gpt4 book ai didi

c# - 偶数的斐波那契数列和

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 22:33:17 39 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我在 stackoverflow 上遇到了这个问题:

"I'm having some trouble with this problem in Project Euler. Here's what the question asks: Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ... Find the sum of all the even-valued terms in the sequence which do not exceed four million."

最佳答案是这个(在 VS2010 中不能为我编译...为什么?):

    IEnumerable<int> Fibonacci()
int n1 = 0;
int n2 = 1;

yield return 1;
while (true)
int n = n1 + n2;
n1 = n2;
n2 = n;
yield return n;

long result=0;

foreach (int i in Fibonacci().TakeWhile(i => i<4000000).Where(i % 2 == 0))



class Fibonacci
private int prevNum1 = 1;
private int prevNum2 = 2;
private int sum = 0;

public int GetSum(int min, int max)
prevNum1 = min;
prevNum2 = prevNum1 + prevNum1;
if (prevNum1 % 2 == 0)
sum += prevNum1;
if (prevNum2 % 2 == 0)
sum += prevNum2;
int fNum = 0;
while (prevNum2 <= max)
fNum = prevNum1 + prevNum2;
if (fNum % 2 == 0)
//is an even number...add to total
sum += fNum;
prevNum1 = prevNum2;
prevNum2 = fNum;


return sum;


Fibonacci Fib = new Fibonacci();
int sum = Fib.GetSum(1, 4000000);

Console.WriteLine("Sum of all even Fibonacci numbers 1-4,000,000 = {0}", sum);




foreach (int i in Fibonacci().TakeWhile(i => i < 4000000).Where(i => i % 2 == 0))
result += i;

代码无法编译的问题是错误的 lambda 表达式,它是:

.Where(i % 2 == 0)


.Where(i => i % 2 == 0)

关于c# - 偶数的斐波那契数列和,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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