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javascript - : "describe" and "it" coming from?的话从哪里来

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 18:28:25 27 4
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我看到一个用 Node.js 构建的应用程序,但我不明白 describeit 这两个词如何可用?

在浏览器控制台中, 是一个函数,describe 抛出一个ReferenceError


const {assert} = require('chai');
const {jsdom} = require('jsdom');

const parseTextFromHTML = (htmlAsString, selector) => {
const selectedElement = jsdom(htmlAsString).querySelector(selector);
if (selectedElement !== null) {
return selectedElement.textContent;
} else {
throw new Error(`No element with selector ${selector} found in HTML string`);

describe('User visits index', () => {
describe('to post an order', () => {
it('starts with a blank order', () => {

assert.equal(browser.getText('#deliver-to span'), '');
assert.equal(browser.getText('#cake-type span'), '');
assert.equal(browser.getText('#fillings span'), '');
assert.equal(browser.getText('#size span'), '');


mocha是 NodeJS 的测试框架。

chai是 Mocha 常用的断言库。

it() 和 describe() 来自 mocha,您通过 require ('chai') 隐式导入:

Introduction to Testing in Mocha andChai

Mocha Hooks:

  • it: Defines a single test.
  • describe: Defines a block of tests.

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