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Python 和 OpenAI - 如何使用 OpenAI API 获取指定格式的所需/相似输出?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 22:47:15 24 4
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我开发了一个 Python 脚本,利用从文本文件收集的信息作为 ChatGPT API 的输入,特别是使用 3.5-turbo 模型。

但是,我遇到了一个问题,即使我在插入收集的数据之前包含预设文本,也无法始终从 API 收到预期的输出或答案,例如:

import openai

default_parameters = r'''The answer from ChatGPT must comply with the following requirements ("n" an integer representing each answer number. Each answer headline, subheadline, and body must have the same "n"):--Headline (n) Begin--<Insert here the headline generated by ChatGPT (n)>--Headline (n) End--\n--Subheadline (n) Begin--<Insert here the subheadline generated by ChatGPT>--Subheadline (n) End--\n--Body (n) Begin--<Insert here the body generated by ChatGPT>--Body (n) End--.'''

default_prompt = r'''- Task: Generate 10 'news article' from the subject:'''

question = r'''Most important laws created in the US from 1980 to 2000.'''

prompt_a = {"role": "user", "content": f'''{default_parameters}\n{default_prompt}"""{question}"""'''}

conversation = [prompt_a]

response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(

answer_gpt = response['choices'][0]['message']['content']
print("Answer:", answer_gpt)

尽管使用结构化提示和系统消息设置输入,但模型的响应似乎并不始终符合我的期望。如何提高输出的一致性并确保我从 OpenAI API 收到更准确、更相关的响应。

我什至尝试在提示中加入特定的格式说明,例如“--<.在此处插入答案。>--”,但有时 API 会生成答案的格式与我想要的格式不同。

如何确保我始终能够以我需要的指定格式从 OpenAI API 收到答案?是否有任何其他技术或最佳实践来实现这种一致性?

在尝试以指定格式从 OpenAI API 获取一致且​​所需的输出时,我最初按如下方式构建 Python 脚本:

  • 我定义了默认参数和提示来指导 AI 模型的响应。这些参数包括上下文设置文本(例如“使用这些输出参数”)和提示(例如“回答以下问题”)。
  • 我通过将文本文件中的实际问题或输入数据添加到系统消息的内容中,将其包含在对话中。

我期望通过设置清晰的系统消息并提供结构化提示,AI 模型能够一致地生成指定格式的响应。具体来说,我的目标是收到遵循预定结构的答案,并根据提示包含必要的详细信息。例如,我希望答案采用“--<.在此处插入答案。>--”这样的格式或类似的结构化方式。

但是,尽管做出了这些努力,我还是遇到了 API 生成的响应不一致的情况。有时,提供的答案不是所需的格式,并且没有一致遵循格式说明。这导致生成的答案的呈现和结构发生变化,这与我的期望不符。


--Headline (1) End--
--Subheadline (1) Begin--A Look at the Key Environmental Legislation from 1980 to 2000--Subheadline (1) End--
--Body (1) Begin--During the two decades spanning from 1980 to 2000, the United States saw the enactment of several pivotal environmental laws that left an indelible mark on the nation's commitment to environmental protection. These laws laid the foundation for a more sustainable future and set standards for clean air, clean water, and the preservation of natural ecosystems. In this article, we delve into some of the most important environmental legislation that emerged during this transformative period.--Body (1) End--

--Headline (1) Begin--The Digital Revolution: A Closer Look at the Tech Laws of the 1980s and 1990s--Headline (1) End--
--Subheadline (2) Begin--Exploring the Legal Framework That Shaped the Information Age--Subheadline (2) End--
--Body (2) Begin--The late 20th century was marked by an unprecedented surge in technological innovation, and the United States played a leading role in this digital revolution. To regulate and adapt to this rapid transformation, a series of groundbreaking technology laws were enacted during the 1980s and 1990s. From the birth of the internet to the protection of intellectual property, these laws paved the way for the modern digital landscape we know today.--Body (2) End--

--Headline (3) Begin--Reforming the Criminal Justice System: Landmark Laws from 1980 to 2000--Headline (3) End--
--Subheadline (3) Begin--Examining Key Criminal Justice Reforms That Shaped an Era--Subheadline (3) End--
--Body (1) Begin--The 1980s and 1990s witnessed significant changes in the U.S. criminal justice system. Amidst rising crime rates, lawmakers and policymakers crafted a series of laws aimed at reforming the system, addressing drug epidemics, and improving public safety. This article delves into the most influential criminal justice reforms of that era, exploring their impact on American society and the criminal justice landscape.

--Headline (5) Begin--Healthcare Transformation: Landmark Laws from the Late 20th Century--Headline (5) End--
--Subheadline (5) Begin--Analyzing Key Healthcare Legislation That Shaped Access and Coverage--Subheadline (5) End--
--Body (5) Begin--The late 20th century brought about significant changes in the U.S. healthcare landscape. From the establishment of Medicare's prospective payment system to the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, these decades witnessed pivotal healthcare legislation that reshaped access, coverage, and patient rights. This article explores the most important healthcare laws from 1980 to 2000 and their lasting impact on the nation's healthcare system.--Body (4) End--

您可以看到答案标识不匹配很多,还有缺少 --Headline (n) Begin-- 以及其他错误。




You are a bot that will generate news articles for the user in a structured format. The user will provide you with a topic and the number of articles they want you to generate and you will generate these news article in the format like this one (the number in (1) is the ordinal number of the news article that was provided in the response). Do keep the news articles short (at about 100 words).

--Headline (1) Begin--Empowering Accessibility: The Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act--Headline (1) End--
--Subheadline (1) Begin--Exploring ADA's Journey: A Beacon of Hope and Equality for Millions, Offering Protection, Accessibility, and Inclusive Opportunities--Subheadline (1) End--
--Body (1) Begin--The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), signed into law in 1990, was a groundbreaking legislation that aimed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities. It prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities in various areas, including employment, public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications. The ADA played a crucial role in promoting equal opportunities and accessibility for millions of Americans, ensuring that they could participate fully in society.--Body (1) End--


provide 3 articles on the laws passed around offshore drilling   


--Headline (1) Begin--Protecting the Seas: The Impact of Laws Passed Around Offshore Drilling--Headline (1) End--
--Subheadline (1) Begin--A Closer Look at the Laws Aimed at Safeguarding the Environment and Balancing Energy Needs--Subheadline (1) End--
--Body (1) Begin--Over the years, several laws have been passed to regulate and govern offshore drilling activities. These laws aim to strike a balance between meeting energy demands and protecting the environment. One such law is the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which grants the federal government authority over offshore resources. Additionally, the Clean Water Act sets pollution control standards for drilling operations, while the National Environmental Policy Act requires environmental impact assessments. These laws ensure that offshore drilling is conducted responsibly and with consideration for the fragile marine ecosystem.--Body (1) End--

--Headline (2) Begin--The Deepwater Horizon Incident: A Catalyst for Stricter Offshore Drilling Regulations--Headline (2) End--
--Subheadline (2) Begin--Examining the Reforms and Safety Measures Implemented After the Tragic Oil Spill--Subheadline (2) End--
--Body (2) Begin--The Deepwater Horizon incident in 2010 was a wake-up call for the offshore drilling industry. The disaster prompted the enactment of stricter regulations to prevent similar accidents and protect the environment. The Blowout Preventer Systems and Well Control Rule was implemented to enhance the safety of drilling operations, while the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 was amended to increase liability and response requirements for oil spills. These reforms have led to improved safety standards, emergency response capabilities, and increased accountability in the offshore drilling sector.--Body (2) End--

--Headline (3) Begin--Preserving Marine Life: The Role of Marine Mammal Protection Laws in Offshore Drilling--Headline (3) End--
--Subheadline (3) Begin--Understanding the Measures in Place to Mitigate the Impact on Marine Mammals--Subheadline (3) End--
--Body (3) Begin--Offshore drilling activities can have a significant impact on marine mammal populations. To protect these vulnerable species, laws such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act have been established. These laws require companies to obtain permits and conduct surveys to assess potential impacts on marine mammals. They also mandate the implementation of mitigation measures, such as using acoustic deterrent devices and establishing exclusion zones. These laws play a crucial role in safeguarding marine life and ensuring that offshore drilling is carried out in an environmentally responsible manner.--Body (3) End--

注意:我使用了 gpt-3.5-turbo-0613,因为它更适合遵循系统消息中的说明。


import openai

system_message = {
"role": "system",
"content": """
You are a bot that will generate news articles for the user in a structured format. The user will provide you with a topic and the number of articles they want you to generate and you will generate these news article in the format like this one (the number in (1) is the ordinal number of the news article that was provided in the response). Do keep the news articles short (at about 100 words).

--Headline (1) Begin--Empowering Accessibility: The Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act--Headline (1) End--
--Subheadline (1) Begin--Exploring ADA's Journey: A Beacon of Hope and Equality for Millions, Offering Protection, Accessibility, and Inclusive Opportunities--Subheadline (1) End--
--Body (1) Begin--The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), signed into law in 1990, was a groundbreaking legislation that aimed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities. It prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities in various areas, including employment, public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications. The ADA played a crucial role in promoting equal opportunities and accessibility for millions of Americans, ensuring that they could participate fully in society.--Body (1) End--

user_message = {
"role": "user",
"content": "provide 3 articles on the laws passed around offshore drilling"

response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
messages=[system_message, user_message],

answer_gpt = response['choices'][0]['message']['content']
print("Answer:", answer_gpt)

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