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下面的脚本进一步执行了几个步骤。首次启动 Microsoft Office 时,它会填写用户名和缩写。如果不存在 Outlook 配置文件,它将使用 PRF 文件设置 Outlook(您可以对笔记本电脑/平板电脑使用缓存,对台式机/服务器使用非缓存)。然后,它检查用户应该获取哪些签名,并使用签名文件、模板文件和事件目录中的用户信息中的信息构建它们。所有状态信息都写入应用程序事件日志(过滤器 WSH)。当签名文件更新时,签名将被重新应用。
我在这里发布整个脚本,希望其他人可能会发现它有用。请随意发表评论(当然也可以捐赠:-))。它适用于 Outlook 2000、2003、2010 和 2013(并且应该非常适合 future )。
在您的域中创建一个新的全局安全组。在我的示例中,我将使用 Signature-Marketing
和 Signature-HR
创建一个应用于这些组的新 GPO。将 Outlook.vbs
脚本放在 User\Policy\Windows\Scripts\Logon
On Error Resume Next
setup_GroupPrefix = "Signature-"
setup_Path_SignatureVBS = "\\MyDomain.local\NETLOGON\Outlook\Signatures" 'Signatures with the same name as this group (+.VBS) will be searched within this
setup_Path_Template = "\\MyDomain.local\NETLOGON\Outlook\Templates" 'Signatures with the same name as this group (+.VBS) will be searched within this
setup_PRF_CacheOn = "\\MyDomain.local\NETLOGON\Outlook\PRF\Outlook_Cached.PRF"
setup_PRF_CacheOff = "\\MyDomain.local\NETLOGON\Outlook\PRF\Outlook_NotCached.PRF"
' ##### START OF SCRIPT #####
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oAD = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
Set oFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & oAD.UserName)
'Quit if no outlook is present!
If oOutlook = false Then
oShell.LogEvent 1, "Signature script error. Outlook application object was not found."
End If
'Quit if version is lower then 10
v = Split(oOutlook.Version, ".")
outlook_Version = v(0) & "." & v(1)
If cInt(v(0)) < 10 Then
oShell.LogEvent 1, "Signature script error. Outlook version " & outlook_Version & " is not supported."
ElseIf (cInt(v(0)) >= 10) And (cInt(v(0)) < 15) Then
reg_DefaultProfile = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\DefaultProfile"
reg_DefaultProfile = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & outlook_Version & "\Outlook\DefaultProfile"
End If
'Check if Office's Userinfo already exists
t1 = oShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\UserName")
If t1 = "" Then
'Add userinfo to registry.
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\UserName", oUser.FullName
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\UserInitials", oUser.sAMAccountName
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo\Company", oUser.company
oShell.LogEvent 0, "Office userinformation was imported from AD."
End If
'Check for a default mail profile
t2 = oShell.RegRead(reg_DefaultProfile)
oShell.LogEvent 0, "Default profile (" & reg_DefaultProfile & ") said " & t2
If t2 = "" Then 'No default profile was found! Import PRF file!
'Detect mobile devices. Enabled cached outlook if there is a battery present
MobileDevice = false
Set oBattery = GetObject("Winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Battery")
For Each x in oBattery
MobileDevice = true
'Import PRF location into registry
If MobileDevice Then
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & outlook_Version & "\Outlook\Setup\ImportPRF", setup_PRF_CacheOn
oShell.LogEvent 0, "Office Outlook has been set-up with cache."
oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & outlook_Version & "\Outlook\Setup\ImportPRF", setup_PRF_CacheOff
oShell.LogEvent 0, "Office Outlook has been set-up without cache."
End If
'Delete First-Run key to simulate a first run for outlook. (i.e. if a profile was configured and deleted)
oShell.RegDelete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & outlook_Version & "\Outlook\Setup\First-Run"
'Outlook does not need to be run.
'When a signature is being applied outlook will fire up it's initial boot and import the PRF settings.
'With this PRF applied the signature will be applied immediately
End If
'Compare users' group membership against available signature settings
Set GroupsOfUser = GetMembership(oUser.distinguishedName, null)
tGroups = Array()
For Each GroupName in GroupsOfUser.Items()
If Mid(GroupName, 1, Len(setup_GroupPrefix)) = setup_GroupPrefix Then
ReDim Preserve tGroups(UBound(tGroups) + 1)
tGroups(UBound(tGroups)) = GroupName
end if
tGroups = SortArray(tGroups)
For Each group in tGroups
sFile = setup_Path_SignatureVBS & "\" & group & ".VBS"
If oFile.FileExists(sFile) = True Then 'File containing specific signature settings were found
Set Signature = new Defaults 'Use defaults
'Evaluate signature settings
executeGlobal oFile.openTextFile(sFile).readAll()
'Check if signature needs updating
sUpdate = false
If oFile.FileExists(Signature.sPath) Then
Set f = oFile.GetFile(Signature.sPath)
If Signature.sVersion > f.DateLastModified Then
sUpdate = true
End If
sUpdate = true
End If
If sUpdate Then 'Apply signature
'Replace defaults with user specific data
If Not oUser.FullName = "" Then Signature.uName = oUser.FullName
If Not oUser.mail = "" Then Signature.uMail = LCase(oUser.mail)
If Not oUser.telephoneNumber = "" Then Signature.uPhone = oUser.telephoneNumber
If Not oUser.mobile = "" Then Signature.uCell = oUser.mobile
If Not oUser.facsimileTelephoneNumber = "" Then Signature.uFax = oUser.facsimileTelephoneNumber
If Not oUser.Title = "" Then Signature.uTitle = oUser.Title
If Not oUser.department = "" Then Signature.uDepartment = oUser.department
If Not oUser.info = "" Then Signature.uDisclaimer = oUser.info
'Build signature
Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add()
Set oSelection = oWord.Selection
executeGlobal oFile.openTextFile(setup_Path_Template & "\" & Signature.sTemplate).readAll() 'Evaluate signatre template
Set oSelection = oDoc.Range()
'Add signature to outlook
oWord.EmailOptions.EmailSignature.EmailSignatureEntries.Add Signature.sName, oSelection
WScript.Sleep 200 'Give outlook the time to create the necessary files
'Set as default signature
If Signature.sCompanyNew = "*" OR StrComp(oUser.company, Signature.sCompanyNew, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then oWord.EmailOptions.EmailSignature.NewMessageSignature = Signature.sName
If Signature.sCompanyReply = "*" OR StrComp(oUser.company, Signature.sCompanyReply, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then oWord.EmailOptions.EmailSignature.ReplyMessageSignature = Signature.sName
oDoc.Saved = True
WScript.Sleep 300 'Give work some time to clean up
oShell.LogEvent 0, "Signature " & Signature.sName & " applied with success!"
oShell.LogEvent 0, "Signature " & Signature.sName & " is up to date."
End If
oShell.LogEvent 1, "Signature script error. Cannot load signature settings from " & sFile
End If
Class Defaults
'Signature properties
Public sName 'Name of this signature
Public sVersion 'Apply signature if version date is newer then client's signature date
Public sTemplate 'Signature template to be used
Public sCompanyNew 'If the user company field matches this value it will be set as the default 'new' signature
Public sCompanyReply 'If the user company field matches this value it will be set as the default 'reply' signature
'Company properties
Public cName
Public cStreet
Public cBox
Public cPostal
Public cCity
Public cState
Public cCountry
Public cMail
Public cVat
Public cWebsite
Public cUrl
Public cLogo
Public cLogoPath
Public cPhone
Public cFax
'User properties
Public uName
Public uMail
Public uPhone
Public uCell
Public uFax
Public uTitle
Public uDepartment
Public uDisclaimer
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
me.sName = "The name of my signature"
me.sVersion = CDate("1/10/2012")
me.sTemplate = "Default.vbs"
me.cName = "MY COMPANY NAME"
me.cStreet = "Street"
me.cBox = "123"
me.cPostal = "ZIP"
me.cCity = "CITY"
me.cMail = "info@company.com"
me.cVat = "VAT NUMBER"
me.cWebsite = "www.company.com"
me.cUrl = "http://www.company.com"
me.cPhone = "+32 3 456 780"
me.cFax = "+32 3 456 789"
me.uName = "John Doe"
me.uPhone = "+32 3 456 780"
me.uFax = "+32 3 456 780"
End Sub
Public Property Get sPath()
sPath = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%AppData%") + "\Microsoft\" & oShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & outlook_Version & "\Common\General\Signatures") & "\" & me.sName & ".htm"
End Property
End Class
Function SortArray(arrShort)
Dim i, j, temp
For i = UBound(arrShort) - 1 To 0 Step -1
For j= 0 To i
If arrShort(j)>arrShort(j+1) Then
End If
SortArray = arrShort
End Function
Function GetMembership(sChild, dMembership)
'Get AD info on the given Child
Set oChild = GetObject("LDAP://" & sChild)
If TypeName(oChild) = "Object" Then
'Add the Child's canonical name to the array IF it's a group
If TypeName(dMembership) = "Dictionary" Then
dMembership.Add oChild.distinguishedName, oChild.CN
Set dMembership = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End If
'If the Child has any parents (=groups), run the same loop for these parents.
If TypeName(oChild.memberOf) = "Variant()" Then
oParents = oChild.GetEx("memberOf")
For Each sParent in oParents
If Not dMembership.Exists(sParent) Then
Set dMembership = GetMembership(sParent, dMembership)
End If
End If
End If
Set GetMembership = dMembership
End Function
在签名“指南”下方。这些脚本必须与 AD 中创建的组具有相同的名称才能工作。当用户是 AD 组 Signature-Marketing 的成员时,它将运行 \\MyDomain.local\NETLOGON\Outlook\Signatures\Signature-Marketing.vbs
'Set specific default values
Signature.sVersion = CDate("3/12/2012 15:35")
Signature.sName = "The name of my signature"
Signature.sCompanyNew = "MY COMPANY NAME"
Signature.sCompanyReply = "MY COMPANY NAME"
Signature.cName = "MY COMPANY NAME"
Signature.cStreet = "Street"
Signature.cBox = "123"
Signature.cPostal = "ZIP"
Signature.cCity = "City"
Signature.cMail = "info@company.com"
Signature.cVat = "VAT NUMBER"
Signature.cWebsite = "www.company.com"
Signature.cUrl = "http://www.company.com"
Signature.cLogo = "\\MyDomain.local\NETLOGON\Outlook\IMG\MyCompanyLogo.png"
Signature.cPhone = "+32 3 456 780"
Signature.cFax = "+32 3 456 789"
Signature.uName = "John Doe"
Signature.uPhone = "+32 3 456 780"
Signature.uFax = "+32 3 456 789"
位于默认模板下方。该脚本在 Outlook.vbs 中进行评估
oSelection.Font.Name = "Calibri"
oSelection.Font.Size = 11
oSelection.TypeText Signature.uName
If Not Signature.uTitle = "" Then
oSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
oSelection.TypeText Signature.uTitle
End If
If Not Signature.uDisclaimer = "" Then oSelection.TypeText " (*)"
' ### Add company table & info
Set tbl = oDoc.Tables.Add(oSelection.Range, 1, 2)
Set oTable = oDoc.Tables(1)
tWidth = oTable.Cell(1, 1).width + oTable.Cell(1, 2).width
' Add company logo to cell 1
Set oCell = oTable.Cell(1, 1)
Set oCellRange = oCell.Range
Set oLogo = oSelection.InlineShapes.AddPicture(Signature.cLogo)
oLogo.LockAspectRatio = true
oLogo.height = oWord.PixelsToPoints(50)
oCell.width = oLogo.width
' Add company info to cell 2
If Signature.cVat = "" Then
arrAddressInfo = Array(Signature.cName, Signature.cStreet & " " & Signature.cBox, Signature.cPostal & " " & Signature.cCity)
arrAddressInfo = Array(Signature.cName, Signature.cStreet & " " & Signature.cBox, Signature.cPostal & " " & Signature.cCity, Signature.cVat)
End If
strAddressInfo = Join(arrAddressInfo, " | ")
Set oCell = oTable.Cell(1, 2)
Set oCellRange = oCell.Range
oCell.width = tWidth - oLogo.width
oSelection.Font.Size = 10
oSelection.TypeText strAddressInfo
' Add phone number information
arrUserInfo = Array()
If Not Signature.uPhone = "" Then
ReDim Preserve arrUserInfo(UBound(arrUserInfo) + 1)
arrUserInfo(UBound(arrUserInfo)) = "T " & Signature.uPhone
End If
If Not Signature.uCell = "" Then
ReDim Preserve arrUserInfo(UBound(arrUserInfo) + 1)
arrUserInfo(UBound(arrUserInfo)) = "G " & Signature.uCell
End If
If Not Signature.uFax = "" Then
ReDim Preserve arrUserInfo(UBound(arrUserInfo) + 1)
arrUserInfo(UBound(arrUserInfo)) = "F " & Signature.uFax
End If
strUserInfo = Join(arrUserInfo, " | ")
If Not strUserInfo = "" Then
oSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
oSelection.TypeText strUserInfo
End If
oSelection.TypeText Chr(11)
' Add user mail address to cell 2
Set oLink = oSelection.Hyperlinks.Add(oSelection.Range, "mailto:" & Signature.uMail, , , Signature.uMail)
oLink.Range.Font.Color = oSelection.Font.Color
oLink.Range.Font.Size = 10
' Add company weblink to cell 2
oSelection.TypeText " | "
Set oLink = oSelection.Hyperlinks.Add(oSelection.Range, Signature.cUrl, , , Signature.cWebsite)
oLink.Range.Font.Color = oSelection.Font.Color
oLink.Range.Font.Size = 10
If Not Signature.uDisclaimer = "" Then oSelection.TypeText " | (*) " & Signature.uDisclaimer
tbl.Rows(1).Cells.VerticalAlignment = 1
创建您自己的 PRF 文件(引自 Microsoft TechNet):
使用 Office 自定义工具创建 PRF 文件
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似乎没有太多信息或任何好的代码示例用于以编程方式设置 Outlook 2007 MailItem 的类别。 MSDN has a limited page ,并提到使用 VB 的 拆分 功能,或多或少
Outlook 2007 在 Outlook 中撰写新邮件时,可以创建指向其他邮件的链接吗? Whww 我正在撰写一封新邮件,我想创建一个指向已发送项目的链接,单击此链接应该会打开邮件。 这能做到吗?