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IO想要检查路径主目录/ABC*/Y/XY*/*.edf下的所有edf文件,然后检查文件中是否有特定短语,如果找到则检查另一个短语等,然后填写电子表格中的数据。我尝试通过三种方法来实现这一目标,但每种方法都在某些时候陷入困境。你们中的任何人都可以通过代码并告诉我哪里错了以及哪种方法是最好的(如果有的话)。由于我之前的问题造成了误解,我不希望任何人为我编写代码。我已经开始学习 vba 三天了,我有 5 天的时间来完成这个项目。这就是为什么如果有人能看一下并告诉我哪里出错了,我将不胜感激。
通过简单目录命令的方法1在此,FCS* 的第一个循环工作得很好,但第二个循环根本不起作用,并在第一次迭代时给出运行时错误。我知道这不是一个好方法,但以防万一其他方法不起作用。
Sub Iterate_Folders()
Dim ctr As Integer
Dim ctr1 As Integer
ctr = 1
ctr1 = 1
Paths = "C:\Users\sobiakanwal\Downloads\QSHWRA\QSHWRA\ " ' Path should always contain a '\' at end
FirstDir = Dir(Paths, vbDirectory) ' Retrieving the first entry.
Do Until FirstDir = "" ' Start the loop.
If (FirstDir Like "FCS*") Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(ctr, 15).Value = Paths & FirstDir
Path1 = Paths & FirstDir & "\FUNCTION_BLOCK\DR*"
ActiveSheet.Cells(ctr, 20).Value = Path1
'ActiveSheet.Cells(ctr, 25).Value = SecondDir
SecondDir = Dir(Path1, vbDirectory)
Do While SecondDir = ""
ActiveSheet.Cells(ctr, 30).Value = "Hi"
If (True) Then
ctr1 = ctr1 + 1
End If
SecondDir = Dir()
ctr = ctr + 1
End If
FirstDir = Dir() ' Getting next entry.
MsgBox (ctr1)
End Sub
通过递归的方法 2我在教程中找到了这方面的基本代码,然后根据我的优势对其进行了一些编辑。这通常不起作用,但以某种硬编码的方式给出了正确的答案。但我希望你检查一下我陷入递归函数的地方,我需要在其中添加文件处理代码。
Public temp() As String
Public Count As Integer
Function ListFiles(FolderPath As String)
Dim myFile As String, text As String, textline As String, posLat As Integer, posLong As Integer
Dim k As Long, i As Long
ReDim temp(2, 0)
Count = 1
If Right(FolderPath, 1) <> "\" Then
FolderPath = FolderPath & "\"
End If
Recursive FolderPath
k = Range(Application.Caller.Address).Rows.Count
If k < UBound(temp, 2) Then
MsgBox "There are more rows, extend user defined function"
For i = UBound(temp, 2) To k
ReDim Preserve temp(UBound(temp, 1), i)
temp(0, i) = ""
temp(1, i) = ""
temp(2, i) = ""
Next i
End If
ListFiles = Application.Transpose(temp)
ReDim temp(0)
End Function
Function Recursive(FolderPath As String)
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strFileContent As String
Dim iFile As Integer
Dim fileName As String, textData As String, textRow As String, fileNo As Integer
Dim Value As String, Folders() As String
Dim Folder As Variant, a As Long
Dim Right_FolderPath As String
ReDim Folders(0)
If Right(FolderPath, 2) = "\\" Then Exit Function
Value = Dir(FolderPath, &H10)
Do Until Value = ""
If Value = "." Or Value = ".." Then
If GetAttr(FolderPath & Value) = 16 Then
Folders(UBound(Folders)) = Value
ReDim Preserve Folders(UBound(Folders) + 1)
If Right(Value, 4) = ".edf" Then
If Count = 4 Then
Right_FolderPath = Right(FolderPath, 7)
If Left(Right_FolderPath, 2) = "DR" Then
strFilename = FolderPath & Value
iFile = FreeFile
Open strFilename For Input As #iFile
strFileContent = Input(LOF(iFile), iFile)
Close #iFile
If InStr(1, strFileContent, "hihowareyou") <> 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1) = strFilename
longLoc = InStr(1, strFileContent, "Longitude:")
If longLoc <> 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2) = Mid(strFleContent, longLoc + Len("Longitude:"), 10)
End If
End If
''''Here it goes all wrong
'myFile = FolderPath & Value
'myFile = Application.GetOpenFilename()
'fileNo = FreeFile 'Get first free file number
'Open fileName For Input As #fileNo
'Do While Not EOF(fileNo)
' Line Input #fileNo, textRow
' textData = textData & textRow
'Close #fileNo
'posLat = InStr(text, "ff-ai")
'If Not posLat = vbNullString Then
' temp(0, UBound(temp, 2)) = Value
'End If
temp(0, UBound(temp, 2)) = FolderPath
temp(1, UBound(temp, 2)) = Value
temp(2, UBound(temp, 2)) = Count ' FileLen(FolderPath & Value)
ReDim Preserve temp(UBound(temp, 1), UBound(temp, 2) + 1)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Value = Dir
For Each Folder In Folders
Count = Count + 1
Recursive FolderPath & Folder & "\"
Count = Count - 1
Next Folder
End Function
字典对象的第三种方法这是由 Stock Overflow 上的某人建议的,对他来说很有效,但对我来说则不然。我不太懂vba,无法调试它。
Sub build_FolderLevels(dFMs As Scripting.Dictionary, _
Optional sFM As String = "", _
Optional iFLDR As Long = 0)
Dim d As Long, fp As String, vFMs As Variant
If CBool(dFMs.Count) Then
vFMs = dFMs.Keys
For d = LBound(vFMs) To UBound(vFMs)
vFMs(d) = vFMs(d)
Next d
vFMs = Array(sFM)
End If
For d = LBound(vFMs) To UBound(vFMs)
fp = Dir(vFMs(d), iFLDR)
Do While CBool(Len(fp))
dFMs.Add Key:=Left(vFMs(d), InStrRev(vFMs(d), Chr(92))) & fp, _
fp = Dir
Next d
Sub main()
Dim fm As Long, sFM As String, vFMs As Variant, sMASK As String
Dim fn As Variant, dFNs As New Scripting.Dictionary
sFM = Environ("TMP") & "\QSHWRA\FCS*\FUNCTION_BLOCK\DR*\*.edf"
If UBound(Split(sFM, Chr(42))) < 2 Then Exit Sub '<~~possibly adjust this safety
sFM = Replace(sFM, "/", "\")
vFMs = Split(sFM, Chr(92))
sMASK = vFMs(LBound(vFMs))
For fm = LBound(vFMs) + 1 To UBound(vFMs)
sMASK = Join(Array(sMASK, vFMs(fm)), Chr(92))
If CBool(InStr(1, vFMs(fm), Chr(42))) Or fm = UBound(vFMs) Then
build_FolderLevels dFNs, sFM:=sMASK, iFLDR:=Abs((fm < UBound(vFMs)) * vbDirectory)
sMASK = vbNullString
End If
Next fm
'list the files
For Each fn In dFNs
Debug.Print "from dict: " & fn
Next fn
dFNs.RemoveAll: Set dFNs = Nothing
End Sub
我建议您浏览主目录下的所有子文件夹,只收集符合您条件的文件。我可能会使用 WindowsShell 和诸如 Dir MainFolder\*.edf/B/S
(裸格式和递归开关设置)之类的东西,然后只保存或收集所需子文件夹中的那些文件。但您也可以使用 DIR 或 FileSystemObject 和递归执行类似的操作。
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