gpt4 book ai didi

vba - 当多个单元格一起更改时,对每行更改添加时间戳(例如使用自动填充)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 22:49:11 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

Screen shot of what I want:

enter image description here

我想在发生更改时为每一行添加时间戳,以便我可以将在特定时间后更新的所有行上传到中央文件。由于一项 Assets 的每个子组件可能有多行,因此用户可以填写一行并自动填充/复制粘贴到下面的相关行。行可能不在连续范围内(例如,过滤时)。


该子程序由 worksheet_change 调用,如下所示。

    Sub SetDateRow(Target As Range, Col As String)

Dim TargetRng As Range
Dim LastCol, LastInputCol As Integer
With ActiveSheet
LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 24
End With

For Each TargetRng In Target.Cells

If TargetRng.Cells.Count > 1 Then
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False

Cells(TargetRng.Row, LastCol - 2) = Now()
Cells(TargetRng.Row, LastCol - 1).Value = Environ("username")
Cells(TargetRng.Row, LastCol).Value = Target.Address

End If

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Target.Cells.Address 返回范围(包括不可见单元格),但我无法弄清楚如何将其拆分为可以循环遍历的单个可见单元格。

     Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

On Error GoTo Errorcatch

Dim TargetRng As Range

Dim LastCol, LastInputCol, LastRow As Integer
Dim LastInputColLetter As String
Dim ContinueNewRow
With ActiveSheet
LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 24
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End With
LastInputCol = LastCol - 3

If LastInputCol > 26 Then
LastInputColLetter = Chr(Int((LastInputCol - 1) / 26) + 64) & Chr(((LastInputCol - 1) Mod 26) + 65)
LastInputColLetter = Chr(LastInputCol + 64)
End If

For Each TargetRng In Target.Cells

If TargetRng.Row <= 2 Then
Exit Sub
End If

If TargetRng.Column <= LastInputCol Then

SetDateRow Target, LastCol - 3

If TargetRng.Count = 1 Then

Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim cmt As String
' If Target.Value = "" Then
' Target.Value = " "
' End If
If Intersect(TargetRng, Range("AC3:AC10000")) Is Nothing Then ' need to make column into variables in the code based on column name

Application.EnableEvents = True

Application.EnableEvents = False
Cells(TargetRng.Row, "Z") = Now() 'Date booking was made column
Cells(TargetRng.Row, "AD").Value = Cells(Target.Row, "AD").Value + 1 ' iteration column

End If

If TargetRng.Comment Is Nothing Then
cmt = Now & vbCrLf & Environ("UserName") & " *" & TargetRng.Value & "*"
cmt = Now & vbCrLf & Environ("UserName") & " *" & TargetRng.Value & "* " & TargetRng.Comment.Text
End If

With TargetRng
.AddComment cmt
End With

End If
End If

Application.EnableEvents = True

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub




示例数据有两行标题,要更新的字段具有位于第 1 行的以下标题(如果需要,请调整代码中的相应行):


ACZ 列的

预订日期BkdDte 更改迭代AD 分别(此名称用于测试目的,将代码更改为实际名称)


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim Wsh As Worksheet, rCll As Range
Dim iDteChn As Integer, iWhoChn As Integer, iLstCll As Integer
Dim iBkdDte As Integer, iBkdChn As Integer, iBkdCnt As Integer
Dim sCllCmt As String
Dim lRow As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorCatch

Rem Set Application Properties
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Improve performance
Application.EnableEvents = False 'Disable events at the begining

Rem Set Field Position - This will always returns Fields position
Set Wsh = Target.Worksheet
With Wsh
iDteChn = WorksheetFunction.Match("Date Change Made", .Rows(1), 0)
iWhoChn = WorksheetFunction.Match("Who Made Change", .Rows(1), 0)
iLstCll = WorksheetFunction.Match("Last Cell Changed", .Rows(1), 0)
iBkdDte = WorksheetFunction.Match("Booked Date", .Rows(1), 0) 'Column of field "Booked date" (i.e. Column `AC`)
iBkdChn = WorksheetFunction.Match("BkdDte Change", .Rows(1), 0) 'Column of field "Booked date changed" (i.e. Column `Z`)
iBkdCnt = WorksheetFunction.Match("Iteration", .Rows(1), 0) 'Column of field "Iteration" (i.e. Column `AD`)
End With

Rem Process Cells Changed
For Each rCll In Target.Cells
With rCll
lRow = .Row

Rem Exclude Header Rows
If lRow <= 2 Then GoTo NEXT_Cll

Rem Validate Field Changed
Select Case .Column
Case Is >= iLstCll: GoTo NEXT_Cll
Case iDteChn, iWhoChn, iBkdChn, iBkdCnt: GoTo NEXT_Cll
Case iBkdDte
Rem Booked Date - Set Count
Wsh.Cells(lRow, iBkdChn) = Now()
Wsh.Cells(lRow, iBkdCnt).Value = Cells(.Row, iBkdCnt).Value + 1
End Select

Rem Update Cell Change Details
Wsh.Cells(lRow, iDteChn).Value = Now()
Wsh.Cells(lRow, iWhoChn).Value = Environ("username")
Wsh.Cells(lRow, iLstCll).Value = .Address

Rem Update Cell Change Comments
sCllCmt = Now & vbCrLf & Environ("UserName") & " *" & .Value & "*"
If Not .Comment Is Nothing Then sCllCmt = sCllCmt & .Comment.Text
.AddComment sCllCmt

End With


Rem Restate Application Properties
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Rem Restate Application Properties
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub


关于vba - 当多个单元格一起更改时,对每行更改添加时间戳(例如使用自动填充),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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