"Grande", 'tel' => "3339011233-6ren">
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javascript - AngularJS,过滤具有隐藏值的列表

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 15:17:01 26 4
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我有这个来自 PHP 的列表:

['id_cliente' => 1, 'nome' => "Arianna", 'cognome' => "Grande", 'tel' => "3339011233", 'source' => 1, 'stato' => 1, 'zona' => 3, 'indirizzo' => "Via Zanardelli, 17", 'city' => "Gardone Val Trompia", 'provincia' => "BS", 'impianto' => "CTO AP", 'id_utente' => 1, 'when' => "1450344800"],
['id_cliente' => 2, 'nome' => "Luigi", 'cognome' => "Baglioni", 'tel' => "3339011233", 'source' => 1, 'stato' => 2, 'zona' => 2, 'indirizzo' => "Via Guidini, 11", 'city' => "Roncadelle", 'provincia' => "BS", 'impianto' => "CTO CH", 'id_utente' => 3, 'when' => "1450427441"],
['id_cliente' => 3, 'nome' => "Maurizio", 'cognome' => "Serioli", 'tel' => "3339011233", 'source' => 1, 'stato' => 3, 'zona' => 2, 'indirizzo' => "Via Gramsci, 31", 'city' => "Torbole Casaglia", 'provincia' => "BS", 'impianto' => "PELLET", 'id_utente' => 3, 'when' => "1450427441"],
['id_cliente' => 4, 'nome' => "Rossella", 'cognome' => "Brescia", 'tel' => "3339011233", 'source' => 1, 'stato' => 4, 'zona' => 8, 'indirizzo' => "Via Roma, 1", 'city' => "Milano", 'provincia' => "MI", 'impianto' => "PELLET", 'id_utente' => 3, 'when' => "1450427441"],

我从 Angular 函数加载这些数据,该函数将这些数据加载到 clienti 数组中:

$scope.clienti = [];
$scope.loadClients = function(){
$http.post('server/serve/loadClients', {'type': '1'})
.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.clienti.push.apply($scope.clienti, data);

在 HTML 页面中,我有一个分配了 search ng-model 的搜索框,以及一个呈现行的表格。该表内有一个 ng-switch,它接受 cliente.stato 并根据其值呈现一个单词:

<tr ng-repeat="cliente in clienti | filter:search">
<td class="uk-text-center" ng-switch on="cliente.stato">
<span class="uk-badge uk-badge-success" ng-switch-when="1">Nuovo</span>
<span class="uk-badge uk-badge-warning" ng-switch-when="2">Appuntamentato</span>
<span class="uk-badge md-bg-blue-A400" ng-switch-when="3">Eseguito</span>
<span class="uk-badge uk-badge-danger" ng-switch-when="4">Annullato</span>

现在,我有 4 个按钮可用于过滤 cliente.stato


<li class="uk-active"><a ng-click="statusFilter = ''">Tutti</a></li>
<li><a ng-click="statusFilter = '1'">Nuovo</a></li>


<tr ng-repeat="cliente in clienti | filter:search | filter:statusFilter">



  • 一旦我点击“Tutti”过滤器就会过滤记录并显示全部
  • 如果我点击“Nuovo”,应过滤结果并仅显示 stato = 1 记录

而且我还必须保留按下的按钮的 active 类,但我可能可以自己修复它。


基本上你想用 cliente.stato 过滤所有内容,这是数字,创建一个自定义过滤器更好:

// here angular will create a custom filter for you, so you can 
// use it in your code, now it accept two params,
// the input is an array from your source, and the text
// is the expression after your filter, e.g. order: expression
angular.module('app', []).filter('order', function() {
return function(input, text) {

if (!text) {
return input;

// if text is empty, we don't do anything, just return
// the original input

// if text wasn't empty, we will filter it
// array filter will accept comparator, so when
// the value is the element in input, and
// if the condition is true, it will return new
// array with the values when the condition is true

return input.filter(function(value) {

return parseInt(value.stato) == parseInt(text);


<tr ng-repeat="cliente in clienti | filter:search | order:statusFilter">



关于javascript - AngularJS,过滤具有隐藏值的列表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34379839/

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