gpt4 book ai didi

assembly - 无法从 kernel.s 打印,即使它已加载到内存中

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 21:35:57 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试通过编写自己的引导加载程序将内核加载到内存中。我已经能够成功地将内核加载到内存中 - 我知道因为我使用了 bochs 调试器,所以将断点设置为 0x7c00 并单步执行,系统确实跳转到内核中。问题是,跳转到内核后,所有打印语句(在 kernel.s 中)都不起作用。这在终端上表明内核已加载到内存中。

这是 bootblock.s 文件(大部分相关代码位于标签 booter 处:

# bootblock.s
# Empty boot block file

# .equ symbol, expression
# These directive set the value of the symbol to the expression
.equ BOOT_SEGMENT,0x07c0
.equ KERNEL_LOCATION, 0x1000
.equ STACK_SP, 0xffff
.equ STACK_SS, 0x0

.text # Code segment
.globl _start # The entry point must be global
.code16 # Real mode

#. = _start + 510
#.byte = 0x55
#.byte = 0xaa
jmp booter

#Place where createimage writes the OS size
.word 0
.word 0

movw $BOOT_SEGMENT,%ax
movw %ax,%ds

cmpb $0,%al
je print_done
movb $14,%ah
movl $0x0002,%ebx
int $0x10
jmp print_loop


#Allocating the stack
movw $STACK_SS, %ax
movw %ax, %ss
movw $STACK_SP, %sp

movl $allocating, %esi
call print

movl $done, %esi
call print

#Resetting the disk drive, setting %dl and calling int 0x13
#movb $0x0, %ah
#movb $0x0, %dl
#int $0x13

movl $bootblock_test, %esi
call print
movl $hellostring, %esi
call print

movl $loadingkernel, %esi
call print

#Number of sectors to read
#movb $0x24, %al
#movb $0x80, %al
movb $0x08, %al

movb $0x02, %ah
#track number
#movb $0x00, %ch

#which sector to read from (sector 2 where kernel should be)
movb $0x02, %cl

#set up head number
movb $0x0, %dh

#Set the drive number to 0x0 (floppy)
movb $0x0, %dl

#Time to set es:bx to read from the correct place (0:1000)
movw $0x0100, %bx
movw %bx, %es
movw $0x0, %bx
#movw $0x0, %ax

#Setting %ah = 2 and calling int 0x13 (read sector)

int $0x13

movl $done, %esi
call print

#Booting up at 0x07c0
#movw $BOOT_SEGMENT, %ax
#movw %ax, %ds
#movl $bootmessage, %esi
#call print

#%dh/%ch control head numbers, setting them to 0
#movb $0x0, %dh
#movb $0x0, %ch

#movw %ds,


#Kernel jump
movl $readymessage, %esi
call print

#Setting %ds = 0x7c0
movw $0x0100, %ax
movw %ax, %ds

#Time to set es:bx to read from the correct place (0:1000)
movw $0x0100, %bx
movw %bx, %es
movw $0x0, %bx

movl $0x1000, %ax
jmp %ax
mov $0x0, %ax

#If any errors, message will be displayed here
movl $errormessage, %esi
call print

jmp forever

#Error handling
movl $errormessage, %esi
call print

# messages
.asciz "test.\n\r"
.asciz "\nBootblock Test\n\r"
.asciz "How are you today?\n\r"
.asciz "Welcome\n\r"
.asciz "Loading Kernel...\n\r"
.asciz "Done!\n\r"
.asciz "Booting up...\n\r"
.asciz "Sliding into yo Kernel like... \n\r"
.asciz "Something went terribly wrong...\n\r"
.asciz "Press any key to reboot the OS!\n\r"
.asciz "Allocating Stack...\n\r"

这是 kernel.s 文件:

.data                               # Data segment

# Some strings
.asciz "[Kernel]-> "
.asciz "Running a trivial test... "
.asciz "Seems Ok. Now go get some sleep :)."
.asciz "*Failed*"

# 'Newline' string ('carriage return', 'linefeed', '\0')
.byte 10
.byte 13
.byte 0

# An integer
.word 1000

.text # Code segment
.code16 # Real mode
.globl _start # The entry point must be global

# The first instruction to execute in a program is called the entry
# point. The linker expects to find the entry point in the "symbol" _start
# (with underscore).
pushw %bp # Setup stack frame
movw %sp,%bp

pushw $newline
call displayString # Print messages
pushw $kernel
call displayString
pushw $testing
call displayString
pushw $1000
call trivialTest # trivialTest(1000)
addw $8,%sp # Pop newline, kernel, testing, and '1000'
cmpw %ax,result
jne .L6 # If (trivialTest(1000) != 1000) goto L6
pushw $works
jmp .L12
.L6: # Test failed
pushw $not
call displayString # Print ok/failed message
addw $2,%sp
pushw $newline
call displayString
addw $2,%sp
.L8: # Loop forever
jmp .L8

# int trivialTest(n)
# {
# if (n > 0) {
# trivialTest(n-1);
# }
# return n;
# }

pushw %bp # Setup stack frame
movw %sp,%bp
movw 4(%bp),%ax # Move argument to ax
testw %ax,%ax # Logical compare (sets SF, ZF and PF)
jg .L2 # if (argument > 0) goto L2
xorw %ax,%ax # else return 0
popw %bp
decw %ax
pushw %ax
call trivialTest # trivialTest(argument - 1)
# (Recursive calls until argument == 0)
addw $2,%sp # Pop argument
incw %ax
popw %bp
retw # Return (argument in ax)

pushw %bp # Setup stack frame
movw %sp,%bp
pushw %ax # Save ax, bx, cx, si, es
pushw %bx
pushw %cx
pushw %si
pushw %es
movw %ds, %ax # Make sure ES points to the right
movw %ax, %es # segment
movw 4(%bp),%cx # Move string adr to cx
movw %cx, %si
lodsb # Load character to write (c) into al,
# and increment si
cmpb $0, %al
jz done # if (c == '\0') exit loop
movb $14,%ah # else print c
movw $0x0002,%bx
# int 0x10 sends a character to the display
# ah = 0xe (14)
# al = character to write
# bh = active page number (we use 0x00)
# bl = foreground color (we use 0x02)
int $0x10
jmp loop
popw %es # Restore saved registers
popw %si
popw %cx
popw %bx
popw %ax
popw %bp
retw # Return to caller

我再次在调试器中检查内核是否已加载到内存中(0x1000)。我相信问题在于我如何设置/使用 bootblock.s 中的某些寄存器(主要是: ds,ax ),但我不确定它是什么。


代码存在许多问题。大多数似乎适用于大多数 16 位操作系统引导加载程序的基本内容可以在我最近的 Stackoverflow answer 中找到。 (类似类型的问题)。它涵盖了 SS/SP/ES/DS/CS 寄存器需要注意的事项、8086/8088 上的堆栈性能问题以及旧有缺陷的 8086/8088 上需要注意的一些事项。

代码的一个具体问题 - 如果您将在 8086/8088 系统或模拟器(不是 286、386 等)上运行代码,那么您应该坚持使用 16 位寄存器,因为 32 位寄存器不是可用的。您的代码使用ESIEBX寄存器(32位)。您应该使用SIBX


我最初假设内核显得如此小,从磁盘读取 8 个扇区对于所提供的示例代码来说已经足够了:

#Number of sectors to read
movb $0x08, %al

我发现原来的发帖者正在做一项作业,并且有人发布了一些关键信息来解决问题。我已经 fork 了git project仅供引用。一些关键信息是所使用的 Makefile 的类型(略有差异)以及为作业提供的名为 createimage 的程序。

Makefile 足够接近类似于:

# Makefile for the OS projects.
# Best viewed with tabs set to 4 spaces.

CC = gcc -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -g
LD = ld

# Where to locate the kernel in memory
KERNEL_ADDR = 0x1000

# Compiler flags
#-fno-builtin: Don't recognize builtin functions that do not begin with
# '__builtin_' as prefix.
#-fomit-frame-pointer: Don't keep the frame pointer in a register for
# functions that don't need one.
# Turn on all friendly compiler flags.
#-O2: Turn on all optional optimizations except for loop unrolling
# and function inlining.
#-c: Compile or assemble the source files, but do not link.
#-Wall: All of the `-W' options combined (all warnings on)

CCOPTS = -c -fomit-frame-pointer -O2 -fno-builtin

# Linker flags
#-nostartfiles: Do not use the standard system startup files when linking.
#-nostdlib: Don't use the standard system libraries and startup files when
# linking. Only the files you specify will be passed to the linker.
#-Ttext X: Use X as the starting address for the text segment of the output
# file.

LDOPTS = -nostartfiles -nostdlib -Ttext

# Makefile targets
all: bootblock createimage kernel image boch_image

kernel: kernel.o
$(LD) $(LDOPTS) $(KERNEL_ADDR) -o kernel $<

bootblock: bootblock.o
$(LD) $(LDOPTS) 0x0 -o bootblock $<

createimage: createimage.o
$(CC) -o createimage $<

# Create an image to put on the floppy
image: bootblock createimage kernel
./createimage ./bootblock ./kernel

# Put the image on the floppy (these two stages are independent, as both
# vmware and bochs can run using only the image file stored on the harddisk)
#boot: image
# cat ./image > /dev/sda

#write image to boch disk image
boch_image: image
dd if=image of=bochs.img conv=notrunc

# Clean up!
rm -f *.o
rm -f createimage image bootblock kernel

# No, really, clean up!
distclean: clean
rm -f *~
rm -f \#*
rm -f *.bak
rm -f bochsout.txt

# How to compile a C file
$(CC) $(CCOPTS) $<

# How to assemble
$(CC) $(CCOPTS) $<

# How to produce assembler input from a C file
$(CC) $(CCOPTS) -S $<

根据原始发布者的后续评论,他们正在构建 elf_i386 二进制文件(32 位的 Linux ELF 格式)。上面的 Makefile 表明内核被构建为 ELF 镜像,然后放置在磁盘上。 ELF 格式为每个部分添加了大量的填充,因此假设从磁盘读取 8 个扇区 可能还不够。 Makefile 中没有引用 objcopy 或转换为平面二进制格式。我发现createimage 他们提供的程序从 32 位 ELF 格式中提取内核镜像,并生成输出,说明引导加载程序需要读取多少个扇区才能获取整个内核。 createimage代码是:

/* createimage.c -- create a bootable image in 16 real mode from several elf file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "createimage.h"

int file_process(FILE *elf_file, FILE *image, char *elf_filename);
long byte_get (unsigned char *field, int size);

int main (int argc, char ** argv)
//here hasn't check the magic numbers of elf
if (argc != 3) {
printf("USAGE:%s bootblock kernel\n", argv[0]);
return -1;
FILE *bootblock, *kernel, *image;
if ((bootblock = fopen (argv[1], "rb")) == NULL) {
printf("can't open %s\n", argv[1]);
return -1;
if ((image = fopen ("image", "wb")) == NULL) {
printf("can't open image!\n");
return -1;
if (file_process(bootblock, image, argv[1])) {
printf("process bootblock failed\n");
return -1;

if ((kernel = fopen (argv[2], "rb")) == NULL) {
printf("can't open %s\n", argv[2]);
return -1;
if (file_process(kernel, image, argv[2])) {
printf("process kernel failed\n");
return -1;


return 0;

long byte_get (unsigned char *field, int size)
switch (size)
case 1:
return *field;

case 2:
return ((unsigned int) (field[0])) | (((unsigned int) (field[1])) << 8);
case 4:
return ((unsigned long) (field[0]))
| (((unsigned long) (field[1])) << 8)
| (((unsigned long) (field[2])) << 16)
| (((unsigned long) (field[3])) << 24);
printf("byte_get error\n");
return -1;

/* read information from elf file, and write LOAD segment to image file
* note: the structure in file is not aligned, we just read it from file byte
* by byte
int file_process(FILE *elf_file, FILE *image, char *elf_filename)
unsigned int header_sz, pheader_sz;
unsigned long phoff;
unsigned int p_offset;
unsigned int p_filesz;
unsigned int p_memsz;
elf_header header;
elf_program_header pheader;

header_sz = sizeof (elf_header);
pheader_sz = sizeof(elf_program_header);

printf("processing %s:\n", elf_filename);
printf("header size is: %d\n", header_sz);
printf("program header size is: %d\n", pheader_sz);

if (header_sz != fread(&header, 1, header_sz, elf_file)) {
printf("read error!\n");
return -1;

//get program header's offset
phoff = byte_get(header.e_phoff, sizeof(header.e_phoff));

printf("Program header table offset in file is :\t %u\n", phoff);

if (fseek(elf_file, phoff, SEEK_SET)) {
printf("fseek %s failed! at line %d\n", elf_filename, __LINE__);
return -1;
//printf("the current position: %d\n", ftell(elf_file));

if (pheader_sz != fread(&pheader, 1, pheader_sz, elf_file)) {
printf("read error at line %d!\n", __LINE__);
return -1;
//get the LOAD segment's offset, filesz, mensz
p_offset = byte_get(pheader.p_offset, sizeof(pheader.p_offset));
p_filesz = byte_get(pheader.p_filesz, sizeof(pheader.p_filesz));
p_memsz = byte_get(pheader.p_memsz, sizeof(pheader.p_memsz));
printf("p_offset: 0x%x\tp_filesz: 0x%x\tp_memsz: 0x%x\t\n", p_offset, p_filesz, p_memsz);
//write elf's LOAD segment to image, and pad to 512 bytes(1 sector)
char *buffer;
const unsigned int sector_sz = 512;
const char MBR_signature[] = {0x55, 0xaa};
unsigned int n_sector;
unsigned int n_byte;

if (p_memsz % sector_sz != 0)
n_sector = p_memsz / sector_sz + 1;
n_sector = p_memsz / sector_sz;

n_byte = n_sector * sector_sz;

if (!(buffer = (char *)calloc(n_byte, sizeof(char)))) {
printf("malloc buffer failed! at line %d\n", __LINE__);
return -1;
if (fseek(elf_file, p_offset, SEEK_SET)) {
printf("fseek %s failed! at line %d\n", elf_filename, __LINE__);
return -1;
if (p_filesz != fread(buffer, 1, p_filesz, elf_file)) {
printf("read error at line %d!\n", __LINE__);
return -1;
if (n_byte != fwrite(buffer, 1, n_byte, image)) {
printf("write error at line %d!\n", __LINE__);
return -1;
//write MBR signature to image, which is 2 bytes
if (fseek(image, 510, SEEK_SET)) {
printf("fseek %s failed! at line %d\n", elf_filename, __LINE__);
return -1;
if (2 != fwrite(MBR_signature, 1, 2, image)) {
printf("write error at line %d!\n", __LINE__);
return -1;

printf("write image:\n%d sectors,\t%d bytes\n", n_sector, n_byte);

return 0;

重要的是,在提取代码和数据部分(使用 dd 放入磁盘镜像中)后,它会在底部提供与此类似的输出:

processing ./kernel:
header size is: 52
program header size is: 32
Program header table offset in file is : 52
p_offset: 0x54 p_filesz: 0x10db p_memsz: 0x10db
write image:
9 sectors, 4608 bytes
dd if=image of=bochs.img conv=notrunc

这里有重要信息9 个扇区,4608 字节。这表示内核在扇区中的大小。原始发布者的代码必须确保它们在加载内核时读取那么多扇区。因此,简单的解决方法是将代码更改为:

#Number of sectors to read should match output from createimage
movb $0x09, %al

关于assembly - 无法从 kernel.s 打印,即使它已加载到内存中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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