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ID int not null primary key,
Type int not null,
Route varchar(20) null
Type=1, Percent=0.4, Route=A
Type=1, Percent=0.4, Route=B
Type=1, Percent=0.2, Route=C
Type=2, Percent=0.5, Route=A
Type=2, Percent=0.5, Route=B
Type=3, Percent=1.0, Route=C
完成后,我想将 40% 的 1 类产品分配给路线 A,将 40% 分配给路线 B,将 20% 分配给路线 C。然后将 50% 的 2 类产品分配给路线 A,将 50% 的 2 类产品分配给路线 A。产品到路线B等
这是我在您发布您正在使用 SQL-Server 之前准备的 Oracle 语句,但它可能会给您一些想法,尽管您必须使用 CTE 和自联接来推出您自己的ratio_to_report 分析函数。我们计算产品和客户路由表中每种类型的累积比例,并对匹配的比例带进行非等值连接。我使用的示例数据有一些舍入,但对于较大的数据集,这些舍入会减少。
create table products (id int not null primary key, "type" int not null, route varchar (20) null);
create table clienttable ( "type" int not null, percent number (10, 2) not null, route varchar (20) not null);
insert into clienttable ("type", percent, route) values (1, 0.4, 'A');
insert into clienttable ("type", percent, route) values (1, 0.4, 'B');
insert into clienttable ("type", percent, route) values (1, 0.2, 'C');
insert into clienttable ("type", percent, route) values (2, 0.5, 'A');
insert into clienttable ("type", percent, route) values (2, 0.5, 'B');
insert into clienttable ("type", percent, route) values (3, 1.0, 'C');
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (1, 1, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (2, 1, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (3, 1, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (4, 1, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (5, 1, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (6, 1, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (7, 1, null);
-- 7 rows for product type 1 so we will expect 3 of route A, 3 of route B, 1 of route C (rounded)
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (8, 2, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (9, 2, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (10, 2, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (11, 2, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (12, 2, null);
-- 5 rows for product type 2 so we will expect 3 of route A and 2 of route B (rounded)
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (13, 3, null);
insert into products (id, "type", route) values (14, 3, null);
-- 2 rows for product type 3 so we will expect 2 of route C
select prods.id, prods."type", client.route cr from
row_number () over (partition by p."type" order by p.id) / count (*) over (partition by p."type") cum_ratio
products p
) prods
inner join
select "type", route, nvl (lag (cum_ratio, 1) over (partition by "type" order by route), 0) ratio_start, cum_ratio ratio_end from
(select "type", route, sum (rr) over (partition by "type" order by route) cum_ratio
from (select c."type", c.route, ratio_to_report (c.percent) over (partition by "type") rr from clienttable c))) client
on prods."type" = client."type"
and prods.cum_ratio >= client.ratio_start and prods.cum_ratio < client.ratio_end
| ID | type | CR |
| 1 | 1 | A |
| 2 | 1 | A |
| 3 | 1 | B |
| 4 | 1 | B |
| 5 | 1 | B |
| 6 | 1 | C |
| 8 | 2 | A |
| 9 | 2 | A |
| 10 | 2 | B |
| 11 | 2 | B |
| 13 | 3 | C |
关于sql - 如何将 X% 的行更新为 A、Y% 的行更新为 B、Z% 的行更新为 C,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14467626/