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assembly - 有关 VGA 和 putpixel intel x86 asm AT&T 语法的帮助

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 19:32:29 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我想在asm中画一条彩色线。我必须在 x86 intel linux 单元上使用 AT&T 语法。我已经了解了很多,但我想知道如何进入 VGA 模式或 X 模式,以及如何在屏幕上放置像素。标准 C 库中是否有相应的函数(如 printf)?

非常感谢您的帮助。 :)

<p>.bss # Declaring uninitialized variables</p>

<p>.data # Declaring initialized variables</p>

<p>.text # Actual assembly code and constants</p>

<pre><code>intro: .asciz "Draw a line in VGA\n\n"
clr: .asciz "Give a color \n"
optns: .asciz "red (1), blue (2), white (3)\n"
res .asciz "%d"
ent: .asciz "\n"

.global main # Tell kernel where to start (visible from outside)

<p>main: pushl %ebp # Push base pointer
movl %esp, %ebp # Initialize base pointer
pushl $intro # Push the string address
call printf # Call the printf routine from C library
addl $8, %esp</p>

<pre><code>pushl $clr # push color question on the stack
call printf # Print it

subl $4, %esp # Reserve stack space for variable
leal -4(%ebp), %eax # Load address of stack var in eax
pushl %eax # Push second argument of scanf
pushl $rets # Push first argument of scanf
call scanf # Call scanf

movl 4(%ebp), %ecx # mov the result in ecx
cmpl $1, %ecx
je red
cmpl $2, %ecx
je blue
jne white

<p>red: #... still working on this</p>

<pre><code> movl 0013h, %eax # enter 320x200x256 mode
int 10h # IS THIS CORRECT?

movl $0, %ebx # set X to 0
movl $0, %ecx # set Y to 0

call draw # Call line routine

movl 0003h, %eax # IS THIS CORRECT?
int 10h # return to text mode

movl $0, (%esp) # Make esp 0, indicating succesful termination
call exit # Exit the program

call putpixel
# pushl %ebp # Push the base pointer
# movl %esp, %ebp # Initialize base pointer
inc %ebx # increment X
inc %ecx # increment Y
cmpl $200, %ecx # check if Y => 200
jge end # if Y=> 200, jump to end
jmp draw # loop </p>

<p>putpxl: #has to put a pixel at (%ebx, %ecx) and return to draw
# should use the color from the main routine</p>

<p>end: movl %ebp, %esp # Remove local variables
popl %ebp # Remove base pointer
ret # return to main routine


您能做的最好的事情就是使用更高级别的库,例如 SDL 或 Allegro。这样,您的程序将在 X11 和非 VGA 帧缓冲区上运行(例如:基于 ARM 的嵌入式设备上的显示)。

Svgalib 允许对 VGA 和所谓的 SVGA 显卡进行编程。它的开发几年前就停止了。

访问 VGA 硬件有两种方法:

  • 使用寄存器
  • 使用 VGA BIOS:这是您尝试过的。 VGA BIOS 被编写为在实模式下运行。要从保护模式调用它们,您需要切换到 vm86 模式。这就是 LRMI(Linux 实模式接口(interface),与 DPMI 相反)所做的。

关于assembly - 有关 VGA 和 putpixel intel x86 asm AT&T 语法的帮助,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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