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haskell - RPC(或: How do I disambiguate function application based on TypeRep values?)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 16:13:02 24 4
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我正在构建一些用于在 Haskell 中进行远程过程调用的基础设施,由于此处解释太长的原因,我无法重用现有的库。


class Serializable a where
encode :: a -> B.ByteString
decode :: B.ByteString -> Maybe a
maxSize :: a -> Int

其中BData.ByteString .

我可以用它来实现整数、 bool 值、可序列化列表、可序列化元组等的序列化。


data SerializableExt = forall t . Serializable t => SerializableExt t

因为我想发送 [SerializedExt] 类型的内容。

所以,当然,我需要创建一个实例Serializes SerializedExt。这就是问题开始的地方:

为了实现 decode::B.ByteString -> Maybe SerializedExt 我需要知道存在类型 SerializedExt 包装的具体类型。

因此,我实现了 encode::SerializedExt -> B.ByteString 作为序列化具体类型和值:

encode (SerializableExt x) = encode (typeOf x, x)

使用 Data-Typeable 中的 typeOf 。现在的问题是 decode::B.ByteString -> Maybe SerializedExt 的实现:

decode bs =
let (tyenc, xenc) = splitPair bs -- Not really important. It just splits bs into the two components
in case (decode tyenc :: Maybe TypeRep) of
Just ty -> SerializableExt <$> _ -- Somehow invoke decode xenc, where the choice of which decode to execute depends on the value of ty.
_ -> Nothing

但我不知道如何填补这里的漏洞。由于 Haskell 将值级别和类型级别分开,我无法使用 ty 的值来消除 decode xenc 调用的歧义,对吗?



decode bs =
let (tyenc, xenc) = splitPair bs
in SerializableExt <$>
case (decode tyenc :: Maybe TypeRep) of
Just ty
| ty == typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Int) -> decode xenc :: Maybe Int
| ty = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy ()) -> decode xenc :: Maybe ()
| ...
_ -> Nothing


  1. 扩展起来很乏味。
  2. 它不能一般地处理对(或通常:元组);每一个需要处理类型的组合。
  3. 这不是很 Haskelly


Data.Dynamic 允许我们将任意 Haskell 值放入单个容器中,并以类型安全的方式再次将它们取出。这是进程间通信的良好开端;我将在下面回到序列化。


{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Experiments with type-safe serialization.

module Main where

import Data.Proxy
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection

foo :: Int -> String -> String
foo i s = concat (replicate i s)

actor :: [Dynamic] -> Either String [Dynamic]
actor (di : ds : _) = case (fromDynamic di, fromDynamic ds) of
(Just i, Just s) -> Right [toDyn (foo i s)]
_ -> Left "Wrong types of arguments"
actor _ = Left "Not enough arguments"

caller :: Either String [Dynamic]
caller = actor [ toDyn (3::Int), toDyn "bar" ]

main :: IO ()
main = case caller of
Left err -> putStrLn err
Right dyns -> for_ dyns (\d -> case fromDynamic d of
Just s -> putStrLn s
Nothing -> print d)

我们可以使用TypeRep来指导类实例的选择。 (为了方便测试我的代码,我使用了String。)

class Serial a where
encode :: a -> String
decode :: String -> Maybe a

decodeAs :: Serial a => TypeRep a -> String -> Maybe a
decodeAs _ s = decode s

最后,我们想要序列化 ​​TypeRep,并在解码时检查编码类型是否与我们正在解码的类型匹配。

instance Serial SomeTypeRep

encodeDyn :: (Typeable a, Serial a) => a -> (String, String)
encodeDyn a = (encode (SomeTypeRep (typeOf a)), encode a)

decodeDynamic :: forall a. (Typeable a, Serial a) => String -> String -> Maybe a
decodeDynamic tyStr aStr = case decode tyStr of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (SomeTypeRep ty) ->
case eqTypeRep ty (typeRep :: TypeRep a) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just HRefl -> decodeAs ty aStr

关于haskell - RPC(或: How do I disambiguate function application based on TypeRep values?),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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