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我们这里变得毛茸茸的。我已经在数据的具体表示上测试了一堆树同步代码,现在我需要对其进行抽象,以便它可以与支持正确方法的任何源和目标一起运行。 [实际上,这将是 Documentum、SQL 层次结构和文件系统等来源;具有 Solr 等目的地和自定义 SQL 交叉引用存储。]
棘手的部分是,当我向下递归类型 T
的树并同步到类型 U
的树时,在某些文件中,我需要将第二种类型 V
与该类型 U
进行“子同步”在当前节点。 ( V
表示文件内部的层次结构...)当我尝试将子同步添加到 V
时,F# 中的类型推断引擎就让我在这个问题上兜圈子。
我用 TreeComparison<'a,'b>
来表示它,因此上面的内容会产生 TreeComparison<T,U>
和 TreeComparison<V,U>
问题是,一旦我在其中一个类方法中提供具体的 TreeComparison<V,'b>
,当我希望第一个类型参数保持通用( V
)时,when 'a :> ITree
类型就会传播到所有推断。也许我可以对 TreeComparison<V,'b>
这确实很难压缩,但我想提供工作代码,您可以将其粘贴到脚本中并进行实验,因此开头有大量类型...如果您愿意,核心内容就在最后跳过。大多数通过 ITree 进行的跨类型的实际比较和递归都被砍掉了,因为没有必要看到我正在努力解决的推理问题。
open System
type TreeState<'a,'b> = //'
| TreeNew of 'a
| TreeDeleted of 'b
| TreeBoth of 'a * 'b
type TreeNodeType = TreeFolder | TreeFile | TreeSection
type ITree =
abstract NodeType: TreeNodeType
abstract Path: string
with get, set
type ITreeProvider<'a when 'a :> ITree> = //'
abstract Children : 'a -> 'a seq
abstract StateForPath : string -> 'a
type ITreeWriterProvider<'a when 'a :> ITree> = //'
inherit ITreeProvider<'a> //'
abstract Create: ITree -> 'a //'
// In the real implementation, this supports:
// abstract AddChild : 'a -> unit
// abstract ModifyChild : 'a -> unit
// abstract DeleteChild : 'a -> unit
// abstract Commit : unit -> unit
/// Comparison varies on two types and takes a provider for the first and a writer provider for the second.
/// Then it synchronizes them. The sync code is added later because some of it is dependent on the concrete types.
type TreeComparison<'a,'b when 'a :> ITree and 'b :> ITree> =
State: TreeState<'a,'b> //'
ATree: ITreeProvider<'a> //'
BTree: ITreeWriterProvider<'b> //'
static member Create(
atree: ITreeProvider<'a>,
apath: string,
btree: ITreeWriterProvider<'b>,
bpath: string) =
State = TreeBoth (atree.StateForPath apath, btree.StateForPath bpath)
ATree = atree
BTree = btree
member tree.CreateSubtree<'c when 'c :> ITree>
(atree: ITreeProvider<'c>, apath: string, bpath: string)
: TreeComparison<'c,'b> = //'
TreeComparison.Create(atree, apath, tree.BTree, bpath)
/// Some hyper-simplified state types: imagine each is for a different kind of heirarchal database structure or filesystem
type T( data, path: string ) = class
let mutable path = path
let rand = (new Random()).NextDouble
member x.Data = data
// In the real implementations, these would fetch the child nodes for this state instance
member x.Children() = Seq.empty<T>
interface ITree with
member tree.NodeType =
if rand() > 0.5 then TreeFolder
else TreeFile
member tree.Path
with get() = path
and set v = path <- v
type U(data, path: string) = class
inherit T(data, path)
member x.Children() = Seq.empty<U>
type V(data, path: string) = class
inherit T(data, path)
member x.Children() = Seq.empty<V>
interface ITree with
member tree.NodeType = TreeSection
// Now some classes to spin up and query for those state types [gross simplification makes these look pretty stupid]
type TProvider() = class
interface ITreeProvider<T> with
member this.Children x = x.Children()
member this.StateForPath path =
new T("documentum", path)
type UProvider() = class
interface ITreeProvider<U> with
member this.Children x = x.Children()
member this.StateForPath path =
new U("solr", path)
interface ITreeWriterProvider<U> with
member this.Create t =
new U("whee", t.Path)
type VProvider(startTree: ITree, data: string) = class
interface ITreeProvider<V> with
member this.Children x = x.Children()
member this.StateForPath path =
new V(data, path)
type TreeComparison<'a,'b when 'a :> ITree and 'b :> ITree> with
member x.UpdateState (a:'a option) (b:'b option) =
{ x with State = match a, b with
| None, None -> failwith "No state found in either A and B"
| Some a, None -> TreeNew a
| None, Some b -> TreeDeleted b
| Some a, Some b -> TreeBoth(a,b) }
member x.ACurrent = match x.State with TreeNew a | TreeBoth (a,_) -> Some a | _ -> None
member x.BCurrent = match x.State with TreeDeleted b | TreeBoth (_,b) -> Some b | _ -> None
member x.CreateBFromA =
match x.ACurrent with
| Some a -> x.BTree.Create a
| _ -> failwith "Cannot create B from null A node"
member x.Compare() =
// Actual implementation does a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to compare with a custom IComparable wrapper
//if not (x.ACurrent.Value = x.BCurrent.Value) then
// And then some stuff to move the right way in the tree
member internal tree.UpdateRenditions (source: ITree) (target: ITree) =
let vp = new VProvider(source, source.Path) :> ITreeProvider<V>
let docTree = tree.CreateSubtree(vp, source.Path, target.Path)
member internal tree.UpdateITree (source: ITree) (target: ITree) =
if not (source.NodeType = target.NodeType) then failwith "Nodes are incompatible types"
if not (target.Path = source.Path) then target.Path <- source.Path
if source.NodeType = TreeFile then tree.UpdateRenditions source target
member internal tree.SyncStep() =
match tree.State with
| TreeNew a ->
let target = tree.CreateBFromA
tree.UpdateITree a target
//tree.BTree.AddChild target
| TreeBoth(a,b) ->
let target = b
tree.UpdateITree a target
//tree.BTree.ModifyChild target
| TreeDeleted b ->
//tree.BTree.DeleteChild b
member t.Sync() =
// Now I want to synchronize between a tree of type T and a tree of type U
let pt = new TProvider()
let ut = new UProvider()
let c = TreeComparison.Create(pt, "/start", ut , "/path")
问题可能与 CreateSubtree 相关。如果您注释掉其中一个:
调用并将它们替换为 ()
这真是一个难题。我尝试将第二个 block 中的“比较”函数移出类型并将它们定义为递归函数;我已经尝试过一百万种注释或强制打字的方法。我就是不明白!
member internal tree.SyncStep() : unit =
// ^^^^^^
Understanding F# Value Restriction Errors
Unknown need for type annotation or cast
需要经验才能非常深入地了解 F# 类型推理算法的功能和局限性。但这个例子似乎属于人们在做非常高级的事情时遇到的一类问题。对于类的成员,F# 推理算法会执行类似的操作
经常发生的情况是,您到达第 3 点并迫使推理器开始尝试同时求解/约束所有方法体,而实际上这是不必要的,因为,例如也许某些函数有一个简单的具体固定类型。就像 SyncStep 是 unit->unit,但 F# 在步骤 3 中还不知道它,因为签名不明确,它只是说 ok SyncStep 对于某些尚未解决的类型 'a 具有类型“unit -> 'a”并且那么现在 SyncStep 通过引入不必要的变量使所有求解变得不必要地复杂化。
我发现这一点的方式是,第一个警告(此构造导致代码比类型注释指示的更不通用。类型变量“a 已被限制为类型“V”)位于最后一行调用 docTree.Compare() 时的 UpdateRenditions 主体。现在我知道 Compare() 应该是单位 -> 单位。那么我怎么可能会收到关于通用性的警告呢?啊,好吧,编译器当时并不知道返回类型是单位,所以它必须认为某些东西是通用的,但不是。事实上,我可以将返回类型注释添加到 Compare 而不是 SyncStep - 两者都可以。
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