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azure - 如何使用 ARM 部署具有托管 SSL 证书的应用服务

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 23:02:54 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我想创建一个具有自定义主机名绑定(bind)和托管 SSL 证书的 Azure 应用服务。

当我创建单个 Bicep 模板时,只有在已创建主机名绑定(bind)的情况下才能部署证书资源。但要创建主机名绑定(bind),我需要证书指纹。


// hostname bindings must be deployed one by one to prevent Conflict (HTTP 429) errors.
resource customHostnameWithoutSsl 'Microsoft.web/sites/hostnameBindings@2019-08-01' = [for fqdn in customHostnames: {
name: '${}/${fqdn}'
properties: {
hostNameType: 'Verified'
sslState: 'Disabled'

// Managed certificates can only be created once the hostname is added to the web app.
resource certificates 'Microsoft.Web/certificates@2022-03-01' = [for (fqdn, i) in customHostnames: {
name: '${fqdn}-${webAppName}'
location: location
properties: {
serverFarmId: appServicePlanResourceId
canonicalName: fqdn
dependsOn: [ ]

// sslState and thumbprint can only be set once the managed certificate is created
resource customHostname 'Microsoft.web/sites/hostnameBindings@2019-08-01' = [for (fqdn, i) in customHostnames: {
name: '${}/${fqdn}'
properties: {
hostNameType: 'Verified'
sslState: 'SniEnabled'
thumbprint: certificates[i].properties.thumbprint

是否有其他方法可以创建单个部署模板来部署具有自定义主机名的托管 SSL 证书的 Azure 应用服务?


Updating the hostname binding in the same template also is not possible, as a resource can only exist once in a template.

为了防止此错误,可以使用 Bicep 模块(或 ARM 嵌套模板)部署资源。



@description('The name of the App Service Plan that this web app will be deployed to.')
param appServicePlanResourceId string

@description('The location that the resource will be deployed to')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('The custom hostnames that you wish to add.')
param customHostnames array = []

@description('Deploy hostnames without SSL binding before creating the certificate. Required when hostname is not present yet.')
param redeployHostnames bool = false

resource webAppService 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2020-12-01' = {

// hostname bindings must be deployed one by one to prevent Conflict (HTTP 429) errors.
resource customHostnameWithoutSsl 'Microsoft.web/sites/hostnameBindings@2019-08-01' = [for fqdn in customHostnames: if (redeployHostnames) {
name: '${}/${fqdn}'
properties: {
hostNameType: 'Verified'
sslState: 'Disabled'

// certificates must be bound via module/nested template, because each resource can only occur once in every template
// in this case the hostnameBindings would occur twice otherwise.
module certificateBindings './bindCertificateToHostname.bicep' = {
name: '${deployment().name}-ssl'
params: {
appServicePlanResourceId: appServicePlanResourceId
customHostnames: customHostnames
location: location
dependsOn: customHostnameWithoutSsl


param webAppName string
param location string
param appServicePlanResourceId string
param customHostnames array

// Managed certificates can only be created once the hostname is added to the web app.
resource certificates 'Microsoft.Web/certificates@2022-03-01' = [for (fqdn, i) in customHostnames: {
name: '${fqdn}-${webAppName}'
location: location
properties: {
serverFarmId: appServicePlanResourceId
canonicalName: fqdn

// sslState and thumbprint can only be set once the managed certificate is created
resource customHostname 'Microsoft.web/sites/hostnameBindings@2019-08-01' = [for (fqdn, i) in customHostnames: {
name: '${webAppName}/${fqdn}'
properties: {
siteName: webAppName
hostNameType: 'Verified'
sslState: 'SniEnabled'
thumbprint: certificates[i].properties.thumbprint

关于azure - 如何使用 ARM 部署具有托管 SSL 证书的应用服务,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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