_name2 = name2 ? name2.getAttribute('name') : 'Not Found';
var u_other2 = name2 ? name2.getAttribute('other') : 'Not Found';
var u_name3 = name3 ? name3.getAttribute('name') : 'Not Found';
var u_other3 = name3 ? name3.getAttribute('other') : 'Not Found';

/*show retrieved XML data*/
document.getElementById("u_state").innerHTML = u_state;
document.getElementById("u_gdp").innerHTML = u_gdp;
document.getElementById("u_pop").innerHTML = u_pop;
document.getElementById("u_code").innerHTML = u_code;
document.getElementById("u_name1").innerHTML = u_name1;
document.getElementById("u_other1").innerHTML = u_other1;
document.getElementById("u_name2").innerHTML = u_name2;
document.getElementById("u_other2").innerHTML = u_other2;
document.getElementById("u_name3").innerHTML = u_name3;
document.getElementById("u_other3").innerHTML = u_other3;

/*simulate xmlDoc*/
var parser, xmlDoc, x, i;
var text =
"<UNIT>" +
"<STATE>California</STATE>" +
"<GDP>2,500,000,000,000</GDP>" +
/*THREE siblings with the same element tag name "NAMES"*/
"<NAMES name='California Republic' other='The Golden State' />" +
"<NAMES name='California' other='CA'/>" +
"<NAMES name='The Eureka State' other='Golden West'/>" +
"</UNIT>" +
"<UNIT>" +
"<STATE>Texas</STATE>" +
"<GDP>1,600,000,000,000</GDP>" +
/*TWO siblings with the same element tag name "NAMES"*/
"<NAMES name='Republic of Texas' other='The Lone Star State' />" +
"<NAMES name='Texas' other='TX'/>" +
"</UNIT>" +
parser = new DOMParser();
xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml");

/*submit input on ENTER*/
var n = document.getElementById("myInputId");
n.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
<input list="myInput" id="myInputId" value="">
<button id="myButton" onClick="testResults()">submit</button>

<datalist id="myInput">
<option id="CA">California</option>
<option id="TX">Texas</option>

<!--display XML data here-->
<p>state: <span id="u_state"></span></p>
<p>gdp: <span id="u_gdp"></span></p>
<p>pop: <span id="u_pop"></span></p>
<p>code: <span id="u_code"></span></p>
<p>name1: <span id="u_name1"></span></p>
<p>other1: <span id="u_other1"></span></p>
<p>name2: <span id="u_name2"></span></p>
<p>other2: <span id="u_other2"></span></p>
<p>name3: <span id="u_name3"></span></p>
<p>other3: <span id="u_other3"></span></p>


关于Javascript:从具有相同标签名称的两个 XML 节点检索数据的可靠方法是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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