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吗?即我可以用大量 TVar
Can one transaction update two different TVars in an atomic way?
是的,您可以在一次事务中自动更新多个 TVar。这就是 STM 的全部意义所在。如果你不能,它就不会很有用。
Can I compose data structures out of lots of TVars to reduce contention? If so, could you provide an example?
这是一个在数据结构中存储 TVar 的(有点愚蠢的)示例。它模拟银行帐户之间的一堆随机并发交易,其中每个帐户只是一个 TVar Integer
。帐户 TVar 保存在帐户 ID 的映射中,帐户 ID 本身保存在 TVar 中,以便可以动态创建新帐户。
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type AccountId = Int
type Account = TVar Dollars
type Dollars = Integer
type Bank = TVar (Map.Map AccountId Account)
numberOfAccounts = 20
threads = 100
transactionsPerThread = 100
maxAmount = 1000
-- Get account by ID, create new empty account if it didn't exist
getAccount :: Bank -> AccountId -> STM Account
getAccount bank accountId = do
accounts <- readTVar bank
case Map.lookup accountId accounts of
Just account -> return account
Nothing -> do
account <- newTVar 0
writeTVar bank $ Map.insert accountId account accounts
return account
-- Transfer amount between two accounts (accounts can go negative)
transfer :: Dollars -> Account -> Account -> STM ()
transfer amount from to = when (from /= to) $ do
balanceFrom <- readTVar from
balanceTo <- readTVar to
writeTVar from $! balanceFrom - amount
writeTVar to $! balanceTo + amount
randomTransaction :: Bank -> IO ()
randomTransaction bank = do
-- Make a random transaction
fromId <- randomRIO (1, numberOfAccounts)
toId <- randomRIO (1, numberOfAccounts)
amount <- randomRIO (1, maxAmount)
-- Perform it atomically
atomically $ do
from <- getAccount bank fromId
to <- getAccount bank toId
transfer amount from to
main = do
bank <- newTVarIO Map.empty
-- Start some worker threads to each do a number of random transactions
workers <- replicateM threads $ do
done <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ do
replicateM_ transactionsPerThread $ randomTransaction bank
putMVar done ()
return done
-- Wait for worker threads to finish
mapM_ takeMVar workers
-- Print list of accounts and total bank balance (which should be zero)
summary <- atomically $ do
accounts <- readTVar bank
forM (Map.assocs accounts) $ \(accountId, account) -> do
balance <- readTVar account
return (accountId, balance)
mapM_ print summary
putStrLn "----------------"
putStrLn $ "TOTAL BALANCE: " ++ show (sum $ map snd summary)
关于Haskell:以原子方式更新两个或多个 TVar。可能的?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10099815/
在 Haskell 中,类型声明使用双冒号,即 (::),如 not::Bool -> Bool。 但是在许多语法与 Haskell 类似的语言中,例如榆树、 Agda 、他们使用单个冒号(:)来声明
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如果这个问题有点含糊,请提前道歉。这是一些周末白日梦的结果。 借助 Haskell 出色的类型系统,将数学(尤其是代数)结构表达为类型类是非常令人愉快的。我的意思是,看看 numeric-prelud
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RWH 面世已经有一段时间了(将近 3 年)。在在线跟踪这本书的渐进式写作之后,我渴望获得我的副本(我认为这是写书的最佳方式之一。)在所有相当学术性的论文中,作为一个 haskell 学生,读起来多么
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当我尝试使用真实项目来驱动它来学习 Haskell 时,我遇到了以下定义。我不明白每个参数前面的感叹号是什么意思,我的书上好像也没有提到。 data MidiMessage = MidiMessage