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amazon-web-services - Serverless框架-如何将模块资源合并到云形成中

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 00:50:50 24 4
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我在合并我的 module/awsm.json 时遇到问题进入resources-cf.json 。我所做的一切都不会合并它们。这是我的步骤

  1. jaws project create
  2. cd new-project-name
  3. jaws module create greetings hello
  4. 修改greetings/awsm.json添加LambdaIamPolicyDocumentStatements和资源。类似于 .

jaws deploy resources”不更新云的形成并产生-

JAWS: Resources Deployer  "dev": Deploying resources to region "us-west-2"...  
JAWS: Resources Deployer "dev - us-west-2": Performing Cloudformation stack update. This could take a while depending on how many resources you are updating...
JAWS: Resources Deployer "dev - us-west-2": Cloud formation stack update failed because of the following error...
{ [ValidationError: No updates are to be performed.]
{ [ValidationError: No updates are to be performed.]
message: 'No updates are to be performed.',
code: 'ValidationError',
time: Sun Oct 11 2015 00:13:53 GMT-0700 (MST),
statusCode: 400,
retryable: false,
retryDelay: 30 },
isOperational: true,
code: 'ValidationError',
time: Sun Oct 11 2015 00:13:53 GMT-0700 (MST),
statusCode: 400,
retryable: false,
retryDelay: 30 }

重新部署 lambda 和端点也不会更新云形成资源。

将更改写入 resources-cf.json 的正确流程是什么?并将它们应用到 AWS 上?


目前,在 1.3.3 上,还没有像我预期的那样自动从 awsm.json 生成 resources-cf.json

来自他们的Gitter channel :

resources part of awsm-module can update main resources cf file on the first install (through the post install step), but that is it for now. There is no tooling at the moment to do the same thing when you add changes to your module manually. For now such changes have to be moved by hand to the appropriate resources-cf file. Future versions of JAWS should bring support for commands that allow rebuilding resources-cf file from information stored inside the awsm-modules, as some people requested that feature.

关于amazon-web-services - Serverless框架-如何将模块资源合并到云形成中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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