gpt4 book ai didi

recursion - 如何在功能上编写针对具有依赖条件的动态更改集合的迭代算法?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 23:59:45 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


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let g = Set.ofList [ (0, false, 1);
(0, true, 2);
(1, true, 3);
(1, false, 4);
(2, true, 4);
(4, false, 4); ]

let nextNode graph prev value = graph |> Seq.tryPick (function
| prev', value', next when prev = prev' && value = value' -> Some next
| _ -> None)

let noIncoming graph node =
not <| Set.exists (fun (_, _, node') -> node = node') graph

let clearEdges graph start input =
let graph' = ref graph
let current = ref (Some start)
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun _ -> Option.exists (noIncoming !graph') !current)
|> Seq.iter (fun value ->
let next = nextNode !graph' (!current).Value value
graph' := Set.filter (fun (current', _, _) -> (!current).Value <> current') !graph'
current := next)

clearEdges g 0 [false; true]
> val it : Set<int * bool * int> ref =
{contents = set [(2, true, 4); (4, false, 4)];}

它有效,但据我所知,我怀疑带有引用的算法 clearEdges 很丑陋,而且不是 F# 风格的。我尝试过以函数方式编写它,但可能我已经收到了迭代算法和收集方法的混合。有没有任何函数式方法可以做到这一点?因为我认为丑陋的工作代码比没有代码更糟糕。谢谢。



为了理解代码,我做的第一件事就是添加类型签名,然后将 printfn 语句添加到代码中,以查看它在做什么。


在重新设计代码时,我并没有尝试一次更改一小部分,而是根据我从 printfn 输出和类型签名中学到的知识从头开始构建核心功能。我毫不犹豫地从使用 ref 的可变代码切换到在每个函数中从头开始重建的不可变图。扔掉现有的数据结构并每次构建一个新的数据结构似乎是一种浪费,但请这样考虑:必须在每个边缘上做出决策的函数必须访问每个边缘,因此当您访问每个边缘时您可以将其添加到新图表中,也可以不添加,这使得编码变得更加容易,并且对于其他试图理解它的人来说也更加容易。




如果这是库的一部分,则应修改代码以删除类型签名,如果这是通用的,则不可以选择。还要将单独的函数设为内部函数,并重构其中的一些函数以利用内置的 F# 核心函数,并添加更多注释以弥补这样做时的清晰度损失。

在早期版本中,我使用 List.pick但意识到它可能会抛出 KeyNotFoundException 异常,因为我喜欢我的函数是 total如果可能的话对其进行修改以避免异常。

在查看我的答案时,我对if not (nodeUsed graph node) then 不满意;这是简单中的一个疣。所以我决定求助于函数式编程这把古老的瑞士军刀:factoringPure functional编程基本上是可以像数学表达式一样分解的表达式,或者更理论上 term rewriting 。我知道如果我能用 not 分解出这条线,我就能让它变得更漂亮,也更容易理解。因此,分解 not 的方法是将其移到 let rec 之外,例如pathToNodes,这可以通过传入节点列表而不是转换列表来完成,例如reduceGraph2。一旦完成,代码就变得简单了。

我确信人们可以进一步分解代码,但我通常会将这样的答案留给 F# 新人,因为它们更容易理解。

namespace Workspace

module main =

type Node = int
type Transition = bool
type Edge = Node * Transition * Node
type Path = Transition list
type Graph = Edge list

let main argv =

let edge1 : Edge = (0, false, 1)
let edge2 : Edge = (0, true , 2)
let edge3 : Edge = (1, true , 3)
let edge4 : Edge = (1, false, 4)
let edge5 : Edge = (2, true , 4)
let edge6 : Edge = (4, false, 4)

let g : Graph = [edge1; edge2; edge3; edge4; edge5; edge6]

// Given a Node, are there any Edges to that node
let nodeUsed (graph : Graph) (checkNode : Node) : bool =
List.exists (fun (_, _, toNode) -> checkNode = toNode) graph

// Given a Node and a transition, what is the next node
// This assumes that Transition is binary
// so only a value will be returned instead of a list.
let nextNode (graph : Graph) (fromNode : Node) (transition : Transition) : Node option =
let rec pick (graph : Graph) (fromNode : Node) (transition : Transition) : Node option =
match graph with
| (f, c, t)::tl when (f = fromNode) && (c = transition) -> Some t
| hd::tl -> pick tl fromNode transition
| _ -> None
pick graph fromNode transition

// Given a graph and a node, remove all edges that start from that node.
// This builds a new graph each time, thus the graph is immutable.
let removeNode (graph : Graph) (node : Node) : Graph =
let rec removeEdges graph node newGraph =
match graph with
| hd::tl ->
let (f,c,t) = hd
if (f = node)
// Don't add current node to new graph
then removeEdges tl node newGraph
// Add current node to new graph
else removeEdges tl node ((f,c,t) :: newGraph)
| [] -> newGraph
removeEdges graph node []

// or

// let removeNode (graph : Graph) (node : Node) : Graph =
// let choiceFunction elem =
// match elem with
// | (f,c,t) when f = node -> None
// | _ -> Some(elem)
// List.choose choiceFunction graph

// Given a graph, a starting node, and a list of transitions (path),
// return a new reduced graph based on the example code in the SO question.
let reduceGraph (graph : Graph) (start : Node) (path : Path) : Graph =
let rec processTransistion graph node transitions =
if not (nodeUsed graph node) then
match transitions with
| (transistion :: transitions) ->
// Get next node before removing nodes used to get next node
let nextNodeResult = nextNode graph node transistion
match nextNodeResult with
| Some(nextNode) ->
let newGraph = removeNode graph node
processTransistion newGraph nextNode transitions
| None -> graph
| [] -> graph
else graph
processTransistion graph start path

let result = reduceGraph g 0 [false; true]
printfn "reduceGraph - result: %A" result

printf "Press any key to exit: "
System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
printfn ""

0 // return an integer exit code


    // Give an graph, a node and a path, 
// convert the transition list (path) to a node list
let pathToNodes (graph : Graph) (start : Node) (path : Path) : (Node List) =
let rec visit graph node transistions acc =
match transistions with
| (transition::rest) ->
match (nextNode graph node transition) with
| Some(nextNode) -> visit graph nextNode rest (nextNode :: acc)
| None -> List.rev acc
| [] -> List.rev acc
visit graph start path [start]

// Given a graph, a starting node, and a list of transitions (path),
// return a new reduced graph based on the example code in the SO question.
// This variation does so internally by a node list instead of a transition list
let reduceGraph2 (graph : Graph) (start : Node) (path : Path) : Graph =
let rec processNodes graph nodes =
match nodes with
| (currentNode :: rest) -> processNodes (removeNode graph currentNode) rest
| [] -> graph
let nodes = pathToNodes graph start path
processNodes graph nodes

关于recursion - 如何在功能上编写针对具有依赖条件的动态更改集合的迭代算法?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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