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powershell - Powershell输出到CSV文件

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 23:28:32 25 4
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#Objective is to create a csv file with
# "hostname of public IP","public IP","machine name",date,time-24hour
# for example: (note no header in file)
# "","","IT-BHOLLING",8/23/2014,06:52:35
# quotes around text fields are an optional objective (helps with some csv import engines)
# some approaches require that the path c:\IP\Working exists (or change lines 46 & 47
# Change line 61 to try each output method

# I am defining website url in a variable
$url = ""
# Creating a new .Net Object names a System.Net.Webclient
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# In this new webdownlader object we are telling $webclient to download the url $url
#get public IP address
$Ip = $webclient.DownloadString($url)
# Just a simple text manuplation to get the ipadress form downloaded URL
# If you want to know what it contain try to see the variable $Ip
#$Ip2 = $Ip.ToString()
#$ip3 = $Ip2.Split(" ")
#$ip4 = $ip3[5]
#$ip5 = $ip4.replace("</body>","")
#-- or - do this
$FinalIPAddress = $Ip.ToString().Split(" ")[5].replace("</body>","").replace("</html>","")
#get machine name
$MNme = $env:computername
#Get Hostname from IP address
try {
$Resolved = []::GetHostEntry($FinalIPAddress)
catch {
$Resolved = ((&nslookup $FinalIPAddress)|where {$_ -match "^Name:"}).split(':')[1].trim()
#$Qstring = "select * from win32_pingstatus where address=" + """$FinalIPAddress""" + " AND ResolveAddressNames=True"
#$Qstring = "'" + $Qstring + "'"
# $AName = Get-WmiObject -Query $Qstring |
# select ProtocolAddressResolved | ConvertTo-Csv
#$AName = Get-WMIObject -q 'select * from win32_pingstatus where address="" AND ResolveAddressNames=True'|
# select ProtocolAddressResolved | ConvertTo-Csv

$FinalIPAddress = $FinalIPAddress.Replace("`r`n","")
#get date
$GDte = Get-Date -format("G")
$GTme = Get-Date -format("u")
$infile = "C:\IP\Working\" + $MNme + ".txt"
$outfile = "C:\IP\Working\" + $MNme + ".csv"
$Dsplit = $GDte.split(" ")
$Dte = $Dsplit[0]
$Tsplit = $GTme.split(" ")
$Tme = $Tsplit[1].replace("Z","")
#remove previous files
If (Test-Path $infile){
Remove-Item $infile
If (Test-Path $outfile){
Remove-Item $outfile

#Write accumulated data to a file; modify $CMethod to test each alternate approach to creating csv file
$CMethod = "D"
if ($CMethod -eq "A") {
#this method produces a file that works with Access but not with Excel. Excel sees it as unicode-text
$content = """$Resolved""" + "," + """$FinalIPAddress""" + "," + """$MNme""" + "," + $Dte + "," + $Tme
$content > $outfile
if ($CMethod -eq "B") {
#This method produces an empty csv file, with a few tweaks it procudes a file with Length info instead of results
#tried with quotes
$content = """$Resolved""" + " " + """$FinalIPAddress""" + " " + """$MNme""" + " " + $Dte + " " + $Tme
#also tried without quotes
#$content = $Resolved + " " + $FinalIPAddress + " " + $MNme + " " + $Dte + " " + $Tme
$content > $infile
import-csv $infile -delimiter " " | export-csv -NoTypeInformation $outfile
If ($CMethod -eq "C") {
$content = """$Resolved""" + " " + """$FinalIPAddress""" + " " + """$MNme""" + " " + $Dte + " " + $Tme
add-content $infile $content
import-csv $infile -delimiter " " | export-csv -NoTypeInformation $outfile
if ($CMethod -eq "D") {
#Yet another method, convert to object first
#$content = """$Resolved""" + " " + """$FinalIPAddress""" + " " + """$MNme""" + " " + $Dte + " " + $Tme
#$content = """$Resolved""" + "," + """$FinalIPAddress""" + "," + """$MNme""" + "," + $Dte + "," + $Tme
$content = $Resolved + "," + $FinalIPAddress + "," + $MNme + "," + $Dte + "," + $Tme
$psObject = $null
$psObject = New-Object psobject
$Csplit = $content.Split(",")
#alternate approaches to converting PSobjecdt to csv
foreach($o in $Csplit)
Add-Member -InputObject $psobject -MemberType noteproperty -Name $o -Value $o -PassThru
$psObject | Export-Csv $outfile -NoTypeInformation

#Add-Member -InputObject $psobject -MemberType noteproperty -Name $Csplit -Value $Csplit
#$psObject | Export-Csv $outfile -NoTypeInformation

#echo to console
"Mehtod Choosen = " + $CMethod
"end of the script....."


您可以使用Add-Content -Path "FilePath" -Value "$Resolved,$FinalIPAddress,$MNme,$Dte,$Tme"

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