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azure - Luis 未通话通话量配额

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 01:05:35 30 4
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我有一个 Luis 应用程序,我正在使用启动 key 进行开发。我正在得到

Out of call volume quota. Quota will be replenished in xxxxxxxx.

我知道您每月有 1000 个查询,但我只使用了 188 个(仪表板上的值)。超出配额还有其他原因吗?



启动 key 每月仅允许 1000 次调用,并且无法正常工作。

这里是 Microsoft 常见问题解答的摘录:

Why did I get an email saying I'm almost out of quota?

Your authoring/starter key is only allowed 1000 endpoint queries a month.Create a LUIS subscription key (free or paid) and use that key whenmaking endpoint queries. If you are making endpoint queries from a botor another client application, you need to change the LUIS endpointkey there.

Check this了解如何创建 LUIS key 。

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