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racket - 懒惰 Racket 的优点和/或缺点

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 21:32:26 27 4
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据我了解,Racket 有严格的即急切的评估,但可以选择惰性评估。我对函数式语言所做的有限阅读表明,惰性求值语言通常可以更具表现力,因此为所有 Racket 程序选择惰性求值选项是否存在任何“技术”缺点(在速度、代码的鲁棒性、存在性方面)图书馆等...)?



如果你对不同语言的表达能力感兴趣,那么我可以推荐Matthias Felleisen 的《论编程语言的表达能力》。摘要:

The literature on programming languages contains an abundance of informal claims on the relative expressive power of programming languages, but there is no framework for formalizing such statements nor for deriving interesting consequences. As a first step in this direction, we develop a formal notion of expressiveness and investigate its properties. To validate the theory, we analyze some widely held beliefs about the expressive power of several extensions of functional languages. Based on these results, we believe that our system correctly captures many of the informal ideas on expressiveness, and that it constitutes a foundation for further research in this direction.

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