- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
__author__ = 'x'
# Required for tkinter module graphics including GUI
from tkinter import *
# ttk is a sub-module of tkinter providing more 'themed' widgets - can be mixed with tkinter widgets
from tkinter import ttk
# Import OpenCV "Open Source Computer Vision"
import subprocess
# import subprocess for Mac alert pop up windows
# This is a simulation of workflow execution
def executeXML_Workflow(self):
''' ctypes is a Python library that includes message boxes ... solution from ...
http://win32com.goermezer.de/content/view/288/243/ '''
import ctypes
# Declare a messagebox
# msgbox = ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW
msgbox = applescript
# Declare and initialise a counter
count = 0
# Declare and initialise variable to detect messagebox button press types thereby break if 2 (Quit) clicked
returnValue = 0
# Iterate over XML tree object and output to message box
# NOTE: regarding Iterator Patterns, Python has built in iterators to all collections using for-in
for wfStep in self.root.findall('wfStep'):
# Increment the counter of workflow steps
count += 1
# .get is used to obtain attributes
self.type = wfStep.get('type')
self.API_call= wfStep.find('API_call').text
print("self.API_call is .....................", self.API_call)
self.name = "Step Number ... "+str(count)+"\n\nName: "+ wfStep.find('name').text+ "\n\nDescription: "+wfStep.find('description').text+"\n\nParameters: "+wfStep.find('parameters').text+ "\n\nAPI INSTRUCTION: "+wfStep.find('API_call').text
#Create a strategy selection object delegate resolving step functions to this
wfs = WfStepStrategyContext.BuildWfObject(self.type)
#returnValue = msgbox(None, self.name, self.type, 1)
returnValue = applescript """
display dialog"""+(None,self.name,self.type, 1)"""
with title "this is a mac pop up""
with icon caution
buttons {"OK"}
print("Return Value is ...", returnValue)
if returnValue ==
您在定义 returnValue
returnValue = applescript """
display dialog"""+(None,self.name,self.type, 1)"""
with title "this is a mac pop up""
with icon caution
buttons {"OK"}
returnValue = applescript + """
display dialog"""+(None,self.name,self.type, 1)+"""
with title "this is a mac pop up""
with icon caution
buttons {"OK"}
returnValue = applescript + """
display dialog "%s %s"
with title "%s %s"
with icon caution
buttons {"OK"}
""" % (None,self.name,self.type, 1)
关于python - openCV中的Mac警报弹出窗口,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58605814/
我连续有 11 个图像,如果鼠标悬停在其中一个图像上,我希望弹出一个弹出窗口。所以每 11 个图像都有不同的弹出窗口。我已经有一些代码可以执行此操作,但它仅适用于第一张图像。 代码:index.htm
是否可以从 NSColorWell 制作一个 NSColorPanel“弹出”,几乎像一个弹出菜单? 我不喜欢它作为调色板的实现方式,因为有时它与哪个 NSColorWell 关联并不明显。 谢谢!
我正在考虑一个想法,基本上我想要一个带有 NSPopoverController 的 NSStatusItem 。我读到了人们遇到的所有问题,但我只是想尝试一下。现在有干净的方法吗?我见过的所有版本都
如何获取 JS 打开的弹出窗口的 url。这是我的代码: var _url = 'someurlhere'; var popupwindow = window.open(_url, "Popu
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