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opencv - 指纹图像中的感兴趣区域

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 17:37:04 24 4
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我正在使用 OpenCV 进行指纹识别项目。目前我需要提取指纹的内部区域(图像中的椭圆),但我不知道该怎么做。

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为清楚起见,@API55 的评论是正确的:

create a mask (white inside the ellipse and black outside) you can do this with ellipse function and -1 in the thickness. Then copy the image using the mask (bitwise_and for python or copyTo for c++ should do it)... you will always have a squared image, but you will have black (or the color you want) outside the ellipse

  • 在图像中的正确位置创建圆形蒙版
  • 使用该掩码复制图像
  • 您的新图像包含 mask 数据和其他任何地方的黑色数据。

  • 以下是如何在代码中实现此功能的示例:

    (我亲切地从 here借来的)
    Mat img = imread("small1.png", 0); // load gray
    Rect region(10,10,40,40); // example roi
    Mat roi(img, region); // part of img
    Mat mask(Size(40,40), CV_8U, Scalar(0)); // all black
    circle(mask, Point(20,20), 20, Scalar(255), -1, LINE_AA); // filled circle
    Mat circRoi;
    bitwise_and(roi, roi, circRoi, mask); // retain only pixels inside the circle
    // now you can do your intensity calculation on circRoi
    imshow("circle masked", mask);
    imshow("masked roi", circRoi);

  • Why ROIs don't have to be circular but Mats do
  • Older code example, useful for learning the theory but I wouldnt recommend implementing using IPLimage
  • Creating a custom ROI of any shape or size
  • 关于opencv - 指纹图像中的感兴趣区域,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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