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sql - 创建链接服务器和数据库别名

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 18:10:27 32 4
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我有两台服务器 Server1 和 Server2

在两台服务器上我都有一个名为 QAI 的数据库

有没有一种方法可以让我创建一个别名为 Server2 到 Server1 的链接服务器,而不是Server1.QAI.dbo.tbBlah


这是必需的,因为 server2 上的 QAI DB 发生故障,需要在修复时回退到 Server1 实例



这有效。在 SQL2012 上测试

There are no problems to add SQL linked server to the specific host running it. But what if you need to give it an alias, rather than use hostname as linked server name? Here is how to do it:

1) Step 1:
• In SQL Server Management Studio open Linked Servers and then 'New Linked Server'.
• Inside of appeared wizard – Select the General tab.
• Specify alias name in "Linked server" field.
• Select SQL Native Client as provider.
• Add sql_server in "Product Name" field (that's the magic).
• In "Data Source" – specify name of the host to be used as linked server.

2) Step 2:
• In Security tab – specify proper security options (e.g. security context)

3) Step 3:
• In Server Options tab – put "Data Access", RPC, "Rpc Out" and "Use Remote Collaboration" to be true.

4) Step 4:
• Enjoy.

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