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javascript - jQuery 待办事项列表

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 18:31:01 24 4
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我正在研究用 jQuery(当然还有 JS)编写的简单待办事项列表。我已经创建了静态待办事项列表,可以仅通过编辑代码来添加新项目。从逻辑上讲,我现在要创建一个动态列表。

我已经尝试过一些方法,例如来自外部文件的 .load() 代码、创建 .after(),但对我来说这一切都出错了。


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ncubica,问题是目前我无法将新项目添加到我的列表中(只能编辑代码)。动态意味着可以添加/删除项目。为此,我尝试使用 .after()方法及其内部的函数,将复制 <li id="item1">List item here</li><li id="buttons1">Buttons here</li> (粗略地说),但它将所有列表项放在上面,所有按钮放在底部。


// Waiting for the document to load
$(document).ready(function() {
// Wanted to create a dynamic item list, that's why I used this variable. I thought it would
// generate unique IDs (there was 'id++' somewhere in the function I already deleted).
var id = 1;

// This is going to be used as an action for 'Add Item' button. (It is not a button, actually, it is just <span> with cursor: pointer. Using <a> causes page reload);
$('.add').click(function() {
$('#item'+id).after(function(i) { // '#item'+id should be something like this in the code: #item2, #item3, etc.


// 'Done' button
$('#done1').click(function() {
console.log('# "Done" button pressed');
$('#list1').css('background-color','#89f49a').css('border','1px solid #16bf31').css('text-decoration','line-through').css('color','#817f7f').css('font-weight','normal');
console.log('# Item doned successfully');

// 'Undone' button (is gonna be renamed to 'Reset');
$('#undone1').click(function() {
console.log('# "Undone" button pressed');

// 'Working' button
$('#working1').click(function() {
$('#list1').css('background-color','#edc951').css('border','1px solid #dda119').css('font-weight','bold').css('color','#000').css('text-decoration','none');

// 'Cancel' button
$('#cancel1').click(function() {
$('#list1').css('background-color','#ff8c8c').css('border','1px solid #ea2c2c').css('font-weight','normal').css('text-decoration','line-through').css('color','#f00');
// 'Delete' button
$('#del1').click(function() {

和 HTML 部分:

<div class="list">
<ul id="sortable">
<div class="list-item" id="item1"><div class="spacer1" id="spacer1"></div>
<div class="l-element" id="dlist1"><li id="list1" class="ui-widget ui-state-default">Create add feature</div>
<li id="action1" class="action"><input type="button" value="Done" class="done" id="done1"><input type="button" value="Undone" class="undone" id="undone1"><input type="button" value="Working" class="working" id="working1"><input type="button" value="Cancel" class="cancel" id="cancel1"><span id="del1" class="delete">Delete</span></li>
<div class="spacer"></div></div>

如您所见,我只编写了 1 个列表项。 ID 是静态的,目前无法更改。我需要的只是更改 ID(好吧,它将是 var id = 1; id++)并添加代码部分(在 <div class="list-item" 内)


为什么不尝试 jQuery 的 .clone() 并将其附加到“添加项目”行为?

您可以查看here .

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