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# First and foremost, I cannot recommend using this or any script to alter system cooling or kill processes as it can cause damage or break stuff!
# I accept no liability for anything, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
# CAUTION this sctipt could possibly damage things especially data but if your server is already cooking itself it should help lower the temperatures but know if it kills something as it’s writing data consider it lost!
# REQUIRES ipmitools “OM-BMC-Dell-Web-WIN-9.1.0-2757_A00.exe” is what I downloaded from Dell at: https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=9ngfj
# Add to the system variable path the installation folder which might be different from “C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\SysMgt\bmc” where the ipmitool.exe is located.
# Setup
# create a scheduled task to run on startup that calls powershell.exe with the following parameter(remove the # before the -file part):
# -file “C:\Scripts\PS\R330FanControl\R330FanControl.ps1″
# Set to run with highest privledges and without being logged in, be sure it’s enabled and reboot. Then verify it’s running in the background.
# Set iDRAC IP
# Set iDRAC Credentials
#Reset counter
# Enables fan control via ipmitool
$FanControlEnable = “ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x01 0x00”
# DISABLE FAN CONTROL if you ever want to do so.
# ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x01 0x01
# Sets fan speed to % defined in $FanControl variable
# hex conversion tables http://cactus.io/resources/toolbox/decimal-binary-octal-hexadecimal-conversion
$FanControl20 = (“ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x14”)
$FanControl30 = (“ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x1e”)
$FanControl40 = (“ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x28”)
$FanControl50 = (“ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x32”)
$FanControl60 = (“ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x3c”)
$FanControl70 = (“ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x46”)
$FanControl80 = (“ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x50”)
$FanControl90 = (“ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x5a”)
$FanControl100 = (“ipmitool -I lanplus -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x64”)
$KillHighCPU = “C:\Scripts\PS\R330FanControl\Kill_CPU_hog.ps1”
# Retrieves temperatures:
# ipmitool -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw -I lanplus sdr elist | findstr “Temp” | findstr “0Eh”
Invoke-Expression -Command $FanControlEnable
$cpuTemp = (ipmitool -H $iDRAC -U $usr -P $pw -I lanplus sdr elist | findstr “Temp” | findstr “0Eh” | %{$_.split(‘|’)[4]})
# Extract the digits of the temperature
# Displays the temerature as the script is running
# Switch logic to change the fan based on operating temperature reported via ipmi. (I noticed this displays different temperatures thatn Speccy, not sure which is more accurate)
# My processor is a e3-1220 V6 which from what I could find has a maximum temperature of ~70°C
# The last temperature from 67-999C will invoke another script tha twill find and kill the process usign the most CPU resources, THIS COULD POTENTIALLY BE DANGEROUS!
switch ($cpuTempDigits) {
{1..49 -contains $_}{write-host “Fan set to 20%” ; Invoke-Expression -Command $FanControl20}
{50..52 -contains $_}{write-host “Fan set to 30%” ;Invoke-Expression -Command $FanControl30}
{53..54 -contains $_}{write-host “Fan set to 40%” ;Invoke-Expression -Command $FanControl40}
{55..56 -contains $_}{write-host “Fan set to 50%” ;Invoke-Expression -Command $FanControl50}
{57..58 -contains $_}{write-host “Fan set to 60%” ;Invoke-Expression -Command $FanControl60}
{59..60 -contains $_}{write-host “Fan set to 70%” ;Invoke-Expression -Command $FanControl70}
{61..62 -contains $_}{write-host “Fan set to 80%” ;Invoke-Expression -Command $FanControl80}
{63..64 -contains $_}{write-host “Fan set to 90%” ;Invoke-Expression -Command $FanControl90}
{65..66 -contains $_}{write-host “Fan set to 100%” ;Invoke-Expression -Command $FanControl100}
{67..999 -contains $_}{write-host “Killing processes to cool down!” ;Invoke-Expression -Command $KillHighCPU}
# IF YOU ARE MANUALLY RUNNING THIS SCRIPT you can uncomment out the line below to watch it display the number of times it’s checking temps and setting the fan speeds.
#Write-Host “Action has run $i times at” (date)
### Kill_CPU_Hog.ps1 ###
# First and foremost, I cannot recommend using this or any script to alter system cooling or kill processes as it can cause damage or break stuff!
# I accept no liability for anything, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
# CAUTION this sctipt could possibly damage things especially data but if your server is already cooking itself it should help lower the temperatures but know if it kills something as it’s writing data consider it lost!
# This is the second script that finds what is taking the most CPU usage and kills that process. This script should not be run on it’s own.
# This script is invoked by the R330FanControl script that only calls it if the CPU temperature is running too hot and the fans are spinning as fast as they can to keep it cool and it’s still not enough.
# Then this script is invoked to kill whatever is potentially causing the server to overheat.
# https://www.youtube.com/c/ShinyTechThings
#Get all cores, which includes virtual cores from hyperthreading
$cores = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).NumberOfLogicalProcessors
#Get all process with there ID’s, excluding processes you can’t stop.
$processes = ((Get-Counter “\Process(*)\ID Process”).CounterSamples).where({$_.InstanceName -notin “idle”,”_total”,”system”})
#Get cpu time for all processes
$cputime = $processes.Path.Replace(“id process”, “% Processor Time”) | get-counter | select -ExpandProperty CounterSamples
#Get the processes with above 14% utilisation.
$highUsage = $cputime.where({[Math]::round($_.CookedValue / $cores,2) -gt 14})
# For each high usage process, grab it’s process ID from the processes list, by matching on the relevant part of the path
$highUsage |%{
$path = $_.Path
$id = $processes.where({$_.Path -like “*$($path.Split(‘(‘)[1].Split(‘)’)[0])*”}) | select -ExpandProperty CookedValue
Stop-Process -Id $id -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
[编辑-请注意,这是基于阅读其他人的帖子以及我对其他脚本语言的经验。意思是和,这是逻辑和轶事。 [咧嘴]
这是种回答,不是真正的回答。 [叹...]
如果需要长时间运行,请尝试将其分成较短的运行时间。也许可以使用Task Scheduler频繁运行代码,但可以简短运行。
更好的解决方案是使用更严格的内存管理来重写代码。也许C#... [咧嘴]
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最近,我加入了我企业的 Windows 团队,凭借我的开发人员背景(一般是 Java、.NET 和 Web),我很快就对 PowerShell 产生了兴趣。我可以看到它比普通的旧批处理文件、VB 更有
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我想为我正在构建的自定义 Powershell Commandlet 使用 SqlServerCmdletSnapin。如果我将以下代码添加到 PSM1 的开头: if ( (Get-PSSnapin
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我的 powershell 模块有一个函数,我希望它返回一个非零退出代码。但是,作为一个模块函数,当我运行 Import-Module 时,它会加载到 powershell 控制台的上下文中。所以,当
我在这个问题上花了最后 4 个小时,非常感谢您提供的任何意见。 我需要使用不同的凭据调用 powershell 脚本并将参数传递给该脚本。 安装 WISEScript 中包装的程序后,此脚本开始收集机
我有一个场景,我需要将 powershell 命令的命令和输出转发到另一个进程以进行日志记录和处理。 我希望这个控制台尽可能接近 powershell,因此不希望将它简单地托管在另一个控制台程序中。
我正在尝试让一个主 PowerShell 脚本运行所有其他脚本,同时等待 30-60 秒以确保完成任务。我尝试过的所有其他操作都不会停止/等待第一个脚本及其进程完成,然后才能同时完成所有其他脚本,并且
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我很想知道我们是否可以在 Powershell 中做到这一点。 使用 Out-File 命令,我们可以通过管道将其输出写入文件。这样我就可以将我所有的历史命令发送到一个文本文件中。 问题是我可以在每次
我在 about_Pipelines 阅读了有关 PowerShell 中的管道工作原理的信息,并了解到管道一次传送一个对象。 所以,这个 Get-Service | Format-Table -Pr
我正在尝试像这样从 powershell 启动一个进程:- $proc = (start-process $myExe -argumentList '/myArg True' -windowStyle
## To run the script # .\get_status.ps1 -Hostname -Service_Action -Service_Name #$Hostname = "hos
让我们使用 powershell 命令 Write-Host "red text"-Fore red这会在红色前景中显示“红色文本”。 但是,您希望文本以稍微亮一点的方式显示字体颜色,浅红色。 有没有