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minizinc - 了解迷你锌

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 22:09:26 25 4
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include "globals.mzn";

% input variables
int: n;
int: n_prefs;
array[1..n_prefs, 1..2] of var 1..n: prefs;

% FDV:s
array [1..n] of var 1..n: photo_arrangement;
var 0..n_prefs: cost;

% MORE Constraints

solve maximize cost;

output [show( photo_arrangement )]


n_prefs 是首选项的数量

prefs 是包含所有首选项的矩阵

主要思想是拥有一个包含人员 1 到 n 的数组,以及我们想要最大化的成本变量。如何根据偏好更改成本变量?


这是一种方法。 (更新:实际上,现在有三个具有相同基本思想的不同模型。)

include "globals.mzn";

% input variables
int: n;
int: n_prefs;
array[1..n_prefs, 1..2] of 1..n: prefs;

% FDV:s
array [1..n] of var 1..n: photo_arrangement;
% the positions of each person in photo_arrangement
array [1..n] of var 1..n: pa_inv = inverse(photo_arrangement);
% to see what preferences that are satisfied
array[1..n_prefs] of var int: prefs_sat;
var 0..n_prefs: cost;

forall(p in 1..n_prefs) (
% note: we use the inverse of photo_arrangement for indexing since we
% want to compare the positions of the two persons prefs[p,1] and prefs[p,2]
prefs_sat[p] = if abs(pa_inv[prefs[p,1]]-pa_inv[prefs[p,2]]) = 1 then 1 else 0 endif
cost = sum(prefs_sat)

solve :: int_search(photo_arrangement, first_fail, indomain_split, complete) maximize cost;
output [
"cost: \(cost)\nphoto_arrangement: \(photo_arrangement)\n(pa_inv: \(pa_inv))\n"
] ++
show([prefs[p,i] | i in 1..2]) ++ ": " ++ show(prefs_sat[p]) ++ "\n"
| p in 1..n_prefs

% data
n = 9;
n_prefs = 17;
prefs = [| 1,3 | 1,5 | 1,8 | 2,5 | 2,9 | 3,4 | 3,5 | 4,1 | 4,5 | 5,6 | 5,1 | 6,1 | 6,9 | 7,3 | 7,8 | 8,9 | 8,7 |];

要点是使用额外的数组( pa_inv ),即 inversephoto_arrangement并显示每个人的位置。这意味着我们可以使用pa_inv[1]得到人1的位置,从而可以计算出pa_inv[prefs[p,1]的位置差和pa_inv[prefs[p,2] (如果两个人位于彼此之间,则为 1)。 prefs_sat数组显示是否满足首选项 (1) 或不满足 (0)。

有 20 个最佳解决方案和 10 个满意的偏好。一种最佳解决方案是:

cost: 10
photo_arrangement: [2, 5, 1, 4, 3, 7, 8, 9, 6]
(pa_inv: [3, 1, 5, 4, 2, 9, 6, 7, 8])
[1, 3]: 0
[1, 5]: 1
[1, 8]: 0
[2, 5]: 1
[2, 9]: 0
[3, 4]: 1
[3, 5]: 0
[4, 1]: 1
[4, 5]: 0
[5, 6]: 0
[5, 1]: 1
[6, 1]: 0
[6, 9]: 1
[7, 3]: 1
[7, 8]: 1
[8, 9]: 1
[8, 7]: 1


这是另一种使用 element 的方法函数而不是使用 inverse ,这意味着我们不需要 pa_inv大批。 forall上面代码中的循环可以替换为:

forall(p in 1..n_prefs) (
prefs_sat[p] = if abs(element([prefs[p,1],photo_arrangement)-element(prefs[p,2],photo_arrangement)) = 1 then 1 else 0 endif


include "globals.mzn";
int: n;
int: n_prefs;
array[1..n_prefs, 1..2] of 1..n: prefs;
array [1..n] of var 1..n: photo_arrangement;
var 0..n_prefs: cost;

all_different(photo_arrangement) /\
cost = sum(p in 1..n_prefs) (
if abs(photo_arrangement[prefs[p,1]]-photo_arrangement[prefs[p,2]]) = 1 then 1 else 0 endif

solve :: int_search(photo_arrangement, first_fail, indomain_split, complete) maximize cost;

output [
"cost: \(cost)\nphoto_arrangement: \(photo_arrangement)\n",
] ++ [
if fix(photo_arrangement[j]) = i then show(j) ++ " " else "" endif
| i,j in 1..n

n = 9;
n_prefs = 17;
prefs = [| 1,3 | 1,5 | 1,8 | 2,5 | 2,9 | 3,4 | 3,5 | 4,1 | 4,5 | 5,6 | 5,1 | 6,1 | 6,9 | 7,3 | 7,8 | 8,9 | 8,7 |];


cost: 10
photo_arrangement: [8, 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 4, 3, 2]
2 9 8 7 3 4 5 1 6

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