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javascript - 如何使用 JavaScript 创建 BMI 计算器,并提供以公斤/米为单位的 BMI 或以磅/英尺为单位的 BMI 之间进行选择的选项

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 21:46:05 24 4
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我目前正在为我的元素编写 BMI 计算器。计算器已设置为以磅/英尺为单位,但我想添加一个选项,可以在公斤/米或磅/英尺之间进行选择。

我已经为其创建了 html 代码,只需要其中的 JavaScript 部分即可使其工作。


((mass / 2.2046) / ((height/3.28) * (height/3.28))).toFixed(2)

如果我想以公斤/米为单位计算 BMI,公式为:

(mass / (height * height)).toFixed(2)


// BMI Calculator

const myForm = document.getElementById('my-form');

myForm.oninput = () => {
myForm.result.value = bmiCalculator(myForm.height.value, myForm.mass.value);

function bmiCalculator(height, mass) {
return ((mass / 2.2046) / ((height/3.28) * (height/3.28))).toFixed(2)

 fieldset { margin-top: 1em;
label {
display: inline-block; width: 10em; text-align: left;
input {
font-size: .9em; text-align: left; display: inline-block; width: 10em;
output::before {
content: '';
output {
font-weight: bold; width: 16em; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey; display: block; margin: .8em; float: right; text-align: right;
append {
display: inline-block; width: 10em; text-align: center;
<h2>Body Mass Index Calculator</h2>

<!-- Used oninput to display the results instantly-->
<!-- If I wanted to calculate the result on a click, I would use onsubmit-->

<form action="" oninput="return mySubmitFunction(event)" id="my-form">

<legend>Please Choose which BMI you would like to use :</legend>
<append>BMI in Kgs / Meters <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="bmiInKgs"></append>
<append>BMI in Lbs / Feet <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="bmiInLbs"></append>

<legend><b>Calculate Your BMI :</b></legend>
<label>Height in Feet: <input type="number" id="height" name="height" step=any min=0></label>
<label>Mass / Weight in lbs: <input type="number" id="mass" class="mass" step=any min=0></label>

<legend><b>BMI Result :</b></legend>
<output id="result" name="result" value='0'></output>

<button type="reset">Reset Calculator!</button>


如果我理解您所需要的只是访问 radio 值,对吗?

if (myForm.bmi.value == "bmiInKgs")
// Calculate Kg
else {
// Calculate Lbs

// BMI Calculator

const myForm = document.getElementById('my-form');

myForm.oninput = () => {
if (myForm.bmi.value == "bmiInKgs") {
myForm.result.value = bmiCalculator(myForm.height.value, myForm.mass.value);
} else {
myForm.result.value = bmiCalculator(myForm.height.value/3.28, myForm.mass.value/2.2046);

function bmiCalculator(height, mass) {
return (mass / (height * height)).toFixed(2)
fieldset { margin-top: 1em;
label {
display: inline-block; width: 10em; text-align: left;
input {
font-size: .9em; text-align: left; display: inline-block; width: 10em;
output::before {
content: '';
output {
font-weight: bold; width: 16em; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey; display: block; margin: .8em; float: right; text-align: right;
append {
display: inline-block; width: 10em; text-align: center;
<h2>Body Mass Index Calculator</h2>

<!-- Used oninput to display the results instantly-->
<!-- If I wanted to calculate the result on a click, I would use onsubmit-->

<form action="" oninput="return mySubmitFunction(event)" id="my-form">

<legend>Please Choose which BMI you would like to use :</legend>
<append>BMI in Kgs / Meters <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="bmiInKgs" checked="checked"></append>
<append>BMI in Lbs / Feet <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="bmiInLbs"></append>

<legend><b>Calculate Your BMI :</b></legend>
<label>Height: <input type="number" id="height" name="height" step=any min=0></label>
<label>Mass / Weight: <input type="number" id="mass" class="mass" step=any min=0></label>

<legend><b>BMI Result :</b></legend>
<output id="result" name="result" value='0'></output>

<button type="reset">Reset Calculator!</button>

关于javascript - 如何使用 JavaScript 创建 BMI 计算器,并提供以公斤/米为单位的 BMI 或以磅/英尺为单位的 BMI 之间进行选择的选项,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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