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我有一个应用程序,它根据季节 id 从我的 API 渲染赛程、结果等 - 该 id 作为 SeasonState 的属性存储在状态中:
export interface SeasonsState extends EntityState<Season> {
allSeasonsLoaded: boolean;
currentlySelectedSeasonId: number;
其他组件使用它来确定从 API 获取哪些装置、结果等并存储在状态中。例如:
).subscribe(seasonId => {
this.store.dispatch(new AllFixturesBySeasonRequested({seasonId}));
this.fixtures$ = this.store
我尝试创建一个选择器,用于有条件地从我的效果中的 API 加载数据:
export const selectSeasonsLoaded = (seasonId: any) => createSelector(
fixturesState => fixturesState.seasonsLoaded.find(seasonId)
编辑:使用下面答案中的信息,我编写了以下效果,但是请参阅评论 - 我需要能够在 withLatestFrom 中使用有效负载中的 seasonId。
loadFixturesBySeason$ = this.actions$
withLatestFrom(this.store.select(selectAllFixtures)), // needs to be bySeasonId
switchMap(([action, fixtures]) => {
if (fixtures.length) {
return [];
return this.fixtureService.getFixturesBySeason(action.payload.seasonId);
map(fixtures => new AllFixturesBySeasonLoaded({fixtures}))
你的效果设置是这样的[我正在使用 ngrx 6,所以在 ngrx 6 上进行了测试;如果您使用其他版本,那么您会得到一个想法并相应地调整代码] -
@Effect() allFixturesBySeasonRequested: Observable<Action> =
//Please use your action here;
//please adjust your action payload here as per your code
//bottom line is to map your dispatched action to the action's payload
map(action => action.payload ),
switchMap(seasonId => {
//first get the fixtures for the seasonId from the store
//check its value if there are fixtures for the specified seasonId
//then dont fetch it from the server; If NO fixtures then fetch the same from the server
return this.store
//this will ensure not to trigger this again when you update the fixtures in your store after fetching from the backend.
mergeMap(fixtures => {
//check here if fixtures has something OR have your logic to know
//if fixtures are there
//I am assuming it is an array
if (fixtures && fixtures.lenght) {
//here you can either return NO action or return an action
//which informs that fixtures already there
//or send action as per your app logic
return [];
} else {
//NO fixtures in the store for seasonId; get it from there server
return this.http.get(/*your URL to get the fixtures from the backend*/)=
mergeMap(res => {
return [new YourFixtureFetchedSucccess()];
现在您需要调度从您的服务/组件或应用程序的设计方式中获取指定 seasonId 的灯具的操作。
关于javascript - NgRx Store - 根据另一个状态对象的属性有条件地加载数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56758498/
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我需要将范围(有条件)中的唯一值组合到同一行的另一个范围中。 其实我前两天发过类似的问题Link所提供的答案在我提出上述问题时有效。 但后来,我遇到了一个新问题,我宁愿问一个新的问题,让它更清楚: (
我刚开始使用 VBA,并且正在努力处理需要清理的工作表。 我有一列包含混合邮政编码和城市名称的字符串。我想从 A 列中提取邮政编码并放在 B 列中,并在 C 列中提取带有下划线的城市名称。 我的(示例